One Health: More than a buzzword?
Brussels, Belgium
October 12, 2017
Organizer: AnimalhealthEurope
Scope: International Event
Fee: EUR 430
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Interested stakeholders, alongside policy-makers, the animal health sector and research partners, discuss how we can take One Health action through legislation, research, partnerships and innovation.
Website: http://animalhealtheurope.eu/events/8-onehealth-conf.html
Seven Continents, One Health - A Webinar
Brussels, Belgium
November 3 - 4, 2017
Organizer: International Veterinary Students' Association
Scope: International Event
Fee: No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The inaugural IVSA Standing Committee on One Health webinar features experts from around the globe who are actively integrating one health into their respective careers.
Website: Youtube: IVSA SCOH
Training School on “Evaluation of One Health
Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
September 13-15, 2017
Organizer: Network for Evaluation of One Health
Scope: International Event
Fee: No
Open to Public: No
Description: The EU COST funded project Network for Evaluation of One Health (NEOH) is offering its third Training School on the topic ”Evaluation of One Health” with the aim to raise awareness and capacity for One Health evaluation.
Website: http://neoh.onehealthglobal.net/training-schools/
Food – knowledge or belief?
Helsinki, Finland
November 2 - 3, 2017
Organizer: One Health Finland
Scope: National Event (Country-wide)
Fee: None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Around the global One Health Day, on 2–3 Nov 2017, One Health Finland in collaboration with the Doctoral School in Environmental, Food and Biological Sciences, University of Helsinki, will organize a cross-disciplinary seminar and workshop titled, “Food – knowledge or belief?” The event aims to challenge beliefs concerning food and health by addressing the following questions: How do our choices regarding food impact our health? What is the state of wellbeing of the animals and environment we utilize? Is the amount of food sufficient in a changing world? What is the price of food? These issues touch upon fundamental One Health themes, including ethics, safety, health, environment-friendliness, economy and politics. Anyone interested is welcome to attend the seminar on either day (Thu 5 to 8 pm; Fri 5 to 7 pm). For further information and the registration form, please see our website: http://onehealth.fi. The event is held in Finnish.
Website: http://onehealth.fi
Workshop: “One Health in Development Cooperation” at the European Students Conference (ESC)
Location: Berlin, Germany
September 25 - 27, 2017
Organizer: European Students' Conference
Scope: International Event
Fee: 25- 100 €
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Previously focused on medicine, this year's European Students Conference will create a platform for multidisciplinary exchange of knowledge by including veterinary students as well as students of biotechnology, biology etc, bringing students from many different fields and cultures together. This year’s Conference topic is “Genetic Engineering- when chance meets choice”, which is a interdisciplinary topic itself. The interdisciplinary Organising Committee aims to present the scientific topic on various levels; e.g. the possible influence of GMO in future medical therapies as well as genetically modified mosquitoes for eradicating Malaria. Both examples will likely have an impact on the environment and we want our participants to keep that in mind. A final panel discussion will invite experts to discuss with conference participants the possible consequences of GMO in our society.
Besides the main topic, students are invited to actively present their own scientific work from their different fields in order to win the student competition and hopefully be inspired by their colleagues and how they tackled research-based challenges. Participants are invited to attend further workshops, which include the development of a medicine, working in a lab, gender medicine etc.
Website: www.esc-berlin.com
Contact: p.dettmann@esc-berlin.com
Workshop von und für Studierende verschiedener Fachbereiche zum One-Health-Day mit dem Schwerpunktthema: Tuberkulose bei Mensch und Tier, dessen geografische Ausbreitung und momentane Bedeutung
Location: Berlin, Germany
November 3, 2017
Organizer: Tierärzte ohne Grenzen e.V. / Vétérinaires sans frontières Germany
State/Provincial Event
Fee: None
Open to Public: No
Description: Interaktiver Bildungsworkshop von und für Studierende verschiedener Fachbereiche der Hochschulen in Berlin zum One-Health-Day mit dem Schwerpunktthema: "Tuberkulose bei Mensch und Tier, dessen geografische Ausbreitung und momentane Bedeutung" mit Impulsvorträgen, Wold Café und Diskussion
Contact: angi.schug@togev.de
Aktionstag zum Internationalen One Health Day
Location: Berlin, Germany
November 3, 2017
Organizer: Tierärzte ohne Grenzen e.V.
Local Event
Fee: None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: IThe topic of this event is tuberculosis. At first there will be some short lectures about the geographical distribution and the importance of tuberculosis in humans and animals. After that it`s time for a World Café where the participants can discuss four or five important questions about tuberculosis in different group constellations. At the end a group discussion will take place.
The objective of this workshop is to discuss development questions, to show global connections and to find some good ideas for cooperations.
Contact: angi.schug@togev.de
Tuberculosis and One Health: An interdisciplinary Workshop
Location: Berlin, Germany
November 3, 2017
Organizer: Tierärzte Ohne Grenzen Freiwillige Gruppe and IVSA Berlin
Local Event
Fee: None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Organized by veterinarians and vet students, the event will take place at Berlin's teaching hospital to reach out to students an professionals in human medicine. We will start with six brief presentations from veterinarians and doctors who will focus on different aspects of tuberculosis. We will consider the different species that are affected by the disease (be it animal or human,) the significance it can have for the meat we consume, and social, geographical, and environmental consequences.
The second part of the workshop will consist of a "World Café." We will split up into groups and visit separate stands, meeting each lecturer and discussing what we have learnt. Our goal is to reflect on how clinicians, researchers, and scientists alike can join forces to solve large, global issues. We believe that tuberculosis is a pressing and current issue that will serve as a good example to stress the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/events/531009967239510/?acontext=%7B"ref"%3A"29"%2C"ref_notif_type"%3A"plan_user_associated"%2C"action_history"%3A"null"%7D¬if_id=1508678497964261¬if_t=plan_user_associated
** ITALY **
ONE HEALTH - ONE MEDICINE Attualità, potenzialità e potenziamento dei dipartimenti di prevenzione e delle politiche per la protezione della salute
Location: Roma, Italy
November 3, 2017
Organizer: Federazione Veterinari e Medici
Scope: National Event
Fee: None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The conference intends to improve the effectiveness of the One Health approach through better balance and interaction among professionals to improve the efficiency of existing networks, in particular between doctors and veterinarians in public health, family physicians, pharmacists, epidemiologists, practitioners environmental and faunist sectors, sociologists, economists, lawyers, lawmakers, institutional decision-makers, and experts in sustainable development.
Website: www.federazioneveterinariemedici.it
Contact: info@federazioneveterinariemedici.it
Workshop: “Workshop on meta-analysis”
Location: Skopje, Macedonia
September 25-27, 2017
Organizer: University Ss Cyril and Methodius, Faculty of Economics - Skopje
Scope: International Event
Fee: No
Open to Public: No
Description: The objective of the workshop is to perform the meta-analysis on the WG2 study cases and to initiate the integration to this meta-analysis of additional study cases retrieved from the scientific literature. The workshop includes thus mostly working sessions in which the moderator is expected to introduce the session, to facilitate the collective work and to conclude the session. Only session 3 (the session on meta-study methodology) is devoted to the presentation of methodologies by an invited speaker. Because the meta-analysis implies quantities such as the OHness index developed by WG1 and integrates the case studies evaluated by WG2, members WG1 and WG2 should participate to the workshop.
Website: http://neoh.onehealthglobal.net/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2015/01/NEOH-WG3-workshop_draft-21-June.pdf
Contact: mijalche@santa.mk
** SPAIN **
Trash Pick Up and Litter Awareness
Location: Sitges, Barcelona
November 4, 2017
Organizer: Back to Nature Sitges
Scope: Local Event
Fee: No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Join the Back to Nature team to pick up trash and learn about the importance of keeping nature clean and how plastics are harmful to our environment. Our local group of volunteers is committed to the One Health collaborative effort to work locally to attain optimal health for people, domestic animals, wildlife, plants, and our environment. We recognize, as the One Health Commission does, that environmental health may affect human and animal health through contamination, pollution and poor conditions. This event will raise awareness about environmental pollution and bring together like-minded individuals to contribute to our local community.
Contact: ccorns@gmail.com
Biodiversity and Human Health: Building a crowdsourced global definition on Biodiversity through a MOOC
Location: Switzerland
November 3, 2017
Organizer: University of Geneva
Scope: State/Provincial Event
Fee: No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The area on “Biodiversity and Health” is rapidly gaining importance in the arena of Global Health, and an unprecedented agenda is being currently set bringing together WHO, the Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and other organizations. The impressive CBD/WHO/UNEP report “Connecting Global Priorities, Biodiversity and Human Health. A State of Knowledge Review” demonstrates the complexity of biodiversity and human health interlinkages.
Based on this report, a new module on “Biodiversity and Human Health” will be launched in Spring 2018 in the MOOC on "Global Health at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface" on Coursera "https://www.coursera.org/learn/global-health-human-animal-ecosystem/home/welcome".
Participants from all over the world registered in the MOOC are invited to watch two introductory video-lectures by the new Director-General of WHO Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, and by Cristina Romanelli from the Secretariat for the Convention on Biological Diversity and to contribute to the future module by answering two questions:
What is your definition on biodiversity? Why do you think biodiversity is important in your local context? All the information collected will help build a crowdsourced global definition on Biodiversity and raise awareness on the importance of biodiversity for human health.
Website: Participants have to register to the MOOC "Global Health at the Human-Animal-Ecosystem Interface" on Coursera: https://www.coursera.org/learn/global-health-human-animal-ecosystem/home/welcome
Contact: isabelle.bolon@unige.ch
One Health and Antimicrobial Resistance
Location: Camden, London
November 8, 2017
Organizer: Royal Veterinary College
Scope: State/Provincial Event
Fee: No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: As well as promoting One Health throughout the day and local One Health activities (teaching and research), the main event will be a panel of experts discussing their different one health approaches to AMR. This will be followed by a drinks reception.
Website: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/one-health-and-antimicrobial-resistance-tickets-39215060301
Contact: palarcon@rvc.ac.uk
6th Edition of International Conference on Antibiotics, Antimicrobials & Resistance
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland
October 11 - 12, 2017
Organizer: Euroscicon ltd
Scope: International Event
Fee: $599
Open to Public: No
Description: EuroSciCon welcomes you to attend the 6th Edition of International Conference on Antibiotics, Antimicrobials & Resistance during October 11-12, 2018 Edinburgh, Scotland. We cordially invite all the participants who are interested in sharing their knowledge and research in the area of Antibiotics, Antimicrobials and Resistance with the theme “Magic Bullets Targeting Deadly Microbes and Improving World Health”. International Conference on Antibiotics 2018 mainly focuses on Discovery of Antibiotics, Antibiotic Therapy, Production in Antibiotics, Antibiotic Resistance and Prevention, Antimicrobial Resistance, Pharmacology of Antibiotics, Medical Use of Antibiotics, Antibiotics in Oncology, Antibiotics of Veterinary Importance and others.
For more details visit : http://antibiotics-microbial.euroscicon.com/
Website: http://antibiotics-microbial.euroscicon.com/
Contact: antibiotics@eurosciconconferences.com
Launch of applications for Soulsby Fellowships in One Health
Location: Sandwich, Kent
October 1 - December 31, 2017
Organizer: The Soulsby Foundation
Scope: International Event
Fee: None
Open to Public: No
Description: The Soulsby Foundation is now open for Veterinary & Medical graduates who have a proposal for an impactfull project in the field of One Health, especially internationally, to apply for a Soulsby Fellowship up to the value of £20K
Website: www.SoulsbyFoundation.org