One Health Awareness Month
*YOU* can help the world understand!
The One Health Awareness Month Campaign was launched December 31, 2019 on Facebook by the One Health Commission and Louisiana One Health in Action.
It was conceived in response to U.S. Senate Resolution S. 462 declaring January 2020 to be U.S. National One Health Awareness Month. (See more background)
Excitingly, the campaign was picked up and promoted by One Health advocates around the world and is now celebrated annually.
Help keep the momentum going!!
Help raise awareness about the critical power of and urgent need for One Health! Each year during the month of January join the One Health Commission, Louisiana One Health in Action and One Health Lessons in leading the annual One Health Awareness Month campaigns via social media and innovative outreach. We encourage you to take action to inspire more people to become One Health advocates and leaders!
Not sure how to participate?
No worries! A One Health Awareness Month Guide (more information below) has been developed that includes a 31-Day One Health Social Media Challenge Calendar of suggested topics that you can use each day in your local community and in your social media and professional networks. If you look at the topics highlighted each day you will get a sampling of the 'many arenas' begging to be addressed using a One Health approach, a One Health way of thinking and acting.
Be sure to use the hashtags #OneHealth and #OneHealthAwarenessMonth in your posts. The hashtags draw attention, connect to other posts and further discussions promoting One Health across Social Media!
Create your own posts highlighting 'your' favorite One Health topics. You might like to plan your month's activities around the One Health Commission's slogan, 'Connect, Create, Educate'.
- Reach out to media outlets, friends, family, colleagues, lawmakers. Share information about the One Health approach and why it is so urgently needed. Use a personal story about the power of One Health.
- Reach out to your state veterinarian, epidemiologist and public health officials to let them know about One Health Awareness Month. Ask them what you can do to help educate about a particular One Health issue in your area.
- Identify other individuals / groups / organizations that are working to further One Health and partner up on events and activities this month and throughout the year.
During the month of January, participate in the One Health Awareness Month Campaign. See the Social Media Challenge Calendar (below) for topics to create a post each day using the hashtags #OneHealth and #OneHealthAwarenessMonth.
Request a Gubernatorial Proclamation in your state or region declaring January as One Health Awareness Month. The International Student One Health Alliance (ISOHA) provides a 'How To' document to guide you through the process. (Examples: See Gubernatorial Proclamations for Iowa One Health Month, Louisiana One Health Month, and the state of Washington's One Health Day Proclamation). Many countries have also adopted One Health Strategic Plans and Toolkits.
- In addition to your social media postings, start planning your One Health Day event. While ‘officially’ celebrated annually on November 3, One Health Day events can happen ‘any’ time of the year. For ideas, see One Health Day Event Maps and Descriptions for 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020 and 2021 (even and most especially during this pandemic). Be sure to register your event(s) to get them on the map!
- Give a presentation (online during this pandemic) about One Health and One Health issues at / for a library, school, park, church, business, etc. in your community.
- Pass out educational brochures about your favorite One Health topic to raise awareness of One Health in your community.

One Health Awareness Month Guide and Calendar

Thank you for ‘your’ leadership for One Health, for doing what you can,
with what you have, wherever you are!!