Who can participate?
- Anyone, individuals or groups, from academic to corporate to non-profit, from students to established professionals, can plan and implement a One Health Day event.
Why should you participate?
- To enhance human, animal and environmental health and well-being by advancing awareness and understanding of the One Health concept
- To build networks that provide opportunities for collaboration among many health-related disciplines
- To share your perspectives and knowledge with like-minded individuals from diverse backgrounds
- To expand your own trans-disciplinary network and understanding of the diversity of One Health sciences and perspectives
- To gain valuable experience in developing, organizing, coordinating and funding a compelling and appealing One Health awareness and educational program. (As a student, this will augment your vitae / resume)
- To help the public understand One Health, especially law and policy makers. Sharing the One Health Day maps can be quite impressive when you are trying to explain what One Health is and how it is being embraced around the world.
- If a student, and if you like, to compete for cash prizes and global recognition of your event by renowned international One Health experts.
What can you do?
First save 3 November, 2018 for One Health Day. Then identify and bring together like-minded colleagues and others in your region to organize and support local, creative and innovative awareness and educational events on or around One Health Day. Note: Events do not have to fall right 'on' November 3. Actually, events held any time of the year that educate about One Health and One Health issues can be registered as Celebrations of One Health Day for that year.
You can focus on any topic that falls under the One Health umbrella but your event should address the inter-connectivity of human, animal and environmental health. Your event can be about 'What One Health is and means' or it can teach about some One Health topic or issue.
What kind of support can you expect?
- Free use of the One Health Day logo (You might help translate it into ‘your’ regional language. Let your Regional Spokesperson know if you need a language for which we do not yet have a translation).
- Free promotional support through the OneHealthDay.Org web pages and Maps, via One Health Day Facebook page, #OneHealthDay and via electronic newsletters regularly circulated by the three sponsoring organizations and their partners.
- Event ideas from previous event postings and program suggestions. (See Events Listings for 2016 and 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023).
- Assistance in selecting speakers can be obtained via your Regional spokesperson and/or via the One Health Speaker Bank
- Financial support will not be provided.

One Health is needed all year round so events celebrating One Health can be held any time of the year.
Organizers, PLEASE register/submit your events to get them on the One Health Day Map.
1. Identify and coalesce your Event Team and Ideas
2. Plan your event
3. Register your event on the One Health Day website
4. Advertise your event widely through local media in your region, by posting articles, blog posts, pictures, and/or video recordings online using #OneHealthDay
a. on the One Health Day Facebook page
b.and on the One Health Day webpage after registering and getting on the map
For more information about One Health Day Events or assistance with filling out the Registration form, please contact your Regional spokesperson.
Student Competition
While anyone can participate, One Health Day especially encourages students (secondary, undergraduate, graduate, professional) to set up One Health events that facilitate student delegates working together from different academic disciplines / backgrounds.
For fun and added incentive, student teams organizing an event for One Health Day may enter their event to compete for cash prizes. Each year award-winning student events from different global regions will be selected by a jury of renowned international One Health experts.
What if we cannot hold our event ‘on’ November 3?
No problem. One Health is highly relevant and needed all year round. Hold your One Health Day event whenever you can. Your event can happen at any time of the year but please do register it to get it on the map.

Follow One Health Day on Facebook and at #OneHealthDay