Event Submission Form

Requirements to register a One Health Day Event
Having an event you want to register as a One Health Day event? Terrific!! Be sure that it meets these requirements to get it on the map.
1. It must be obvious to the One Health Day Planning Team and to the public just how an event teaches about and promotes the concept of One Health and its relevance to One Health-related challenges and issues. The words One Health must be found somewhere in your submitted event description, on the event webpage and during the event for it to qualify as a One Health Day event.
2. Post the One Health Day logo on your event webpage (if you have one). This will help promote the concept.
3. Event Descriptions must be limited to 150 words. Be concise about how your event promotes One Health and/or educates about a One Health issue. If your description is missing or if it exceeds the 150 word limit, your event will not be posted.
During the event registration process you will be given the opportunity to upload one pdf (no length restrictions) of your choosing to appear with your event posting. Unless competing in the Student Event competition, it's up to you 'when' you register your event. Some teams like to wait until 'after' their event so they can include an overview and photos from the event in their pdf.
For more information about One Health Day Events or assistance with filling-out this form please contact your Regional Spokesperson.

Note: If the One Health Day Planning Team is unable to tell by your event registration submission or event webpage just how your event promotes or educates about One Health or One Health issues, if your event description is missing, or if your event description exceeds 150 words, we will be unable to post it as a One Health Day event. Events are coming in rapidly. It may take 7-10 days for your submission to appear on the annual One Health Day Events page and map.

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