Location: La Plata, Buenos Aires
Title: International Day of One Health
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Faculty of Veterinary Science National University of La Plata
Scope: National Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Multi-disciplinary issues such as antimicrobial resistance, toxoplasmosis and Dengue - Zika will be addressed under the umbrella of One Health
Contact: Professor Gabriela Giacoboni (giacoboni@fcv.unlp.edu.ar)
** BRAZIL **
Location: Rio de Janeiro
Title: PANAFTOSA-OPS/OMS en el Día de "Una Salud"
Date: November 2-7, 2016
Organizer: Veterinary Public Health Unit of PAHO - PANAFTOSA (Unidad de Salud Pública Veterinaria de la OPS - PANAFTOSA)
Scope: International Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Sensitize all stakeholders in the Americas involved in "One Health" (Concienciar a todos los actores en las Américas involucrados en “Una Salud")
Contact: panaftosa@paho.org
Location: Lavras, Minas Gerais
Title: I Jornada sobre Saúde Única da UFLA - One Health Day at UFLA
Date: November 3-9, 2016
Organizer: Universidade Federal de Lavras, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The events aim to give wide dissemination of the concept "One Health " to all academic and external community, since November 03th is the worldwide day to promote the "One Health" strategy . During the events will be provided information about the interdependence of the human, animal and environmental health. It will have involvement of undergraduate and graduate students, professors and professionals of different fields related to Human, Animal or Environment Health.
Website: www.ufla.br
Contact: Prof. Elaine Dorneles (elaine.dorneles@dmv.ufla.br)
Location: Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul
Title: Encontro sobre Saúde Única da UFMS - One Health Day at UFMS
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: It is an academic event with invited lecturers. During the day we plan to discuss the importance of bats in the environment and their role in spreading diseases and the usage of spatial tools and environmental elements in one health research.
Website: saudeunicaufms.blogspot.com
Contact: Prof. Juliana Arena Galhardo (juliana.galhardo@ufms.br)
Location: Recife, Pernambuco
Title: Saúde Única: resíduos de medicamentos de uso veterinário em produtos de origem animal
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Laboratório de Parasitologia, Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco - LAPAR/UFRPE
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: (EN) Considering the increase in cases of drug resistance and drug residues in livestock products, the round-table conference will bring the theme based on antiparasitic drugs, antibiotic, aviculture and yours interferences and interactions on human health / (PT)Considerando o aumento de casos de resistência medicamentosa e resíduos de medicamentos em produtos de origem animal, a mesa-redonda trará a temática baseada em drogas antiparasitárias, antibióticas, avicultura e a interferência na saúde humana.
Website: www.facebook.com/laparufrpe
Contact: Prof. Jaqueline Bianque de Oliveira (lapar.ufrpe@gmail.com)
Location: Webinar
Title: Webinar: Effectiveness of the One Health Approach to address complex health problems involving people, animals and environment: perspectives and challenges in Brazil (Abordagem “One Health” na resolutividade de problemas complexos de saúde envolvendo pessoas, animais e o meio ambiente: perspectivas e desafios no Brasil)
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: PROEPI- Brazilian Society for Field Epidemiology Professionals
Scope: National Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Brazilian One Health Network promotes a discussion for better understanding of the One Health concept and challenges nationwide and intends to build networks that provide opportunities for collaboration.
Rede One Health Brasil promove uma discussão para melhor compreensão do conceito One Health e desafios em todo o país, tendo ainda a intenção de construir redes que fornecem oportunidades de colaboração.
Website: http://proepi.org.br/
Contact: Dr David Soeiro Barbosa (davidsoeiro@gmail.com)
** CANADA **
Location: Guelph, Ontario
Title: One Health Poster Day
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Centre for Public Health and Zoonoses - University of Guelph
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: CPHAZ is celebrating Global One Health day by hosting an event at the Summerlee Science Complex Atrium displaying posters from clubs, students, faculty and local public health groups on the One Health related activities happening in Guelph. Stop by and check out all the great work and talk with some of the folks involved in One Health at the University of Guelph.
Website: www.ovc.uoguelph.ca/cphaz
Contact: Dr. Jan Sargeant (cphaz@uoguelph.ca)
Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia
Title: One Health Introduction, College of Sustainability,Dalhousie
Date: November 1, 2016
Organizer: Dalhousie University
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: No
Description: An introductory presentation incorporated into a first year class in the College of Sustainability, Dalhousie University. The talk focuses on the potential of One Health to become a transformative paradigm for re-thinking interactions and relationships between humans, other animals, and environments.
Contact: Dr Cassandra Hanrahan (cassandra.hanrahan@dal.ca)
Location: Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Title: Making the Links: Human-Animal Welfare, Cruelty, Abuse and Neglect
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Universities of Regina and Saskatchewan
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: This interactive community seminar will: (1) introduce One Health, with a focus on zooeyia (the positive benefits from interacting with companion animals), (2) situate the promising results of research released on One Health Day specific to the health benefits of the human-animal bond with horses, and (3) discuss the above within the context of cross-reporting human and animal violence.
Contact: Dr. Colleen Dell (colleen.dell@usask.ca)
** CHILE **
Location: Santiago
Title: 2nd International Workshop on Spatial Molecular Epidemiology: Integrating Tools in Food Safety Towards One Health
Date: November 11-12, 2016
Organizer: Universidad Andrés Bello
Scope: International Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Limited to 30 people, this workshop will provide tools to integrate spatial data and molecular characterization information into a spatial context. It will be trained by the Stemma Lab at the University of Minnesota and the Epilab at the Universidad Andres Bello.
Website: www.f2fork.org
Contact: Dr. Fernando Mardones (Fernando.mardones@unab.cl)
Location: Santiago, Región Metropolitana
Title: Seminario One Health Day, FAVET
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: FAVET, Universidad de Chile
Scope: National Event
Fee? None but space is limited
Open to Public: Yes
Description: This event will bring together national and international parties to prioritise the development of one health in our region over the next five years. These have been organised into four subjects; Climate change and effects in biodiversity, Antimicrobial resistance, Emerging diseases and One health in Chile, bringing theory into practice.
Briceño (cristobal.briceno@uchile.cl)
Location: Quito, Pichincha
Title: 'Un planeta, una solución, una salud' [One planet, one solution, one health]
Date: November 2-3, 2016
Organizer: Romero Stories
Scope: National Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: What is One Health? With the help of Luis Escobar from the University of Minnesota, we prepared two small lectures about the topic that were live transmitted (02-11-2016) and now are freely available for everybody in youtube (https://goo.gl/f4uOko). We chose to present the lectures in spanish to broad the audience about this important topic.
Daniel Romero-Alvarez (http://www.romerostories.com/)
** HAITI **
Location: Port-au-Prince
Title: One Health Day
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: One Health Haiti
Scope: State/Provincial Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The goal of One Health Day is to bring attention around the world to the need for One Health interactions and for the world to ‘see them in action’. The One Health Day campaign is designed to engage as many individuals as possible from as many areas as possible in One Health education and awareness events, and to generate an inspiring array of projects worldwide.
More Information: Facebook Page "Groupe Une Seule Sante Haiti"
Contact: Marc-Donald Simeus (mcdonald.simeus@gmail.com)
Location: Nation-wide
Title: One Health Jamaica River Health Song Competition
Date: November 19, 2016
Organizer: One EU funded Health One Caribbean One Love Project
Scope: National Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: “One Health” is a global movement that involves a multi-disciplinary approach in which human, veterinary and environmental health professionals collaborate to solve complex health issues. One Health Jamaica (OHJ), is part of the EU funded, One Health One Caribbean One Love Project and is using this approach to promote water safety and security in the Maroon community of Scotts Hall in St. Mary. As such, a workshop was held on August 20, 2016 in Scotts Hall. At this workshop, residents and farmers were engaged in discussions about clean rivers and healthy farming practices, with a major focus on practical strategies for sustainable pig farming and increasing the community’s potential for ecotourism.
The River Health Song Competition is another major component of the One Health Jamaica project, which is part of the EU funded One Health One Caribbean One Love Project, being implemented by University of the West Indies, St. Augustine. In order to increase participation and garner buy-in from community members, especially young people who may not have attended the One Health Jamaica workshop, a song competition will be held. The competition finals will be in Scotts Hall, St Mary and used as a means to highlight the interconnection between farming, other livelihoods and water.
Bay-C, bass vocalist of the twice platinum, reggae, international group TOK is the celebrity patron for the One Health Jamaica project and he will serve as a judge on the finals on November 19. Rootz Underground lead singer, Stephen Newland, will also serve as a celebrity judge at the finals. More information on the River Health Song Competition may be found at www.facebook.com/onehealthjamaica.
Website: one.healthcaribbean.org
Contact: Dr Chandra Degia (cadegia@gmail.com)
** MEXICO **
Location: Escobedo, Nuevo León
Title: Promoting One Health: Health Week at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Nuevo Leon
Date: October 24 - November 3, 2016
Organizer: Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The event "Promoting One Health: Health Week at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the UANL" will be held from 24 to 29 October at the premises of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, where there will be conferences and stands sisters Faculties area health providing services free of charge, on 29 a "race for health" will be held and a "walk through one health" in the latter part pets with their owners, this day will be placed stands to provide services worming and free vaccination to the community as well as a focused Stand Environmental Care. On November 3, the World Day of "One Health" in the auditorium of the Faculty of Medicine of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon, lectures will be held in promoting the concept of One Health with speakers from the fields of medicine veterinary. Human Medicine and Environmental Care.
Contact: Dr Juan José Zárate Ramos (jzarater@hotmail.com)
Location: Tepatitlán de Morelos, Jalisco
Title: Simposio de resistencia microbiana
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Centro Universitario de los Altos - Universidad de Guadalajara
Scope: State/Provincial Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Meeting of specialists in animal, food and medical area, to discuss antimicrobial resistance.
Website: www.cualtos.udg.mx
Contact: Edgar Padilla (epadilla@cualtos.udg.mx)
** PERU **
Location: Lima
Title: II Simposio UNA SALUD: El Concepto en Acción
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia
Scope: National Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Event organized by the Faculty of Public Health and Administration and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University, to be held as part of the celebrations of the International Day of One Health. It is the second meeting organized by our faculties, and shows the great importance of addressing global health issues in integrated and holistic way at this moment, focusing on the intersection of animal health, human health, and the environment.
Contact: Michelle Chan (michelle.chan@upch.pe)
** ST. LUCIA **
Location: Countrywide
Title: Discussions on One Health - St. Lucia
Date: October 31 - November 4, 2016
Organizer: EU-funded One Health One Caribbean One Love Project
Scope: National Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: University of the West Indies, EU funded One Health One Caribbean One Love Project is supporting the The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Physical Planning, Natural Resources & Co-operatives, & Ministry of Health & Wellness & the St. Lucia Veterinary Medical Association to commemorate "One Health Day". The Team will be hosting a series of talks at different institutions from Mon 31 Oct - Fri 4th Nov. The goal is to sensitize the public on One Health and its approach to addressing emerging and re-emerging diseases affecting humans, animals and the environment.
Website: www.onehealthcaribbean.org
Contact: Dr Auria King- Cenac (auria.kingcenac@govt.lc)
Location: Basseterre
Title: Caring for our environment through One Health approaches
Date: October 1 - November 3, 2016
Organizer: Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Using the One Health concept, we are raising awareness of how much we depend on our environment for food, water, shelter and our overall health; and the health of the animals we care for. From our daily lives we have an impact on the environment; however, here on campus we are producing a tremendous amount of waste particularly from single-use food containers. We can reduce the impact on our local environment by doing simple changes in our routines: for example, refuse to use single-use containers by bringing your own food containers. Throughout the month of October, we have been collecting data on people’s knowledge, attitudes and behaviors regarding the amount of waste produced and of ways people think we can do to help reduce our impact on the environment. We also have been sending environmentally friendly messages along with other interventions including a workshop for children at our local preparatory school about the importance of the One Health concept for working together for a better future. On November 3rd, we will put together all these initiatives about environmentally friendly projects and simple lifestyle choices that will help reduce our impact on our local environment.
Short Video: Caring for our Environment
More Information: CLICK HERE
Contact: Dr Luis Cruz Martinez (Lcruzmartinez@rossvet.edu.kn)
Location: West Indies
Title: Interactive Lecture with One Health Director Dr. Guardabassi
Date: October 28, 2016
Organizer: RUSVM One Health Club
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: No
Description: RUSVM's Clinical Microbiology Professor, Dr. Guardabassi, (now the Director of RUSVM One Health Center for Zoonoses & Tropical Veterinary Medicine) is taking time out of his busy schedule to interact with One Health students and
discuss the future of One Health on the island of St. Kitts as well as other ideas for us to get involved in.
Contact: Cassidy McCarthy (cassidymccarthy@students.rossu.edu)
Location: West Indies
Title: One Health Club's Movie Night
Date: October 28, 2016
Organizer: RUSVM One Health Club
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: No
Description: One Health club members are coming together to watch "Contagion" and discussing afterwards the pandemonium that can arise from an outbreak. The movie helps us realize how important it is for everyone involved in medicine/science to work together to create a solution and minimize damage/harm to the public.
Contact: Cassidy McCarthy (cassidymccarthy@students.rossu.edu)
Location: West Indies
Title: One Health Day, Every Day Fair
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Ross University School of Veterinary Medicne
Scope: State/Provincial Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: No
Description: At Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine (RUSVM) we recognize that animal well-being is dependent on a clean environment and a healthy human population. As postgraduate students, we recognize the challenges of information dissemination in a small third world country. This is part of our daily reality and it inspired us to organize the 1st RUSVM One Health Day Fair which will be held on campus from 12-1pm on November 3rd. The Fair will be open to all RUSVM community members as well as other invited island organizations and businesses. All student clubs have also been encouraged to participate regardless of their focus. We are certain we can all find "One Health ways" to improve our impact on the enviroment, while we care for ourselves and our ecosystem. We have encouraged students and colleagues to think of ways that they already use the One Health concept in their daily routines, group activities or organization's mission. At the fair, we will provide a safe and friendly environment to share and experience practical examples of how our lifestyle can have a positive impact on the environment, animal and human health. After the fair, we will gather all the information obtained and shared. We will continue to have an open sharing space on our Facebook page and we will write a proposal to the University authorities presenting short, medium and long term changes in our campus that could spearhead change with a ripple effect in the wider island communities.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/groups/RUSVMOneHealthDayFair
More Information: Through our Facebook event page, email created for the event (OHFairSKB@gmail.com) or by phone (+1 869 465 4161 ext. 1325)
Contact: Dr Katalina Zuniga Brenes (OHFairSKB@gmail.com)
Location: West Indies
Title: Symposium: Antimicrobial Resistance in Animals and Humans - and other One Health Activities
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Ross University School of Veterinary Medicne
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The first Global One Health Day on November 3 will be observed at Ross University with a variety of campus-wide activities focused on raising awareness about how we can all help the environment by practicing the One Health approach.
- Several veterinary student clubs are joining together for multiple activities aimed at reducing the amount of waste on RUSVM campus.
- A One Health Day Fair organized by postgraduate students will be held from 12-1 p.m. The Fair will bring together student clubs, faculty and staff and the kids from the prep school to raise awareness on how every discipline can help the environment by practicing the One Health approach.
- A One Health Symposium on "Antimicrobial Resistance" will be held in the evening from 6-8 p.m. involving presenters from RUSVM, other institutes and labs on St Kitts and elsewhere from the region. It will focus on antimicrobial resistance in the Caribbean, particularly in St. Kitts. Speakers will discuss current developments of antimicrobial resistance in animals and humans and where there is a need for future research and collaborations.
- One Health related research posters will be presented after the Symposium at a reception.
Location: West Indies
Title: Disaster Relief Bandage Lab
Date: November 19, 2016
Organizer: RUSVM One Health Club
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: No
Description: Wet Lab helping students with their skills in bandaging large animal limbs. This is a fantastic skill to have in certain emergencies.
Contact: Cassidy McCarthy (cassidymccarthy@students.rossu.edu)
Location: Caribbean-wide
Title: One Health, One Caribbean, One Love: developing a Draft Strategic Plan for One Health in the Caribbean
Date: October 18-19, 2016
Organizer: University of the West Indies, St. Augustine
Scope: International Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: No
Description: The EU funded “One Health, One Caribbean, One Love” project, implemented by the University of the West Indies (UWI)’ and its project partners, is pleased to host a Regional One Health Strategic Planning Workshop with the intention of working together to develop a draft strategic plan for One Health in the Caribbean. One Health involves multi-sectoral collaboration on issues at the interface between human, agricultural and environmental health to develop comprehensive solutions and strategies. 60 professionals from across 10 countries from government, non-government, academic and private in the fields of health, agriculture, and the environment will be participating in this event. This draft strategic plan intends to provide a framework for implementation of the existing One Health policy that will provide a basis for engaging Leaders and practitioners at the regional and national levels to ‘mainstream’ the One Health approach.
Website: http://onehealthcaribbean.org/
Contact: Prof. Chris Oura (one.health@sta.uwi.edu)
Location: Auburn, Alabama
Title: Vector Borne Diseases and their Global Impact on Veterinary and Human Medicine
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Students for One Health at Auburn University
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: No
Description: Please join Zoetis and Students for One Health at Auburn in welcoming Dr. Diane Platts, DVM who will be speaking about "Vector Borne Diseases and their Global Impact on Veterinary and Human Medicine" in recognition of the inaugural International One Health Day.
Contact: Allison Siu (azs0135@auburn.edu)
Location: Glendale, Arizona
Title: Spillover: Ebola, Zika, and Beyond Film Showing
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Midwestern University Students for One Health Club
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: No
Description: We will be showing Spillover: Ebola, Zika, and Beyond, in one of the main lecture halls over lunch. The entire school will be invited to attend.
Contact: Erika Olney (mwuonehealth@gmail.com)
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Title: One Health Day Extravaganza
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Arizona Department of Health Services
Scope: State/Provincial Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: No
Description: Table for agency staff, streaming CDC video, One Health: from Concept to Action, One Health Lunch and Learn, agency photo, kiosk in main lobby.
Website: www.azhealth.gov/onehealth
Contact: Hayley Yaglom (Hayley.Yaglom@azdhs.gov)
Location: Phoenix, Arizona
Title: Protect You and the Zoo from Flu
Date: November 5, 2016
Organizer: Arizona Department of Health Services
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Protect you and the Zoo from Flu is an event with the goal of minimizing the impact of influenza for Arizona youth and their families, as well as encouraging fun, safe, and healthy interactions with animals, such as hand-washing. Our event will occur in collaboration with the Phoenix Zoo’s Farm Days. Maricopa County Immunizations Office will administer free flu vaccines for families and there will also be a One Health education table with spin-the-wheel and various interactive games.
Contact: Hayley Yaglom (Hayley.Yaglom@azdhs.gov)
Location: Davis, California
Title: Collaboration in the Face of a Changing Environment: UC Davis 3rd Annual One Health Symposium
* Available by Webinar - CE/CME will be offered.
Date: November 5, 2016
Organizer: Students for One Health & UC Davis One Health Institute
Scope: Local Event
Fee? $10-$35
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The theme of this year’s UC Davis One Health symposium is Collaboration in the Face of a Changing Environment. Discussion topics will range from Zika virus and the distribution of mosquitos and other vectors, to respiratory disease caused by environmental particulates, to disaster preparedness and response. The Deans of the UC Davis Schools of Nursing, Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine will give the day’s capstone address. We will follow the program with a networking reception.
Website: Click HERE
Event Flyer: Click HERE
Event Agenda: Click HERE
Contact: onehealth@ucdavis.edu
Location: Fort Collins, Colorado
Title: One Health Day & Community Open House
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: One Health Institute at Colorado State University
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The first global One Health Day celebration at Colorado State University will include an Open House at the new One Health Institute in Johnson Hall. Attendees may drop in any time between 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Events throughout the day include a keynote address by President Tony Frank at 12:30 p.m. and a panel discussion from 3:30-4:30 p.m. entitled "One Health: An Inter-Sectoral Approach" featuring Danielle Buttke (NPS), Micah Hahn (CDC), and Jane Rooney (USDA).
More Information: onehealth_contact@mail.colostate.edu
Contact: Dr Bruno Sobral (bruno.sobral@colostate.edu)
Location: Fort Collins, Colorado
Title: One Health Day Walk
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: National Park Service
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: No
Description: With over 300 million visitors annually, over 400 park units across all 50 states, and a commitment to protect the health of natural resources and humans, national parks offer a unique opportunity to practice and promote One Health. The Safety Health and Wellness Team of the Fort Collins NPS office is hosting an employee walk in honor of One Health Day. Employees will have the opportunity to engage with colleagues and enjoy the outdoors.
Contact: Dr Danielle Buttke (danielle_buttke@nps.gov)
Location: Washington, D.C.
Title: "Spillover: Zika, Ebola, & Beyond" Film Screening and Expert Discussion
Date: November 15, 2016
Organizer: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None. Online registration is required.
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Spillover — Zika, Ebola & Beyond is a harrowing documentary that follows scientists into the world's hot zones in a search for answers. And it does so while providing much needed scientific context for the most recent Ebola and Zika outbreaks. The film extends to the new frontiers of disease detection, prevention, and containment, and travels the world with virus hunters who are tracking old enemies while vigilantly looking out for new foes. A discussion after the screening will focus on Zika and how scientists have tracked the disease globally and locally, how the disease affects people and what we need to know to help manage and prevent an outbreak in DC and beyond.
Featured Speakers:
- Vanessa van der Linden, M.D., Neuropediatrician, Association for Assistance of Disabled Children, AACD, Recife, Brazil; Barão de Lucena Hospital, HBL, Recife, Brazil, the first to recognize the severity and extent of the Zika outbreak on newborn children in Brazil.
- Anthony Fauci, M.D., Immunologist, Director, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases
- Yvonne-Marie Linton, Ph.D., Research Entomologist, Walter Reed Biosystematics Unit
- LaQuandra S. Nesbitt, M.D., M.P.H., Director, DC Department of Health
Contact: Naimah Muhammad (muhammadn@si.edu)
Location: Washington, D.C.
Title: GW One Health
Date: October 31 - November 3, 2016
Organizer: GW One Health
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: We are celebrating One Health Day with a series of speakers, all focused on national and global issues that utilize a One Health approach. On Monday through Wednesday (October 31st – November 2nd), we are hosting one hour-long lunchtime discussions. Each discussion will focus on the collaborative and multidisciplinary One Health approach to a particular heath problem. On Thursday (November 3rd), we are hosting a panel. In this panel, the panelists and audience members will engage each other in a discussion on the One Health approach towards parasitic diseases. Faculty and students (undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate students) are invited to all of the events. We have also invited professionals from private and public sector throughout Washington DC to each event, to network. A light lunch will be provided to guests before and after the events. If individuals are unable to make it to our event, all discussions will be live streamed on our public Facebook page GW One Heath.
Contact: Laura Venner (lvenner@gwu.edu)
Location: Washington, D.C.
Title: International Food Information Council Foundation Creates One Health Day Awareness
Date: November 3-10, 2016
Organizer: International Food Information Council Foundation
Scope: International Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: IFIC is honored to offer a variety of resources on the Foundation's website. These resources, developed by the IFIC Foundation, that are aligned with the education and edification goals of One Health Day are free to access and can be shared easily. Our hope is that these resources will help supplement the public’s knowledge of issues related to environmental sustainability, agricultural technology to support food supplies, and farmer environmental stewardship.
Website: http://www.foodinsight.org/one-health-day
Contact: Dr Tamika Sims (sims@ific.org)
Location: Washington, D.C.
Title: One Health, Pan-Epidemics, and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR)
Date: November 17, 2016
Organizer: Georgetown University Medical Center
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Panel discussion focused on Zoonotic Pan-Epidemics and AMR. Panelists (invited) from the White House (Dr. Beth Cameron) , Capitol Hill (Dr. Ali Nouri), Princeton (Dr. Laura Kahn), GHSA NextGen (Dr. Jamechia Hoyle), and Georgetown (Dr. Patricia Foley DVM, Halsie Donaldson Medical Student '20). Moderated by Daniel Lucey MD
Website: For live-streaming only during event: https://georgetown.edu.zoom.us/j/121705132 (if problems go to: Zoom@Georgetown.edu)
Contact: Dr Daniel Lucey (DRL23@Georgetown.edu)
Location: Sanibel, Florida
Title: One Health Awareness Week at CROW
Date: October 31, 2016 - November 4, 2016
Organizer: Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife
Scope: Local Event
Fee? Education Center Admission Fee: $7 for adults, $5 for teens, free for children under 13
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife (CROW) is a teaching hospital and visitor center dedicated to saving wildlife through state-of-the-art veterinary care, research, education and conservation medicine. During “One Health Awareness Week” CROW’s staff will illustrate the interconnectedness between human, animal and environmental health by discussing ongoing community partnerships and recent case studies on its social media pages. In addition to these posts, CROW’s Hospital Director will also deliver a public presentation in the visitor education center on November 3rd titled “Soaring into the Future of Conservation Medicine”.
Website: www.crowclinic.org
Contact: Rachel Rainbolt (rrainbolt@crowclinic.org)
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Title: CDC Global Hashtag Campaign #OneHealthDay
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Scope: International Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Day-long global hashtag campaign using #OneHealthDay
Website: http://www.cdc.gov/onehealth/
Contact: Jennifer Mitchell (itz4@cdc.gov)
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Title: COCA Call/Webinar: Advancing the One Health Concept through Collaborations the Connect, Create, and Educate
Date: November 17, 2016
Organizer: U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Scope: International Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: During this COCA Call, clinicians will learn about several arenas of One Health, discuss the critical need for and process of connecting the many passionate stakeholders around the world, and share an update on efforts across the U.S. and beyond to make One Health ways of thinking the ‘default way of doing business.’
Website: https://emergency.cdc.gov/coca/calls/index.asp
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
Title: Preventing Obesity in People and Their Pets: A One Health Approach
Date: November 10-11, 2016
Organizer: WSAVA One Health Committee
Scope: International Event
Fee? $495 (early bird before August 1st $455)
Open to Public: No
Description: One Health solutions to obesity in people and their pets. Vision: A world where regular activity, a balanced diet and healthy weight are part of every family’s life.
Website: www.wsava-obesity.com
Contact: Professor Michael Day (m.j.day@bristol.ac.uk)
Location: Athens, Georgia
Title: Community Presentation: Diseases without Borders: Dog Importation & the Real Threat of Tuberculosis: a Case Presentation
Date: November 9, 2016
Organizer: University of Georgia
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: This presentation will detail a recent case of canine M.bovis infection and lead discussions related to potential transmission during veterinary procedures, necropsy, and of course potential transmission to owners in certain types of infections.
Contact: Laura Balkcom (lbalk@uga.edu)
Location: Augusta, Georgia
Title: Lunch and Learn: In Celebration of One Health Day
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Augusta University
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The Department of Biostatistics & Epidemiology (DBE) at the Medical College of Georgia, cordially invites you to attend a special event, “Lunch and Learn: In Celebration of One Health Day”, sponsored by the DBE and the Senior Vice President for Research at Augusta University. One Health is a collaborative effort across multiple disciplines working locally, nationally, and globally to attain optimal health for people, animals, and the environment. This special event will be held at the Lee Auditorium on Augusta University’s Health Sciences Campus, beginning at 12 noon, on November 3rd, 2016. The first 50 attendees will get a free lunch and we will have awesome promo items as well!
Contact: Dr Jessica Schwind (jschwind@augusta.edu)
Location: Online Webinar
Title: One Health – Embracing in silico models for therapeutic needs in humans and animals.
Date: Part I - July 28, 2016 Part II - August 18, 2016 Part III - September 1, 2016
Organizer: Controlled Release Society
Scope: International Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The One Health Initiative is a worldwide strategy for expanding interdisciplinary collaborations and communications in all aspects of health care for humans, animals and the environment (http://onehealthinitiative.com/). Whether dealing with the development of shared diseases among humans and animal species (physiological diseases such as those involving the cardiovascular system or cancer) or efforts to combat infections and drug resistance, tools are needed to optimize the efficiency with which we utilize existing information to support therapeutic drug development. Such tools can likewise be used to predict the potential absorption of substances resulting from their unintended environmental exposures. It is this perspective that provides the impetus for this webinar series where we explore the meaning of the One Health initiative and how we can best utilize existing information to support the development of therapeutic formulations for use in humans and veterinary species, to adjust dosages or dosage forms to meet emergency needs that may arise around the globe, or how to explore exposure risks that may occur in the presence of environmental toxins.
More Information: Click Here
Contact: Marilyn N. Martinez, PhD (Marilyn.Martinez@fda.hhs.gov)
Location: Washington, D.C.
Title: Potomac Regional Veterinary Conference
Date: November 4-6, 2016
Organizer: Virginia Veterinary Medical Association
Scope: State/Provincial Event
Fee? Yes
Open to Public: No
Description: There are select One Health topics throughout the Potomac Regional Veterinary Conference. These topics include: larval toxocariasis, leptospirosis, rabies surveillance & control-A global perspective, wildlife rabies control in the US, lead in drinking water and drinking water health advisory for cyanotoxins.
Website: http://www.vvma.org/prvcattendees/
Contact: Robin Schmitz (Robin@vvma.org)
Location: Iowa City, Iowa
Title: Iowa One Health Conference
Date: November 5, 2016
Organizer: Iowa One Health Conference Planning Committee
Scope: State/Provincial Event
Fee? $15 for students, $20 for non-students, $10 for those presenting posters (subject to change)
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The 2016 Iowa One Health Conference will bring together a multidisciplinary cast of students and professionals in relevant fields to learn and discuss how the concept of One Health can help drive positive change in the health of humans, animals, and the environment.
Website: http://www.public-health.uiowa.edu/ceid/other-ceid-events/conferences/
Contact: Neal Vezeau (npvezeau@iastate.edu) Tel: 712-389-7674
Location: Los Angeles, California
Title: Craniomaxillofacial Disorders and Solutions in Man and Animals
Date: November 11-13, 2016
Organizer: UCLA Weintraub Center for Reconstructive Biotechnology
Scope: National Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: This conference was created by collaboration between faculty at the University of California - Davis and the University of California - Los Angeles to provide unique opportunity for clinicians and scientists to understand and discuss craniomaxillofacial disorders occurring in man and animals and the challenges that they pose on the patient and the clinician. This conference is the pinnacle of identifying translational solutions to disorders common to animals and man.
Conference Brochure: CLICK HERE
Contact: Ichiro Nishimura (inishimura@dentistry.ucla.edu)
Location: Champaign-Urbana, Illinois
Title: One Health Walk
Date: November 3-4, 2016
Organizer: Institute for Genomic Biology
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: A path of One Health facts linking the sites of One Health research at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Contact: Dr Rebecca Smith (rlsdvm@illinois.edu)
Location: Morris, Illinois (Grundy County)
Title: One Health: The Importance of Collaborative Medicine
Date: November 2-3, 2016
Organizer: Animal Care Hospital of Morris
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: We plan to emphasize the importance of collaborative medicine and zoonotic disease to our clients when they come in, as well as write online blogs explaining the One Health Initiative to post to Facebook.
Website: www.achmorris.com
Contact: Daniel Chestnut (dchesnut@gmail.com)
Location: Urbana, Illinois
Title: Spillover Viruses and Your Health
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Public Health Association (University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine)
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Throughout the last few decades, diseases that spill over from animals to humans have been on the rise. The public is invited to watch a documentary about the rise of spillover viruses like Zika, Ebola and Nipah, and to ask questions of local experts from Carle Foundation Hospital, the Champaign-Urbana Public Health District, and the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine and School of Public Health.
Contact: Alina Teslenko (atesle2@illinois.edu)
Location: Ames, Iowa
Title: Integrating One Health Concepts in Addressing Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Iowa State University 
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: No
Description: Integrating One Health Concepts in Addressing Emerging and Re-emerging Diseases Presented by Dr. James A. Roth, Clarence Hartley Covault Distinguished Professor Noon-1pm; CVM Room 2226. Informational presentation for health profession related scientists and students; posters
Event Flyer: CLICK HERE
Contact: Dr Claire Andreasen (candreas@iastate.edu)
Location: Greenfield, Indiana
Title: One Health Lecture Series and Gallery Walk
Date: October 31 - November 3, 2016
Organizer: Elanco Animal Health (a division of Eli Lilly)
Scope: International Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: No
Description: Elanco Animal Health (a division of Eli Lilly) will host a series of broadcast lectures for Elanco and Eli Lilly global employees on the role animal protein and companionship play in supporting human health, as well as how innovation in food production can help and conserve resources for a healthy planet. The lecture series will kick off with an overview of Elanco’s One Health initiatives and an update from the One Health Summit which took place in September. The second lecture will highlight the important role pets play in supporting human health, including recent studies in this area. The third lecture, sponsored by Eli Lilly’s Global Health Programs and Strategy, will explore the critical ties between One Health and Public Health, including collaborations between Eli Lilly and Elanco. On November 3, Elanco’s global coporate headquarters will host a One Health Gallery Walk (also hosted virtually), where Elanco employees may interact with team members engaged in One Health activities, ranging from translational medicine to pet therapy.
Website: https://www.elanco.com/our-responsibilty/index.aspx
Contact: Colleen Parr Dekker (Parr_dekker_colleen@elanco.com)
Location: Indianapolis, Indiana
Title: One Health Day Awareness Week
Date: November 1-6, 2016
Organizer: Street Outreach Animal Response (SOAR) & Indy Home Veterinary Services
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: We will be promoting the concept of One Health during this week, and educating our clients and community about how we address this concept on a daily basis. Working with the non-profit, SOAR, we promote One Health and the human-animal bond by doing street outreach to help the homeless of Indianapolis that have pets. We will emphasize the importance of vaccinations, especially rabies vaccinations for the pets of the homeless, as they are more so exposed to wild animals than housed pets, and we will also emphasize the importance to the pet owners of regular flea and parasite prevention on the animals to help prevent zoonotic transmission of certain parasites. In addition, we help to provide foster care for animals whose owners need to get mental health or medical treatment, as many of these pet owners refuse treatment due to their attachment to their pets and concern for them while they are gone.
More Information: indyhomevet@gmail.com or call 317-567-9822
Contact: Leslie Brooks (indyhomevet@gmail.com)
Location: West Lafayette, Indiana
Title: Purdue University One Health Day Events
Date: November 16-17, 2016
Organizer: Purdue University One Health Club
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The Purdue University One Health Club is hosting a series of One Health related events that includes lectures on topics like ecotoxicology, antimicrobial resistance, rebuilding ecosystems, and translational medicine. Laboratory and hands-on demonstrations will also be held for students in various medical fields. Outreach opportunities in the local area are also available for those interested.
Contact: Dr Audrey Ruple (aruplecz@purdue.edu)
Location: Manhattan, Kansas
Title: One Health Field Experiences for Public Health Students
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Kansas State University
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Students in the Master of Public Health (MPH) program at Kansas State University will give a public presentation on their One Health field experiences as part of One Health Day on Nov. 3. The presentations will be given at 5:00 p.m. in Mosier Hall N202. Callie Paquette, Ottawa, Kansas, will address “Tularemia in Kansas, 2012-2015. Dr. Diane Larson will speak on “Handwashing at the State Fair, 2016.” Sohaila Jafarian will discuss “Clean Water Interventions in Nicaragua, 2016.” In addition to the MPH program event in Manhattan, the Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute, BioKansas and Kansas State University Olathe are partnering to hold activities from 4-7 p.m. at the Kauffman Foundation in Kansas City. Activities a keynote presentation by Dr. Stephen Higgs, the director of Kansas State University's Biosecurity Research Institute. The event in Manhattan will connect remotely to the presentation at 6 PM in Kansas City. To learn more about the One Health Day events in Manhattan, visit the MPH website: http://www.k-state.edu/mphealth/. Additional information is available about other global activities at www.onehealthday.org
Contact: Dr Ellyn Mulcahy (emulcahy@ksu.edu)
Location: New Orleans, Louisiana
Title: Movie Screening and Panel: Spillover
Date: November 2-3, 2016
Organizer: Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine will be hosting a movie screening of the PBS film "Spillover" followed by a panel discussion of emerging infectious diseases and the OneHealth perspective.
Contact: Emily Shaffer (eashaffer5@gmail.com)
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Title: One Health Lecture with Dr. Joann Lindenmayer
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: No
Description: Dr. Joann Lindenmayer is an Associate Professor of Public Health in the Department of Infectious Disease and Global Health at the Tufts Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine and holds secondary appointments at Tufts University School of Medicine and the Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service. She serves as Director of the DVM-MPH Track of the Combined MPH Program at Tufts Medical School. She directs and teaches a number of courses that take a One Health approach to teaching and learning, including The Legal Basis of Public Health for Veterinarians, International One Health, and Public Health Integration to DVM-MPH students. She also teaches in the School’s Conservation Medicine Master’s degree program. She and her faculty colleagues from the Medical School and the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences were the first recipients of funding from the Provost’s University Seminars Initiative, which supports interdisciplinary teaching and learning among faculty members and students. Their seminar, “One Health: Interdisciplinary approaches to the health of people, animals and the environment.”
Contact: Paul Reeping (par517@mail.harvard.edu)
Location: Boston, Massachusetts
Title: One Health Webinar with Morgan Hennessey: USDA Veterinary Services and One Health
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: International Society for Disease Surveillance 
Scope: International Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The presentation will be an overview of veterinary services, and why one health is important; It will include the role of veterinary services in One Health and examples from the field of veterinary services One Health collaborations.
Contact: Paul Reeping (preeping@syndromic.org)
Location: North Grafton, Massachusetts
Title: The Significance of Interspecies Relationships to One Health
Date: November 5, 2016
Organizer: The Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University
Scope: State/Provincial Event
Fee? $10 for students, $15 for general public
Open to Public: Yes
Description: For the fourth year in a row, Tufts One Health Day will be a way for students from various health professions to gather together and learn how their respective disciplines connect to each other. The theme for this year of “Interspecies Relationships” focuses on how animals and humans benefit (or hinder) each other.
Contact: Gretchen McLinden (gretchen.mclinden@tufts.edu)
Location: East Lansing, Michigan
Title: One Health/One World
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Michigan State University, Institute of International Health (IIH)
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The Institute of International Health (IIH) at Michigan State University, College of Osteopathic Medicine, is hosting a campus and community One Health program and research networking and engagement event in recognition of ONE HEALTH / ONE WORLD DAY Thursday November 3, 2016. Location: The Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center, Corniche Room, 5:00-7:00 PM, East Lansing, MI. This is an opportunity to learn how MSU’s One Health Committee is engaging and raising awareness about One Health/World Health.
Contact: Dr William Cunningham (iih@msu.edu)
Location: Columbia, Missouri
Title: Peter Ostrum One Health Day Talk: "Film to Farm"
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: One Health Club University of Missouri
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Talk and reception from Dr. Peter Ostrum, who originally played Charlie in Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, and chose a career in veterinary medicine instead of acting.
Contact: Michael Schacher (masr82@mail.missouri.edu)

Location: Kansas City, Missouri
Title: Kansas City One Health Day
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Kansas State Olathe, KCALSI, and BioKansas
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Kansas City One Health Day – On Nov. 3, individuals and groups from around the world will celebrate a collaborative approach to improving human, animal and planetary health. The Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute, BioKansas and Kansas State University Olathe are partnering to hold activities from 4-7 p.m. at the Kauffman Foundation, including Collaborate2Cure, networking at a BioBreak and then a keynote presentation by Kansas State University's renowned Zika expert, Dr. Stephen Higgs.
Website: http://olathe.k-state.edu/onehealthday
Contact: Debbie Kirchhoff (debbierk@ksu.edu)
Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Title: Celebrate One Health Day at the Saint Louis Zoo
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: St. Louis Zoo
Scope: Local Event
Fee? Nonce
Open to Public? Yes
Description: The Saint Louis Zoo will celebrate their One Health initiatives on November 3 in The Living World building from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Many of the Zoo’s conservation programs exemplify One Health in action by working to ensure there are healthy people, healthy animals, and healthy ecosystems to create a healthier planet. Join us in the celebration and take part in our activities which will include: 1) poster presentations from DVM, MD, and ecology students; 2) table side talks to share some of the Zoo’s great work in One Health; and 3) a lecture. The event is to provide visitors with means for action for holistic One Health approaches to solve conservation and public health challenges of today. The event will conclude with a noon time lecture by the Zoo’s Institute for Conservation Medicine (ICM) team as they highlight the first five years of the ICM work.
Website: https://www.stlzoo.org/
Contact: Keri Lammering (klammering@stlzoo.org)
Location: Kansas City, Missouri
Title: Kansas City One Health Day
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute
Scope: Local Event
Fee? Nonce
Open to Public? Yes
Description: 4:00 – 5:00 KCALSI Collaborate2Cure, 5:00 – 6:00 BioBreak featuring networking, open bar and hors d’oeuvres, 6:00 – 7:00 Keynote presentation about Zika Virus Research by Dr. Stephen Higgs, Kansas State University. Kansas City One Health Day is brought to you through a collaborative partnership of Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute, BioKansas and K-State Olathe.
More Information: CLICK HERE
Contact: Shaylee Yount (syount@kclifesciences.org)
Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Title: Inaugural One Health Conference at the St. Louis Zoo
Date: September 30, 2016
Organizer: WAMCOH
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public? Yes
Description: Washington University in St. Louis, School of Medicine, Auburn University, University of Missouri, Columbia, Consortium for One Health (WAMCOH) is the collaborative partnership of three preeminent research institutions. The center’s mission is based on the emerging concept of “One Health,” focusing on the health linkages among humans, animals, and their shared environments. The One Health initiative is based on a holistic trans-disciplinary approach in which medical, veterinary, and environmental doctors work together and with other professionals in fields as diverse as sociology to politics so we may better understand, prevent and respond to biodiversity conservation challenges and the emerging public health issues of today. We are delighted to confirmed Barbara Natterson-Horowitz, MD as our keynote speaker for our Inaugural One Health Conference at the Saint Louis Zoo. She is a cardiologist whose patients include gorillas, lions, wallabies and humans. In 2012, she co-authored the NY Times Bestseller Zoobiquity: The Astonishing Connection Between Human and Animal Health, advocating a “One Health” approach to medicine. During the course of this half-day conference, we encourage speakers and attendees alike to meet and discuss their research with scientists and community members from other disciplines in order to foster innovative research collaborations and novel research directions.
Event Flyer: Click HERE
Website: www.OneHealthSTL.eventbrite.com
Contact: Amanda Baker (amanda.baker@wustl.edu)
Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Title: One Health Poster Competition at the Inaugural One Health Conference
Date: September 30, 2016
Organizer: School of Medicine, Washington University in Saint Louis
Scope: National Event
Fee? None
Open to Public? Yes
Description: Play a part in the region's first One Health Conference by presenting your poster at the Inaugural One Health Conference at the Saint Louis Zoo! Enjoy two superb panels of experts discussing infectious disease & cancer translational research and the ecological context of One Health, in addition to a keynote address by Barbara Natterson-Horowitz, MD, author of the New York Times bestseller "Zoobiquity: The Astonishing Connection Between Human and Animal Health." Students working on environmental health, comparative medicine, zoonotic disease, translational medicine, natural resource management, and conservation are strongly encouraged to present a poster. Monetary prizes for top two posters!
Contact: Dean Odegard (dtodegard@wustl.edu)
Location: Kansas City, Missouri
Title: One Health Innovations: The Nexus of Human and Animal Medicine
Date: August 28-29, 2016
Organizer: Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute
Scope: Local Event
Fee? $150 USD
Open to Public? Yes
Description: In partnership with the Schools of Veterinary Medicine at University of Missouri and Kansas State University, the Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute will present a two day symposium focused on the translational and comparative aspects of human and animal medicine.
Contact: Shaylee Yount (syount@kclifesciences.org)
Location: Ithaca, New York
Title: Cornell One Health + Public Health + Global Health Symposium: Health and the Environment
Date: November 4, 2016
Organizer: Cornell University
Scope: International Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Cornell University's Inaugural One Health + Global Health + Public Health Symposium - Friday, November 4 Focus: Public Health and the Environment, with specific sections on food (community gardens, sustainable agriculture), mental health (effect of nature on mental health), and infectious disease (environmental factors related to transmission and prevention). Audience: Estimated 200 students and faculty and community members. Goal: Bring members of the Ithaca community (including Cornell) together to recognize and learn from each other’s work
Website: http://publichealth.cornell.edu/events/
Location: New York, New York
Title: Zoobiquity Neurology and Psychiatry Conference
Date: October 21, 2016
Organizer: NYU Langone Medical Center, College of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University and the Evolutionary Medicine Program at UCLA
Scope: National Event
Fee? Varies
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The Zoobiquity Neurology & Psychiatry Conference, the first specialty-oriented conference in a national conference series, will create relationships and exchange of knowledge between human and veterinary colleagues confronted with similar clinical challenges. Comparative case studies on seizure disorders, anxiety and compulsions, cognitive decline syndromes, autism, movement disorders, pain and learning, among others, will be covered in a dynamic day of presentations and discussions with the country's leading experts in neurology, psychiatry and behavioral disorders. Keynote speakers include Dr. Jaak Panksepp, neuroscientist, a psychobiologist, the Baily Endowed Chair of Animal Well-Being Science at Washington State University and Dr. Daniel Lieberman, Professor of Human Evolutionary Biology at Harvard University.
Website: www.med.nyu.edu/cme/zoob
Contact: Dr Barbara Natterson-Horowitz (bnatterson@mednet.ucla.edu)
Location: New York, New York
Title: Animal Medical Center - One Health NYC Open House
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Animal Medical Center
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: AMC will open its doors to the public in recognition of One Health Day with free tours, lectures and demonstrations throughout the day. Registration open online and on site.
Website: http://www.amcny.org/onehealthday
Contact: Jennifer Petrisko (jennifer.petrisko@amcny.org)
Location: New York, New York
Title: One Health Twitter Q + A
Release of One Health Case Study Booklet (in partnership with the USAID PREDICT Consortium at UC Davis One Health Institute)
Billy Karesh One Health Day video
Date/Time: November 3, 2016 @ 12-1pm ET 
Organizer: EcoHealth Alliance
Scope: International Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: One hour Twitter Q+A with two EcoHealth scientists about One Health. 12-1pm Eastern Time.
Summary of EcoHealth 2016 One Health Day activities
One Health Twitter Chat @EcoHealthNYC on twitter.com
One Health Case Study Booklet
Billy Karesh One Health Day Video
Location: New York, New York
Title: AMC One Health Conference: A Comparative Approach to Endocrine Disease
Date: November 5, 2016
Organizer: Animal Medical Center
Scope: National Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: AMC's second annual One Health Conference: Connecting Human and Veterinary Medicine, A Comparative Approach to Endocrine Disease. Leading experts across human and veterinary medicine will share case information and explore a collaborative approach to diseases and disorders of the endocrine system, in order to help advance treatment, prevention and patient care. RACE credits will be awarded to veterinary professionals.
Website: www.amcny.org/onehealth
Contact: Jennifer Petrisko (jennifer.petrisko@amcny.org)
Location: Durham, North Carolina
Title: A One Health Approach to Tackle Neglected Zoonotic Diseases in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Date: November 1, 2016
Organizer: North Carolina One Health Collaborative
Scope: International Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Starting in 2009, the One Health Intellectual Exchange Group (IEG) discussion series is sponsored by the North Carolina One Health Collaborative (NC OHC, http://nconehealthcollaborative.weebly.com/) to enhance collaborations between physicians, veterinarians, researchers and other local / global / environmental health professionals by increasing public awareness of the inter-connectedness of people, animals and the environment. These events are held monthly in the fall and weekly January - April when an inter-institutional, parallel One Health course is overseen by faculty from Duke, UNC and NC State Universities. New this year, these IEG sessions are available as live webinars. JOIN this event via WEBEX-
Meeting number: 801 401 967
Meeting password: VtPKp9cG
Contact: Dr Peter Cowen (peter_cowen@ncsu.edu)
Location: Durham, North Carolina
Title: One Health Perspectives on Mosquito-borne Disease Risk in North Carolina: Zika and La Crosse Viruses
Date: December 6, 2016
Organizer: North Carolina One Health Collaborative
Scope: International Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The One Health Intellectual Exchange Group (IEG) discussion series is sponsored by the North Carolina One Health Collaborative (NC OHC, http://nconehealthcollaborative.weebly.com/) to enhance collaborations between physicians, veterinarians, researchers and other local / global / environmental health professionals by increasing public awareness of the inter-connectedness of people, animals and the environment. These events are held monthly in the fall and weekly January - April when an inter-institutional, parallel One Health course is overseen by faculty from Duke, UNC and NC State Universities. JOIN this event via WEBEX- https://ncbiotech.webex.com/ncbiotech/j.php?MTID=m26ca119500324b8d33e48b08ed0fc0a0
Meeting number: 807 995 760 Meeting password: G5bJA8CF
Website: http://nconehealthcollaborative.weebly.com/
Contact: Dr Peter Cowen (peter_cowen@ncsu.edu)
Location: Raleigh, North Carolina
Title: Environmental Sustainability, Health & Well-being 2016
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Athens Drive Magnet High School - The Center for Medical Sciences & Global Health Initiatives
Scope: Local EventI
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Location: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Title: Antibiotics - A One Health Perspective
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine
Scope: National Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine (PennVet) will be celebrating International One Health Day with The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health with two exciting events. At noon, Dr. Meghan Davis and Dr. Keeve Nachman of The Bloomberg School will discuss the Global Antimicrobial Resistance Problem and will broadcast the talk to PennVet. Later that night, PennVet will host a panel discussion on the new Veterinary Feed Directive that seeks to solve this problem in the United States, which will be broadcasted to The Bloomberg School. The panel will consist of experts in microbiology, public veterinary medicine, and veterinary field service.
Contact: Corey Spies (cspies@vet.upenn.edu)
Location: Cumberland Gap, Tennessee
Title: Lincoln Memorial University One Health Symposium
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Lincoln Memorial University
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: No
Description: LMU will gather to celebrate and brainstorm One Health events that have taken place and have the potential to make an impact in the region in the future.
Contact: Ashley Knight (ashley.knight@lmunet.edu)
Location: Goodlettsville, Tennessee
Title: Food drive
Date: October 31 - November 7, 2016
Organizer: Companion Animal Hospital
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Food drive for humans and pet foods to donate to local food bank. Many of our less advantaged residents have only a pet for company but can not afford proper nutrition for themselves or their pets.
Website: www.companiontn.com
Contact: Dr Mary Ergen (companionanimalhospital@comcast.net)
Location: College Station, Texas
Title: One Health Day Seminar
Date: November 2, 2016
Organizer: Student One Health Association, Texas A&M University
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Our One Health Day meeting will give Texas A&M students a taste of what traditional veterinary and medical school lectures are like, with mini anatomy and physiology lectures being given by professors from both colleges. The Texas A&M University (TAMU) Student One Health Association (SOHA) is our next generation of One Healthers. As such, they have taken the lead and organized a university-wide One Health Day event called “SOHA One Health Day Mini-Lectures.” SOHA has selected three faculty from colleges across TAMU to present mini-lectures in their areas of expertise.
- Dr. Wei-Jung Chen, Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, “Human Medical Anatomy”
- Dr. Shannon Washburn, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, “Veterinary Gastrointestinal Physiology”
- Dr. Rosina C. Krecek, Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, “International Medicine and One Health”
TAMU SOHA is open to all TAMU undergraduate, graduate, and professional students. This association seeks to provide students with experiential knowledge and understanding of One Health.
TAMU SOHA is in a unique position shared by few other One Health student organizations in having access to the widest spectrum of disciplines from liberal arts to life sciences, and embracing all colleges and schools. Their officers currently represent four college/schools system wide: The Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine, the Texas A&M College of Pharmacy, the Texas A&M School of Rural and Public Health, and the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. TAMU SOHA brightly reflects the interdisciplinary culture of the One Health approach.
Website: http://onehealth.tamu.edu/soha/events
Contact: Michelle Kurkowski (Makurkowski@cvm.tamu.edu) or onehealth@tamu.edu
Location: Houston, Texas
Title: One Health Day
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Harris County Public Health
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: No
Description: Informative e-mail to ~700 professionals about One Health/One Health Day and personal examples of how it relates to our job at Harris County Public Health.
Contact: Dr Bonnie Chu (bchu@hcphes.org)
Location: Lubbock, Texas
Title: One Health Day
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Vista College
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Veterinary technology students will present several One Health topics to educate attendees of the importance of One Health. They will have an interactive session on the spread of disease: one student will be contaminated with an "unknown" infectious agent and spread the agent. This session is meant to demonstrate the importance of hand washing. Attendees will also participate in the CDC interactive session of "Solve the Outbreak".
Contact: Dr Cherissa Abdul-Hamid
Location: Vermont
Title: One Health Comes to the Library
Date: November 2-3, 2016
Organizer: Vermont Veterinary Medical Association One Health Committee
Scope: State/Provincial Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The Vermont Veterinary Medical Association (VVMA)’s One Health Committee’s project, One Health Comes to the Library, is designed to educate the reading public about One Health. In partnership with about 15 libraries throughout the state of Vermont, we will offer table-top displays of books on One Health-themed and One Health-related subjects old and new. Book topics will include rabies, plague, and Ebola and other spillover viruses, as well as comparative medicine, animal assisted therapy, and discussions of human activity on the environment and its consequences for mammalian life. Books will be available for loan to library patrons. Along with each book display, VVMA’s One Health Committee will provide an infographic about One Health and a list of further One Health books for interested readers to pursue. Depending on library patron interest, talks on One Health may be presented by VVMA One Health Committee members. The book displays will run for varying lengths of time at individual libraries until next year’s One Health Day.
Website: http://vtvets.org/
Contact: Dr Eileen Wolfe (ovsvet@comcast.net)
Location: Ewing, Virginia
Title: 2nd Annual Center for Animal Health in Appalachia Conference
Date: October 20-21, 2016
Organizer: Center for Animal Health in Appalachia
Scope: International Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: No
Description: The mission of CAHA is to improve animal health and public health in the Appalachian region through five initiatives.
Website: http://vetmed.lmunet.edu/caha/
Contact: Ashley Knight
Location: South Riding, Virginia
Title: Canines & Kids Cancers- Comparative Oncology May Provide the Answers!
Date: November 2, 2016
Organizer: Canines-N-Kids Foundation
Scope: National Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Inviting One Health student/university clubs to get involved, raise awareness and funds for potentially life-saving comparative oncology projects that treat cancer in canine cancer patients , but that also help further the understanding and accelerate a cure in pediatric patients with those same cancers!
Contact: Ulrike Szalay (uszalay@caninesnkids.org)
Location: Seattle, Washington
Title: Another dimension of the One Health Model: Investigating factors that influence human-wolf coexistence in Washington State
Date: November 3, 2016, 1:30-2:30pm Pacific Time
Organizer: Center for One Health Research
Scope: State/Provincial Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Carol Bogezi, PhD candidate in the Wildlife Science program in the School of Environment and Forest Sciences (SEFS) at the University of Washington and 2016 recipient of the Bullitt Foundation’s Environment Leadership Award, will present her research studying interactions between humans and carnivores in Washington State from the One Health perspective. While the presentation will occur in HSB I-132 on the university campus, the talk will be shown on our facebook page (www.facebook.com/centerforonehealthresearch) via livestream!
Contact: Vickie Ramirez (ramirezv@uw.edu)
Location: Madison, Wisconsin
Title: UW National One Health Day Colloquium
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine and UW Madison Global Health Institute
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: No
Description: Listen to flash talks by UW Madison students, faculty, staff, and members of the community that showcase One Health activities on campus and in the world. They will demonstrate how the health of humans, animals, and eco-systems are interlinked and require multiple disciplines to ensure health for all.
Contact: See website for more information