Location: Jalalabad City, Nangarhar
Title: One Health Awareness Week
Date: November 1-7, 2016
Organizer(s): Relief International
Scope: State/Provincial Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Professionals from government institutions, line departments, national and international NGOs and representatives from UN agencies will be invited in the one day program. The project support committees, youth clubs and school health clubs’ members from our project’s districts namely Mohmand Dara, Goshta and Nurgal will participate in the program to organize debate competition and stage drama. A presentation about One Health, its concept and implementation in Afghanistan will be presented in the beginning of the program.
Website: www.ri.org
Contact: Dr Resham Prasad Acharya (resham.acharya@ri.org)
Location: Kabul
Title: Celebrating Global One Health Day for the First Time in Afghanistan
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer(s): The Welfare Association for the Development of Afghanistan (WADAN)
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: WADAN is delighted to celebrate the 3rd of November, the annual One Health Day, for the first time in Afghanistan. The One Health concept recognizes the interrelationship between animals, humans and environmental health. WADAN currently implements a community-based pilot project called "One Health" supported by the Georgetown University, USA
Website: www.wadan.org
Contact: Dr Ahmad Irshad Mansoor (ahirshad@hotmail.com)
Location: Dhaka, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar
Title: Observation of One Health Day 2016 and Seminar
Date: November 10, 2016
Organizer(s): Department of Medicine and Public Health, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Department of Medicine and Public Health, Faculty of Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine (FASVM), Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University (SAU) is going to observe the World One Health Day 2016 on 10 November 2016 with the support of One Health Bangladesh, FAO, Relief International-Uk, Bangladesh. A colorful rally as well as a seminar will be held in this occasion. Prof. Dr. Nitish Chandra Debnath, One Health Coordinator, Bangladesh will present the Key Note Paper in the seminar. Prof. Dr. Kamal Uddin Ahamed, Vice-Chancellor, SAU will be present as Chief Guest in the program. Prof. Dr. Md. Sekender Ali, Pro Vice-Chancellor, SAU, Prof. Dr. Md. Anwarul Haque Beg, Trasurer, SAU, Prof. Dr. Meerjady Sabrina Flora, Director, IEDCR and Prof. Dr. A.B.M. Maqsoodul Alam, Principal, Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College (ShSMC) will be present as Special Guests. M. Nazrul Islam, Country Director, Relief International-UK, Bangladesh will be present as Guest of Honor. Prof. Dr. Md. Mufazzal Hossain, Dean, Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine Faculty, SAU will chair the session. Dr. K. B. M. Saiful Islam, Chairman, Dept. of Medicine & Public Health, SAU will be the Co-ordinator of the program. Students of FASVM and ShSMC along with the guest will take part in the rally and seminar.
Contact: Dr K. B. M. Saiful Islam (vetkbm@yahoo.com)
Location: Sirajgunj, Pabna and Lalmonirhat
Title: One Health Awareness Week
Date: November 1-7, 2016
Organizer(s): Relief International
Scope: State/Provincial Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Four types of events will be organized in the Districts, Province and National levels as follows: Rally , discussion & quiz competition in 3 project districts; Rally and discussion at Divisional level to be organized jointly with Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Rajshahi university; Rally and discussion in Dhaka to be organized jointly with Faculty of ZDRIC, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University; Publication of news articles in local dailies to sensitize people on Zoonoses and One Health throughout the week.
Website: www.ri.org
Contact: Dr Resham Prasad Acharya (resham.acharya@ri.org)
Location: Chittagong
Title: Global “One Health Day” at Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer(s): One Health Institute, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
Scope: Local Event
Fee? Yes
Open to Public: Yes
Description: To mark the Day at Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (CVASU), Chittagong, Bangladesh, our One Health Day Conference aims to bring together professionals working in Bangladesh (particularly in greater Chittagong) on diverse fields of human health, animal health and eco-health to share ongoing research activities on zoonotic diseases and explore their OH-potentials and to have OH professionals’ views to possible frame-work of a graduate program in One Health expected to be offered from the One Health Institute (OHI) at CVASU.
In addition to a ceremonial inauguration of the Day, some key dignitaries as Special Guests will share their thoughts on the needs for OH Research and Education. The program has been designed to promote collaboration and networking on One Health Research and Education among the local and country-based partners who might contribute significantly to the development of the recently introduced OHI at CVASU, the 1st institute of such kind in Bangladesh and also in South Asia.
The Vice-Chancellor of CVASU Professor Dr Goutam Buddha Das has given his kind consent to be present at the Conference as the Chief Guest. Among others, representatives from FAO, Department of Livestock Services (DLS) of the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock (MoFL), Department of Forests (DF) of the Ministry of the Environment and Forests (MoEF), One Health Bangladesh Initiative, Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control and Research (IEDCR), Bangladesh, International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh (icddr,b), Bangladesh Institute of Tropical and Infectious Disease (BITID), Chittagong University, University of Science and Technology (USTC), Asian University for Women, Port City International University, Chittagong , Chittagong Medical College, Chattagram Maa-O-Hospital Medical College, Chittagong Nursing College are expected to attend.
We are delighted to announce that our keynote speaker is Professor Dr. Nitish C. Debnath, One Health Coordinator at FAO ECTAD, Bangladesh. He is one of the three cofounders of One Health Initiative Bangladesh and the founder Vice-Chancellor of CVASU.
There will be two scientific sessions in the program : i) research activities on zoonotic diseases and One Health promotional thoughts and plans will be presented from different institutions, ii) A work-shop will be held to share professional opinions and views on possible structure of a graduate program in One Health.
Journalists of major mass media working in Chittagong will be invited to attend the program and a press release will be made at the end of the program.
Contact: Prof. Paritosh Biswas (biswaspk2000@yahoo.com)
Location: Khulshi, Chittagong
Title: One Health: Together to Promote
Date: November 1-10, 2016
Organizer(s): IVSA Bangladesh
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Event covers Online Quiz Contest
Website: https://www.facebook.com/IVSABangladesh
Contact: Mong Sing Nu (ivsabangladesh@ivsamo.org)
** BHUTAN **
Location: Thimphu
Title: Bhutan One Health Strategy Plan - 2016
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer(s): One Health Fellowship Program, Bhutan
Scope: National Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: We have finalized the Bhutan One Health Strategy Plan (BOHSP) document which was developed with the following objectives: 1) To mainstream and institutionalize One Health approach in Bhutan by 2016; 2) To strengthen early warning and detection, prevention and control of zoonotic diseases and high-impact diseases; and 3) To promote collaborative research and capacity building on One Health activities. This will be presented to the honorable Ministers and Secretaries for Ministry of Health and Ministry of Agriculture and Forests by 25th October, 2016. This will ensure support for 'One Health' from the policy decision making level. The plan will then be submitted to the cabinet for approval on 3rd November coinciding with the inaugural World One Health day. If approved by the cabinet, One Health Secretariat will be instituted in the country which will cater to all One Health needs of the country like research, training and inclusion of one health curriculum in the relevant institutions in Bhutan, joint disease outbreak investigation and surveillance and prevention and control of zoonotic diseases.
Contact: Dr Yoenten Phuentshok (vetyoen@gmail.com)
** INDIA **
Location: Kerala
Title: National Seminar on Sustainable Rabies Control in Kerala
Date: September 28, 2016
Organizer(s): Center for One Health Education, Advocacy, Research and Training (COHEART)
Scope: State/Provincial Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: No
Description: One day National Seminar on ‘Sustainable Rabies Control in Kerala” was held at KVASU, Pookode to commemorate World Rabies Day- 2016 under the joint collaboration of Indian Veterinary Association (IVA), Centre for One Health, Education, Advocacy, Research and Training (COHEART) and Indian Veterinary Research Institute (IVRI). The seminar was inaugurated by Smt. Ushakumari T., District Panchayat President, Wayanad who stressed the need for intersectoral collaboration to control Rabies and also emphasized the necessity to consider the welfare of Dogs during stray dog control program. Prof. Dr. Koshy John, Dean-in-charge, CVAS, Pookode while delivering the presidential address highlighted the need for anti-rabies vaccination of man and animals followed by titre evaluation of occupational groups to prevent rabies. Dr. K.J. Varghese, Vice-President, IVA North Zone delivered the keynote address and briefed the need for establishing a separate wing for Animal Birth Control program under State Animal husbandry department. The Vice President, District panchayath V. K. Asmath, Dr. Kiran Bhilegaongar, Principal Scientist from IVRI, Dr. Asha Devi, DMO, Dr. Geetha K.R., DAHO, Dr. Abdul Muneer, Secretary, IVA, Dr. Prejit, Officer-in-charge, COHEART also spoke. The office bearers of IVA, Dr. Sangeeth Narayanan, Sharmada M.K, Prabhakaran Pillai, Subin K Mohan and Dr. Musthafa Kota offered felicitations. Dr. Kiran Bhilegaonkar chaired the scientific session and Dr. Bibin K.C was the rapporteur. Dr. Rajendra Singh, Head, Division of Pathology at ICAR-IVRI, Izatnagar, presented a paper on ‘Implementing Rabies Control Program - Current Strategies, Gaps and Challenges,’ He stressed on the need for controlling packs of stray dogs in an effective manner to combat the re-emergence of rabies. Dr. Singh pointed out the need for executing waste management strategies to check stray-dog menace. He further stressed that Animal birth control by surgical sterilization is the proven method to control stray dog population in demographically dense urban area. Handling a session on ‘Sustainable Rabies Control and Animal Welfare,’ Ilona Otter, Director of International Veterinary Training, Worldwide Veterinary Service, Ooty, said that the government should execute animal birth control (ABC) measures and develop anti-rabies vaccination (ARV) strategies in a coordinated inter-sectoral manner to control the increasing incidences of dog-bite related rabies cases in the State. Dr. Illona cited the success story of Tamil Nadu in implementing ABC ARV for effective rabies control. Dr. Jithesh V., Asst. Director, Health Services Department spoke on ‘Epidemiology of Human Rabies in Kerala and need for collaborative approach’. According to him, although Rabies is 100 per cent fatal disease in humans, it is 100 per cent preventable too. It is understood that 20,000 people still die of it every year. Dr. Baby K.K., Senior Veterinary Surgeon, Kozhikode Corporation detailed the Legal Implication on Stray Dog Control. The seminar concluded with the talk on Waste management for preventing stray dog menace by Dr. Deepak Mathew, Assistant Professor KVASU where he opined that humans should consider in-house management of food waste to tackle the stray dog menance. The scientific sessions were followed by assessment of the anti-rabies titre for the occupational groups including veterinarians, medical professionals and veterinary students. The seminar was attended by around 250 participants including faculty, veterinarians, medical professionals, post-graduate students and under-graduate students. The salient understandings from the seminar was that in long run rabies can be controlled by effective management of stray dogs population through birth control measures coupled with vaccination programme, by implementing strict licensing and action against people who are abandoning dogs to streets, adopting proper bio-waste management practices including in house management of food waste to minimize the stray dog population. And finally, Animal husbandry and health department, NGOs, political parties etc. should work together in a One Health way to control rabies in Kerala
Website: www.coheart.ac.in
Contact: Dr Prejit Nambiar (prejit@kvasu.ac.in)
Location: Depok, West Java
Title: One Health 2016 Photo Contest
Date: September 18, 2016 - October 17, 2016
Organizer(s): Indonesia One Health University Network (INDOHUN)
Scope: International Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: People get the information by visiting INDOHUN website, facebook, twitter, instagram and also broadcast message in whatsapp and line.
Website: http://www.indohun.org/onehealth2016photocontest/
Contact: Prof. Wiku Adisasmito (nco@indohun.org)
Location: IPB Dramaga, Bogor
Title: FKH IPB Celebrate One Health Day 2016
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer(s): BEM and IMAKAHI Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The Students of Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University will celebrate One Health Day and introduce One Health's Concept to all faculty member and students through some activities, i.e., selfiephoto contest in the booth which will be Uploaded in social mediahttps://www.instagram.com/ipbonehealthday/ and evening discussion about One Health with students from several faculties.
Website: https://www.instagram.com/ipbonehealthday/
Contact: Satria Tegar Wicaksono (satriategarwicaksono@gmail.com)
** JAPAN **
Location: Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka Prefecture
Title: 2nd WVA-WMA Global Conference on One Health
Date: November 10-11, 2016
Organizer(s): World Veterinary Association (WVA) and World Medical Association (WMA)
Scope: International Event
Fee? 140 euros
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Following the successful Global Conference on One Health (GCOH) that was held in Madrid in May 2015, the WVA and WMA in close collaboration with the Japan Medical Association (JMA) and the Japan Veterinary Medical Association (JVMA) are preparing the 2nd GCOH to be held on November 10th-11th in Kitakyusyu City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. The 2nd GCOH aims to bring together Veterinarians, Physicians, Students, Public Health Officers, Animal Health Officers, NGOs and other interested parties from the different world regions to learn, discuss and to address critical aspects of the 'One Health' Concept.The main objectives of the conference are to strengthen the links and communications and to achieve closer collaboration between Physicians, Veterinarians and all appropriate stakeholders to improve the different aspects of health and wellbeing of humans, animals and the environment. The main conference sessions will focus on the issues of: Zoonotic and Foodborne diseases, Antimicrobial resistance, Environmental hazards exposure to humans and animals, The Future of the One Health Concept.
Save the Date: Flyer
Website: Click HERE for more information
Contact: Zeve Noga (zeev_noga@worldvet.org)
Location: Serdang, Selangor
Title: Healthy Pets, Healthy People
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer(s): Malaysia One Health University Network (MyOHUN)
Scope: Local Event
Fee? Free
Open to Public: Yes
Description: In conjunction with One Health Day, we hope to introduce the basic public health to the medical, veterinary, zoology, ecology and environmental studies students as well as to the public by distributing out flyers about the common diseases found in cats and dogs and how to take simple preventive measures at the University Veterinary Hospital of Universiti Putra Malaysia.
Contact: Prof Latiffah Hassan (latiffah@upm.edu.my)
** NEPAL **
Location: Chitwan, Rupandehi and Banke
Title: One Health Awareness Week
Date: November 1-7, 2016
Organizer(s): Relief International
Scope: State/Provincial Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: ANSAB, the implementing partner of Relief International in Nepal, will be organizing district level quiz contest program on One Health and Zoonoses. In each district, 10 groups will be participated in the quiz contest with 3 representatives of each school health club (SHC). To organize and judge the contest, a panel composed of District Education Office, District Public Health Office, District Livestock Office incl. ANSAB’s representative will be formed. At the end, the winning teams will be awarded with prize and certificate.
Website: www.ri.org
Contact: Dr Resham Prasad Acharya (resham.acharya@ri.org)
Location: Islamabad
Title: One Health Day 
Date: December 3, 2016
Organizer(s): Pak One Health Alliance (Poha)
Scope: Local Event
Fee? 200 rupee
Open to Public: Yes
Description: At par with global movement, Pak One Health Alliance has decided to celebrate International One Health day. In this context a promotional seminar would be organized at Islamabad on 3rd December, 2016. This seminar would infact be a step towards a sensitization campaign targeting major national decision makers /stakeholders for 'One Health' adoption and promotion. Pak One Health Alliance (POHA) would facilitate this event and pursue large number of experts from human and animal health, ministries, line projects/programs dealing veterinary sciences, public health, vector control diseases, local bodies, agriculture, nutrition , environment and education institutions. Invitations would also be sent to potential international partners based in country.(eg WHO, FAO, UNHCR,,MSF, CDC). This would be an occasion for not only providing basic information and dimensions of 'One Health Approach' by POHA but would also enable a kind of rapid analysis /mapping of multiple 'One Health' activities those multiple organizations/departments are already engaged for 'One Health Promotion' POHA would be keen to collaborate with national and international organizations for organize this event in an meaningful manner.
Website: www.pakonehealth.org
Contact: Syed Mursalin (ceo.poha@pakonehealth.org)
Location: Bangkok
Title: Annual One Health Network Workshop and Scientific Workshop: Linking One Health - International Health Regulations
Date: November 3-4, 2016
Organizer(s): Coordinating Unit for One Health
Scope: National Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: No
Description: Depart of Disease Control and Coordinating Unit for One Health, Thailand host 2-day workshop. Participants are from human, animal, and wildlife health sectors of governmental organization throughout the country, universities and 8 organizations under One Health MOU. Program includes annual network workshop; sharing best practice for disease prevention and control using One Health approach and implementing provincial One Health action plan through sub-national disease prevention and control offices, scientific workshop on response to zoonosis, research and updated projects for zoonosis response, exhibitions and press release.
Contact: Ms Nuttiya Saengruang (thai.cuoh@gmail.com)
Location: Bangkok
Title: Thailand One Health Day Conference
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer(s): USAID's Preparedness & Response Project
Scope: National Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: No
Description: P&R has organized the Thailand One Health Day Conference 2016, an opportunity to share information and exchange best practices among Thailand One Health leaders and practitioners. The conference is being co-convened with the eight organizations party to the One Health MOU in Thailand. The purpose is both learning- and advocacy-oriented. Additionally, participants will plan for the expansion of One Health at the provincial level in Thailand.
Website: www.preparednessandresponse.org
Contact: Kate Zimmerman