Tackling zoonotic Disease Threats – Prevent, Detect and Respond with a One Health Approach
Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
February 11 - March 11, 2017
Organizer: The Animal Medical Center
Scope: National Event (Country-wide)
Fee: None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: One Health requires the involvement of many actors - from academia, research institutes, universities, and the biomedical industries, governmental and civil society. But working across sectors can be challenging. Ethiopia One Health Summit is a forum for discussion across disciplines and sectors. At the summit 2017: Tackling Infectious Disease Threats – Prevent, Detect and Respond with a One Health Approach, we invite delegates to discuss implementation challenges in a number of areas where the One Health approach can make a difference. Our point of departure is the CDC/FAO/WHO-OIE tripartite concept note of 2010 for sharing responsibilities and coordinating global activities to address health risks at the animal-human-ecosystem interfaces.
Website: www.onehealthy.org and One Health-Ethiopia facebook page
Contact: info@onehealthy.org
Global One Health initiative Celebrates Eastern Africa Office
Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
November 11, 2017
Organizer: Global One Health initiative - The Ohio State University
Scope: Local Event
Fee: None
Open to Public: No
Description: Ohio State’s Global One Health initiative (GOHi) is an interdisciplinary project that coordinates approaches to improve health, build capacity and provide learning opportunities for students, faculty and staff across the globe. Already well established in eastern Africa, Ohio State opened a regional office in Addis Ababa in November 2016 to manage activities throughout the region. A ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place on November 11, 2017 to celebrate GOHi’s registration as a non-governmental organization by the Ethiopian Charities and Societies Agency. The office will serve as a central foundational location to coordinate efforts between Ohio State and the eastern Africa region, with a focus primarily on One Health activities. “The GOHi regional office is key in terms of the trajectory of Ohio State’s global footprint and its internationalization mission,” said Wondwossen Gebreyes, DVM, PhD, GOHi Executive Director.
Website: https://globalonehealth.osu.edu/
Contact: bersani.1@osu.edu*
One Health Day Celebration
Location: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
November 3, 2017
Organizer: National One Health Steering Committee
Scope: Local Event
Fee: None
Open to Public: No
Description: The Ethiopian government will be celebrating One Health day with a morning event aimed to promote the institutionalization of One Health in Ethiopia to be held at the Ethiopia Public Health Institute. Presentations will be made on global one health initiatives and one health work in Ethiopia followed by panel discussions. The event is organized by the newly formed National One Health Steering Committee (NOHSC). The National One Health Steering Committee (NOHSC) membership draws from the four core-government sectors including Ministry of Health (MoH), Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries (MoLF), Ministry of Culture and Tourism/Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority (MoCT), and Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change (MoEFCC). In addition, they are additionally supported by several international partners and regional NGOs. Public and private media will also be involved in disseminating information and ensuring wide coverage to reach to the general public. The event is expected to improve public awareness of the One Health concept and commitment from both technical and policymakers to support and promote One Health initiatives in the country.
Contact: swc9@cdc.gov
** KENYA **
One Health Twitter postings
Location: Nairobi, Kenya
November 3, 2017
Organizer: International Livestock Research Institute
Scope: International Event
Fee: None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Sharing of One Health educative information on twitter every hour from 9am to 12am on 3rd Nov 2017. Visit our Twitter handle: https://twitter.com/onehealthhorn
Website: http://www.zoonotic-diseases.org/international-one-health-day/
Contact: K.Momanyi@cgiar.org
Preventing the next epidemics through One Health Coordination and Collaboration in Liberia
Location: Monrovia, Capitol Hill Liberia
November 1- 3, 2017
Organizer: National Public Health Institute of Liberia
Scope: National Event
Fee: None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Government institutions and agencies, development partners, universities, students and the public in general with gathered at the University of Liberia Auditorium in Monrovia. Initially, three radio stations on 1st November 2017 will host Mr. Sonpon Sieh, One Health Coordinator; Mr. John Dogba, Director, National Public Health Referenced Laboratory and Nykoi D. Jomah, Preparedness and Response, USAID to discussed Liberia and One Health. The theme for this year observance is "Preventing the next epidemics through One Health Coordination and Collaboration in Liberia"
Website: People can acquire more information by contacting the National Public Health Institute of Liberia
Contact: siehb2017@gmail.com
** MALI **
A Technical Note for the promotion of One Health in Africa
Location: Bamako, Mali
November 3 - January 1, 2017
Organizer: National Directorate of Veterinary Services
Scope: Local Event
Fee: None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Hello I am Idrissa N SANOGO, a vet from Mali. I have just graduated in a Specialized Master in Integrated Management of Health Risks in the Global South (GIRISS) one month ago. We set up a network of graduated students from GIRISS made of all of the students having participated to this first session of the Master. This year we want to contribute to the celebration of One Health Day by writting a note on key issues in Africa and specifically in some of our home countries (Mali, Madagescar, Burundi, RDC, etc.) and how the One Health concept can help us to solve them. The note is done, now we are looking ways to publish it. We wish to register this event. Otherwise we want to ask you if this note can be publish on your website.
Website: None
Technical Note: 'One Health: A Key Concept for complex health problems management in the Global South' (English) (French)
Contact: sanogo.idrissa9@yahoo.fr
One Health: Connecting humans, animals and environment
Location: Funtua Katsina State
November 4, 2017
Organizer: Katsina State Agriculture and Rural Development (KTARDA)
Scope: Local Event
Fee: None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: I would like to sensitize our local people on the importance of animals and the environment in disease accusation and transmission.
Contact: ibrahimyusuf2008@gmail.com
The One Health Approach and Sustainable Development Goals in Africa
Location: Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti State
November 16 - 18, 2017
Organizer: OneHealth SMS Committee, Afe Babalola University, Ado-Ekiti
Scope: International Event
Fee: $50
Open to Public: Yes
Description: The conference offers a platform, to scholars in the social sciences, humanities, sciences and other disciplines, to interrogate the goals of the sustainable development agenda and functional integrated health policy by examining the intricately linked three pillars of sustainable development and the tripartite concerns of the One Health approach.
Communique issued at the end of Abuad SMS One Health Conference 2017
Website: http://abuad.edu.ng/sms-international-conference/
Contact: yemi.ademowo@abuad.edu.ng
One Health Awareness
Location: Bloemfontein, South Africa
October 13 - 19, 2017
Organizer: UFS/NHLS
Scope: Local Event
Fee: None
Open to Public: No
Description: What is One Health? What zoonotic diseases should children be aware of? What do medical students know about “One Health” and zoonotic diseases? These are all questions that the students will address in their proposed activities. The One Health Warriors have arranged two activities for promoting awareness of One Health in 2017. School learners at Tsholohelo primary School and Nzame Primary School in the Bloemfontein townships will be visited by the students who will give short presentations followed by games and activities. The children will be introduced to the concept of One Health and that the health of their animals, pets or livestock, will have an influence on their health and the importance of hand washing.
The second activity will target first year medical students at the University of the Free State. What zoonotic diseases are circulating in South Africa, raising awareness of these diseases, early diagnosis, control of the diseases and the concept of One Health.
The activities will be presented by students from the University of the Free State from Medical Virology and Microbiology focusing on human and veterinary pathogens, vaccination and personal hygiene; students from zoology discussing the health of pets, importance of deworming and vaccination; entomology students will provide information on vectors and safe removal of ticks from pets; and finally students from hydrology informing on water cleanness and ways to reuse water.
Website: Facebook: One Health Warriors
Contact: burtfj@ufs.ac.za
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza at Human/Poultry/Wild-Bird Interface
Location: Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve, Gauteng
November 3, 2017
Organizer: Gauteng One Health Team
Scope: State/Provincial Event
Fee: None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: A day to train emerging poultry farmers and multidisciplinary stakeholders responsible for the detection and response of HPAI, using a creative narrative to simulate an outbreak of HPAI that has become zoonotic. Training manuals consisting of the outbreak exercise, KPA questionnaire, basic epidemiology and biosecurity tools as well as newly designed HPAI transmission and info brochures will be distributed and all attendees will receive a 'Prevent HPAI' mug.
Contact: krpasha.govindasamy@gauteng.gov.za or grace7jf@gmail.com
HPAI H5N8: Outbreak In A Zoo – Epidemiology, Surveillance and Diagnostics
Location: Pretoria, Gauteng
November 14, 2017
Organizer: Gauteng One Health Team
Scope: State/Provincial Event
Fee: None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: A training day held at the National Zoological Gardens of South Africa for zoological veterinarians, zoo keepers, and other health and (human & veterinary) laboratory stakeholders responsible for the detection and response to HPAI in endangered and threatened avian species in captivity. Training will focus on correct sample collection and submission, diagnostic and interpretation of results and protocols to follow for exemption to cull and vaccination of high risk avian species. All delegates will be receive a training manual containing essential information on diagnostics, epidemiology and new protocols applicable to handling a HPAI outbreak in a conservation facility and newly developed transmission brochure and 'Prevent HPAI transmission' mug. Collaboration between Gauteng One Health Team, Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute and National Zoological Gardens.
Contact: krpasha.govindasamy@gauteng.gov.za or grace7jf@gmail.com
A One Health approach to detect zoonotic neurological arboviruses
Location: Gauteng, South Africa
November 11, 2017
Organizer: University of Pretoria
Scope: Local Event
Fee: None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Over the past 8 years, the Zoonotic arboviruses and respiratory research group (ZARV) has been running a One Health surveillance program to detect zoonotic neurological arboviruses such as West Nile virus and Middelburg virus across South Africa and SADEC countries. The 11th of November will be spent with horse owners and grooms at the Eventing Gauteng Championships and GEAL finals in Kyalami, Gauteng. This day will focus on creating awareness regarding zoonotic arboviruses and the associated diseases in horses. We will also focus on prevention and control of arboviruses and the zoonotic risk involved. Horse owners will also be invited to participate in the long term surveillance program of ZARV at the Centre for Viral Zoonosis, University of Pretoria.
Website: www.up.ac.za/zoonoses-research-unit
Contact: jumari.steyn@gmail.com or zoonosesresearchunit@gmail.com
Second One Health Day Symposium
Location: Onderstepoort, Pretoria
November 21, 2017
Organizer: Agriculture Research Council
Scope: Local Event
Fee: None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Integration of education, surveillance and research towards One Health in South Africa. http://www.arc.agric.za/Events%20Library/21%20November%202017%20-%20One%20Health%20Day%20at%20ARC-OVR.pdf
Contact: WesselsD@arc.agric.za
** UGANDA **
**** Winning Student Competition Event ****
Rabies Vaccination and Awareness Outreach Held On 28th, 29th And 30th September 2017 in Kanyanya, Kabowa and Kawaala: A One Health Approach
Location: Kampala, Uganda
September 28 - 30, 2017
Organizer: Makerere University Student One health Innovation Club
Scope: Local Event
Fee: None
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Student’s participants of the one health club Makerere were exposed to a real life one health challenge. The activity exposed the student participants to field work since students spend most of their time in classrooms. Students learnt from the qualified personnel how to vaccinate. Students learnt firsthand how to interview and probe locals for information the activity was a success. We would love to extend our thanks to our dear patrons, and OHCEA. It is hoped that the Makerere University Student One Health and Innovations Club will be given space to display a poster on this work at the International One Health Day Celebrations organized by the National One Health Platform on the 3rd November 2017.
Website: https://onehealthclubmakerere.wordpress.com/
Contact: tsankara80@gmail.com