Smart kids know One Health
Location: Chittagong, Bangladesh
November 1 - 7, 2017
Organizer: Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
Scope: Local Event
Fee: Free
Open to Public: Yes
Description: This event will organise 30 minutes talks for primary and high school kids in every school, including power point presentation, video demonstration and Q&A session.
Contact: rubyathhasan.official@gmail.com
“Application of One Health to prevent emerging diseases and condition(s) at human-animal and ecosystem health interface”
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
October 25 - November 5, 2017
Organizer: Jointly by One health Bangladesh and Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University
Scope: National Event
Fee: Free
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Collaborative Essay Competition, Rally, Seminar.
Check out a SUMMARY HERE.
Website: http://www.onehealthnetwork.asia
Contact: dr_hannan72@yahoo.com
One Health Seminar and Campaign
Location: Jhenidah, Khulna, Bangladesh
November 11 -12, 2017
Organizer: IVSA Bangladesh
Scope: Local Event
Fee: Free
Open to Public: Yes
Description: We start our first day with the rally, then seminar here a medical doctor and a veterinarian present keynote Presentation. Civil Surgeon, Livestock Officer, Principal of medical and Veterinary institutions are present there. 2nd day we arrange Campaign program in 5 schools.
Contact: kazisobur@gmail.com
OH Day Rally, Seminar and Campaign
Location: Jhenidah, Khulna, Bangladesh
November 3 - 4, 2017
Organizer: IVSA Bangladesh
Scope: Local Event
Fee: Free
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Around the global one health day 3 November 2017 international veterinary student association Bangladesh JGVC unit in conjugated with Jhenidah Government Veterinary College will arrange a rally. About 300 vet and more then 100 medical student and common public are invited to increase collaboration of health concept. the event will also included a technical symposium . the titled of symposium is " awareness of zoonotic disease " the aim of symposium is concerning of common people. the event is also included campaign in local village and quiz contest for medical and veterinary student focusing on one health. The District Commissioner, Civil surgeon, District Livestock officer, Veterinary surgeon, principle of veterinary college will attend this program. The Vice chancellor of jessore Science and Technology University may be the chief gust in this seminar. a key note speech will delivered by a medical and a veterinary doctor. IVSA Bangladesh is the organizer of this event. Jhenidah Government Veterinary College and OHYV assist us in seminar.
Contact: kazisobur@gmail.com
Celebration Rally and Seminar on World One Health Day 2017
Location: Dhaka, Bangladesh
November 5, 2017
Organizer: Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University
Scope: National Event
Fee: Free
Open to Public: Yes
Description: In collaboration with One Health Bangladesh, Dept. of Medicine & Public Health of Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Bangladesh is going to organize the Celebration of World One Health Day 2017 with the support from USAID’s Preparedness & Response Project and Eco Health Alliance. A colorful celebration rally and seminar on “Application of One Health to prevent emerging diseases and condition(s) at human-animal and ecosystem health interface” will take place in the event. Prof. Dr. Nitish Chandra Debnath, Coordinator, One Health Bangladesh will present the key note paper in the seminar. The Honorable Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Kamal Uddin Ahamed, SAU has given his kind consent to grace the occasion as the Chief Guest. Prof. Dr. Md. Sekender Ali, Pro-Vice Chancellor, SAU, Prof. Dr. Md. Anwarul Haque Beg, Treasurer, SAU, Prof. Dr. Meerjady Sabrina Flora, Director, IEDCR and Prof. Dr. A.B.M. Maqsoodul Alam, Principal, ShSMC will also kindly grace the occasion as the Special Guests. People from different corners of professions including both veterinary and medical students & journalists will be present in the programs.
Contact: vetkbm@yahoo.com
One Health Competition
Location: Mymensingh, Bangladesh
June 21 - November 25, 2017
Organizer: Bangladesh Agricultural University
Scope: National Event
Fee: Free
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Raising awareness about vector borne and zoonotic disease
Website: http://www.bau.edu.bd/
Contact: Imran42658@gmail.com
** BHUTAN **
Signing of MoU among key stakeholder and collaborating stakeholders to implement the Bhutan One Health Strategy Plan
Location: Thimphu, Bhutan
November 3, 2017
Organizer: NCAH
Scope: National Event
Fee: Free
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Memorandum of Understanding will be signed between ministers and the collaborating stakeholders for implementation of the Bhutan One Health Strategy Plan, which has been endorsed by the cabinet in 2016.
With the MoU signed, it is expected that Bhutan One Health Secretariat will be institutionalized and can be open for international collaboration.
Contact: vetyoen@gmail.com
All You Should Know About Antibiotic Resistance - A One Health Approach
Location: Kowloon, Hong Kong
January 9 - 11, 2017
Organizer: LSM Laboratory Limited
Scope: Local Event
Fee: Free
Open to Public: Yes
Description: On every Friday starts 1 SEPT 2017, microbiology technologists from LSM Laboratory will deliver a video introducing the importance of antibiotic resistance on a One Health perspective at LSMLAB facebook page. A summary video will be presented on the last day of the programme - 3 NOV the One Health Day. This programme aims to promote the awareness of antibiotic resistance to the public and to introduce the concept of One Health. Fighting against antibiotic resistance is not simply a medical problem but a concern requires everybody to help. Everyone can join to watch the series of short videos to understand how we can contribute to the issue and to promote our quality of living under the One Health umbrella.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/lsmlab
Contact: eugeneli@lsmlab.com.hk
** INDIA **
Let's Go One Health (Student competition and One Health club)
Location: Pookode, Wayanad, Kerala, India
November 19, 2017
Organizer: Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
Scope: National Event (Country-wide)
Fee: Free
Open to Public: No
Description: The Centre for One Health Education, Advocacy, Research and Training, KVASU in association with PG Diploma in One Health students of CVAS, Pookode is organizing competitions for undergraduate health and allied health science students of various institutions on 19th September 2017. The details of competitions can be downloaded from the brochure attached. Through the competitions, we wish to ignite the young minds to establish a student’s One Health club. This initiative is to develop a consortium of students and faculties that promote the One Health model through critical online engagement, inter disciplinary collaboration and educational outreach. The student nomination form is available in the brochure. Please fill the entry form scan and email to coheart@kvasu.ac.in on or before 13/09/2017.
Website: www.coheart.ac.in
Contact: coheart@kvasu.ac.in
National workshop on “Ethics and welfare concerns in research for human and animal health” at CVAS, Pookode
Location: Pookode, Wayanad, Kerala, India
November 15, 2017
Organizer: Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
Scope: National Event (Country-wide)
Fee: Registration fee
Open to Public: No
Description: The Centre for One Health Education, Advocacy, Research and Training and Department of Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology is jointly organizing a National workshop on “Ethics and welfare concerns in research for human and animal health” at College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pookode, Wayanad, Kerala on 15.09.17. The theme of the workshop is traversing the ethical and welfare concerns in research for the betterment of human and animal health. It has tremendous significance in current research scenario and will help researchers and academicians to have a review of existing rules and regulations related to experiments in laboratory animals and clinical trials in human. With growing concerns about the ethical use of animals in research, many countries have made it mandatory for researchers to be proficient in the sciences of animals which includes proper management and handling, before being allowed to use them in studies. The workshop shall also cover ethics used in public health research for health promotion and development of healthy societies. The workshop will provide an interactive platform for the scientific community to meet each other and expand their knowledge for the improvement of health. Interested researchers and academicians are sincerely requested to register for the national workshop in advance. The last date of registration is on September 13th, 2017. Please fill up this proforma given in the brochure and email to Dr. Nisha (Organizing secretary) at nisha@kvasu.ac.in before the due date. There is no registration fee and all the registered participants shall receive certificate, complimentary lunch and opportunity to visit various units of the college.
Website: http://www.kvasu.ac.in/news/readmore/1658
Contact: coheart@kvasu.ac.in
One Health Day 2017
Location: Bangalore, India
November 3, 2017
Organizer: BRKINS
Scope: National Event (Country-wide)
Fee: No
Open to Public: No
Website: http://www.kvasu.ac.in/news/readmore/1658
Contact: brkins9@gmail.com
Community Awareness on Hygiene, Zoonoses and Antimicrobial Resistance
Location: Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh
October 27 - November 30, 2017
Organizer: ICAR- Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar
Scope: Local Event
Fee: No
Open to Public: Yes
Description: Division of Veterinary Public Health at ICAR- Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar is organizing campaigns and lecture series to the school children (primary and high school going) and professional students (Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate level) of various institutions in and around Bareilly. The sessions are envisaged with an aim to create community awareness in the day-to-day life, with special mention to the importance of hygiene, zoonoses and antimicrobial resistance in the ever-changing world. This initiative is proposed with an objective to promulgate the ideology of 'One Health' through community participation.
Contact: svsmalik@gmail.com
One Health Conference
Location: Bangkok Thailand
November 3 - 4, 2017
Organizer: Consultant/Trainer
Scope: International Event
Fee: $1,000 USD
Open to Public: Yes
Description: International experts, public health professionals are invited to attend the conference
Contact: reaz_sau@yahoo.com
One Health and Infectious Diseases - A Global Challenge
Location: Islamabad, Pakistan
November 14, 2017
Organizer: Pak One Health Alliance
Scope: National Event (Country-wide)
Fee: None
Open to Public: No
Description: Pak One Health Alliance has decided to celebrate International One Health day as par Global movement. In this context, a promotional seminar would be organized upon One Health Core Competencies and Infectious diseases at Islamabad on 24th Nov, 2017. This seminar would in fact be a step towards a sensitization campaign targeting major national decision makers /stakeholders for 'One Health' adoption and promotion. Pak One Health Alliance (POHA) would facilitate this event and pursue a large number of experts from human and animal health, ministries, line projects/programs dealing veterinary sciences, public health, vector control diseases, local bodies, agriculture, nutrition, environment, and education institutions. Invitations would also be sent to potential international partners based in country.(eg WHO, FAO, UNHCR,,MSF, CDC). This would be an occasion for not only providing basic information and dimensions of 'One Health Approach' by POHA but would also enable a kind of rapid analysis /mapping of multiple 'One Health' activities those multiple organizations/departments are already engaged for 'One Health Promotion' POHA would be keen to collaborate with national and international organizations for organizing this event in a meaningful manner.
Website: www.pakonehealth.org
Contact: hamid.siddique@pakonehealth.org