Student Awards 2016 - One Health Commission

Student Awards 2016

The One Health Day Coordinating Team was very pleased to have received numerous outstanding entries for the 2016 Student Event Competition. Competing groups had to meet a set of criteria (see Eligibility Criteria) and were required to submit a post-event summary. The International Panel of Judges  was impressed with the work of the One Health Day Student teams, and the decision was challenging.

Congratulations to the Winning Student Teams!

Based on the Student Competition Assessment Criteria

These three 2016 Student Teams  each won a $5,000 prize (alphabetical order):

George Washington University in Washington D.C.

University of California at Davis, California

Washington University at St Louis, Missouri

The Planning Team added two additional  $500 Special Recognition Awards to the teams from:

Makerere University, Uganda

University of Pretoria, South Africa

Title: George Washington (GW) One Health

Location: Washington, D.C.
Date: October 31 - November 3, 2016
Organizer: GW One Health 
Scope: Local Event
Fee? None
Open to Public: Yes

Description: We celebrated One Health Day with a series of speakers, all focused on national and global issues that utilize a One Health approach. On Monday through Wednesday (October 31st – November 2nd), one hour-long lunchtime discussions were hosted each focused on the collaborative and multidisciplinary One Health approach to a particular health problem. On Thursday (November 3rd) a panel discussion was hosted in which panelists and audience members engaged with each other in discussion on the One Health approach towards parasitic diseases. Faculty and students (undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate students) were invited to all events as were professionals from private and public sectors throughout Washington DC for networking. A light lunch was provided to guests before and after the events. If individuals are unable to make it to our event, all discussions were live streamed on the public Facebook page GW One Heath. 

                                                                      Event Website                    Event Summary Package

Team Members (Link to Bios, * Indicates Team Leader)

Contact: Laura Venner


         *Laura Venner                        Emma Sullivan                    Jeffrey Jacob                         Mallory Epting

Animal Health 

*Laura Venner Masters Candidate, Public Health Microbiology & Emerging Infectious Diseases
Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington  University
Accepted to the Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine for Fall 2017.

Environmental Health 

Emma Sullivan Masters candidate, Public Health in Environmental Health Science & Policy
Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington  University 

Human Health  

Jeffrey Jacob MD candidate
School of Medicine and Health Sciences, George Washington University 

Public Health 

Mallory Epting Masters Candidate, Public Health, Microbiology/Emerging Diseases Health Policy
Milken Institute School of Public Health, George Washington University.

"We realized that we needed to be creative in our advertising. The medical library hosted a ‘Design Your Own Pumpkin’ Initiative as part of Healthy Living at Himmelfarb. We took the opportunity to make a One Health Pumpkin!" GWU OH Day Event Team




                                                                         Image result for uc davis veterinary medicine one health

Title: Collaboration in the Face of a Changing Environment: UC Davis 3rd Annual One Health Symposium

* Available by Webinar - CE/CME was available 

Location: Davis, California 
Date: November 5, 2016
Organizer: Students for One Health & UC Davis One Health Institute
Scope: Local Event
Fee? $10-$35
Open to Public: Yes

Description: The theme of this year’s UC Davis One Health Symposium was ‘Collaboration in the Face of a Changing Environment.’ Discussion topics ranged from Zika virus and the distribution of mosquitos and other vectors to respiratory disease caused by environmental particulates, to disaster preparedness and response. The Deans of the UC Davis Schools of Nursing, Medicine, and Veterinary Medicine gave the day’s capstone address. The program was followed by a networking reception.


Event Agenda Event Flyer  Event Website Photos on Event Facebook Page

Event Summary Package


          Nathan Brown      Marlene Haggblade    *Risa Pesapane    Benjamin Plourde    Nick Booster       Brandon Scott

Team Members (Link to Bios, * Indicates Team Leader)


Animal Health:  

Nathan Brown, MPH DVM Candidate
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
Marlene Haggblade, BA DVM Candidate
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine


*Risa Pesapane, BS, BS, MS
PhD Candidate, Disease Ecology
Foley Laboratory of Infectious Disease Ecology 
University of California at Davis, Davis, California
Benjamin Plourde, BS, M. ED PhD Candidate, Integrative Pathobiology
Foley Laboratory of Infectious Disease Ecology 
University of California at Davis, Davis, California


Nick Booster, B.A PhD Candidate
Rosenheim Laboratory
University of California at Davis, Davis, California

Human Health:  

Brandon Scott 
MD Candidate
UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine


Image result for washington university st louis school of medicine

Title: One Health Poster Competition at the WAMCOH Inaugural One Health Conference

(WAMCOH, Washington, Auburn, Missouri Coalition for One Health)

Location: St. Louis, Missouri
Date: September 30, 2016
Organizer: School of Medicine, Washington University in Saint Louis
Scope: National Event
Fee? None
Open to Public? Yes 

Description: Students played a part in the region's first One Health Conference by presenting posters at the Inaugural One Health Conference at the Saint Louis Zoo! Two superb panels of experts discussed infectious disease & cancer translational research and the ecological context of One Health, in addition to a keynote address by Barbara Natterson-Horowitz, MD, author of the New York Times bestseller "Zoobiquity: The Astonishing Connection Between Human and Animal Health." Students working on environmental health, comparative medicine, zoonotic disease, translational medicine, natural resource management, and conservation were strongly encouraged to present a poster. Monetary prizes were awarded for the top two posters!

Website                                Event Summary Package

Team Members    (Link to Bios, * Indicates Team Leader)

Contact: Dean Odegard


               Allison Siu                    Kelsey Haddad                        *Dean Odegard                         Michael Schacher

Animal Health:  

Allison Siu, MPH

DVM Candidate, College of Veterinary Medicine
Auburn University


Kelsey Haddad, BS, MS
PhD Candidate, Energy, Environmental, and Chemical Engineering
Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri

Human Health:  

*Dean Odegard, BS, MS MD Candidate, School of Medicine
Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri


Michael Schacher PhD Candidate, Missouri Informatics Institute
DVM Candidate, College of Veterinary Medicine
University of Missouri



The Planning Team added two additional $500 Special Recognition Awards to the teams from:

Makerere University, Uganda

University of Pretoria, South Africa



Title: Awareness workshop for secondary school students on Rabies

Location: Kampala, Uganda
Date: November 3, 2016
Organizer: Makerere University School of Public Health
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes

Description: In Uganda, most households own pets especially dogs and cats which are used for security and vermin control respectively. However, they are not aware of Rabies, its transmission and first Aid in case bitten by dogs or cats. This awareness workshop will take place at St. Noah Girls Secondary School, Zana and students from other secondary schools will be invited. The workshop involved a pretest on Rabies where levels of knowledge were assessed followed by discussions with the students about Rabies. At the end of the session, a post test was given to the students to assess levels of knowledge acquired about Rabies. This event therefore aimed at creating awareness on Rabies transmission, First Aid and Treatment.

Website            Event Summary Package

Team Members    (Link to Bios, * Indicates Team Leader) 

Contact: Phionah Apiyo (


        Mayindi Frank            Ssemyalo Joshua           *Apiyo Phionah              Nakito Prossy          GloriaTumukunde


Animal Health:  

Ssemyalo Joshua Bachelors Candidate, Animal Production Technology and Management
College of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Resources and Biosecurity
Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda

Environment Health: 

*Apiyo Phionah  Bachelors Candidate, Environmental Health Science
College of Health Science
Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
Nakito Prossy  Bachelors Candidate, Environmental Health Science
College of Health science
Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda
Gloria  Tumukunde Bachelors Candidate, Environmental Health Science
College of Health Science
Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda

Human Health:  

Mayindi Frank  Candidate, Bachelors of Medicine and Surgery
College of Health Science
Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda




Title: Zoonotic Disease Awareness Day

Location: Pretoria, Gauteng Province, South Africa
Date: November 11, 2016
Organizer: University of Pretoria - Ondesterpoort
Scope: Local Event
Fee? No
Open to Public: Yes

Description: Our aim for the day was to inform farmers, Animal Health Technicians (Veterinary Services) and Environmental Health Practitioners (Public Health) on 8 selected zoonotic diseases that they might encounter on farms. The diseases were: Rabies, Brucellosis, Tuberculosis, Rift Valley Fever, Anthrax, West Nile Virus, Cysticercosis & Leptospirosis. The information was presented in the form of a drama that focused on a visit to a farm by a 'One Health Team' to address a situation of people on the farm testing positive for a zoonotic disease. Every person from the audience was presented with an information pack consisting of pamphlets and posters of each zoonotic disease. Mugs with different designs for the selected zoonotic diseases were given away as prizes and were also available for purchase. Snacks and beverages were provided. Transportation was provided for selected rural farmers.

Website                             Event Summary Package

Contact: Dr Krpasha Govindasamy (

Team Members    (Link to Bios, * Indicates Team Leader) 


                Andre Coetzer        Banenat B Dogonyaro   *Dr. Krpasha Govindasamy Ayesha Hassim    Aqil Jeenah


             Dr. Francis Kolo        Maphuti Betty Ledwaba    Dr. Lwando Maki        Zamantuli Ntuli            Jumari Steyn

Not Pictured: Carien van Loggereneberg and Terence Scott

Animal Health / Disease Ecology:  

Aqil Jeenah

BvSc Candidate
University of Pretoria, South Africa 

Ayesha Hassim, BS, MS PhD Candidate
University of Pretoria, South Africa


Maphuti Betty Ledwaba, BS, MSc PhD Candidate
University of Pretoria, South Africa


*Krpasha Govindasamy, BVsc, MPH(SAFELTP) PhD Candidate, Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases
University of Pretoria, South Africa
Carien van Loggereneberg, BS, MSc
PhD Candidate, Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases
University of Pretoria, South Africa

Food Safety:  

Francis Kolo, DVM, MSc PhD Candidate, Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases
University of Pretoria, South Africa
Banenat B Dogonyaro, BSc, MSc PhD Candidate, Department of Veterinary Tropical Diseases
Faculty of Veterinary Science, Onderstepoort
University of Pretoria, South Africa

Human Health:

Lwando Maki, MBChB

Specializing in Public Health
University of Pretoria, South Africa

Language Practice:

Zamantuli Ntuli National Diploma: Language Practice, Faculty of Humanities
Department of Applied Languages, Tshwane University of Technology,
University of Pretoria, South Africa

Medical Virology:

Jumari Steyn, MSc PhD Candidate, Centre for Viral Zoonoses, Department of Medical Virology
University of Pretoria, South Africa

Plant pathology:

Andre Coetzer, MSc Microbiology
PhD Candidate, Department of Microbiology and Plant Pathology
University of Pretoria, South Africa
Terence Scott, MSc Microbiology
PhD Candidate, Department of Microbiology and  Plant Pathology
University of Pretoria, South Africa

Additional Student Team members: Louwtjie Snyman, Low De Vries, Carien van Loggereneberg, Nomsa Letsoala, Noluthando Mthethwa, Colbin Greene, Faith Shikwanbana,  Khethinkabini, Kgothatso Nkanyane

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