One Health in the US Webinar Series

Hosted by the One Health Commission and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine
In partnership with the Wilson Center and Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History.
In light of COVID-19 and previous outbreaks of other zoonotic diseases that pass between animals and humans (Examples: SARS, MERS, HIV Aids, Ebola, Zika etc), leaders at the recent G7 Summit meeting endorsed “strengthening a ‘One Health’ approach across all aspects of pandemic prevention and preparedness.”
There is an emerging need for a better understanding of what One Health is all about. One Health is an approach that recognizes that the health of people, animals and the environment are inextricably interconnected. We cannot have healthy people without healthy animals and we cannot have healthy animals without a healthy environment. (Learn more)
See press release. Webinars will be recorded with links posted on this webpage.
Topics in the Webinar Series:
One Health 101: What is all the fuss? June 30, 2021 (see below)
One Health in the US: Where are we right now? Gaps, Challenges and Solutions (TBD)
One Health in the US: Biosurveillance (TBD)
Free and Open to the public to answer the questions:
What do I need to know about One Health?
Why to I need to know it? Why is it so important?
What can I do about it?
June 30, 2021 12:00 - 1:00 pm Eastern
Jimmy Tobias, Investigative Journalist whose Dec 2020 cover story for The Nation connected One Health to health security globally as well as in U.S. cities. See also the Nation Conversation Podcast;
Bernadette Dunham, DVM, PhD, Professorial Lecturer at the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health describing One Health for Zoonotic Diseases and Beyond;
Greg Gray, MD, MPH, Director of Duke One Health at the Duke University Global Health Institute explains how One Health translates into effective public safety and benefits everyone.
Together, they will explain how a One Health approach can translate into keeping the public safe from future outbreaks. The formal webinar will end at 1:00 pm but the webinar will remain open for further live Q&A for those who wish to continue the conversation.
See full Event Flyer
Further Readings for this webinar:
- Handout provided during the webinar
- Environmental Change and Global Health are two sides of the Same Coin, By Charles Minicucci, Aspen Institute
- Prioritizing Zoonotic Diseases for Multisectoral, One Health Collaboration in the United States
- Gray GC Mazet JA, To Succeed, One Health Must Win Animal Agriculture’s Stronger Collaboration, Clinical Infectious Diseases, Volume 70, Issue 3, 1 February 2020,
- What if Scientists already Know how to Prevent the Next Pandemic, By Jimmy Tobias, The Nation
- The Next Pandemic: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
- 'OUTBREAK'- Epidemics in a Connected World - Digital Version of the physical exhibit at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History - You can bring a Do-It-Yourself 'Pop-Up' version of this exhibit to a location near you.

Webinar Recording
(Click Register to start the recording)
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Note: Links to external sources do not imply endorsement of content by the One Health Commission, the National Academies, the Wilson Center or Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History.