Narratives of One Health In Action - One Health Commission

Narratives of One Health In Action

One Health can provide a safe, 'no judgment zone' for many needed conversations surrounding our most difficult global and environmental health challenges. 

This is a webpage where many items can be shared, from peer reviewed scientific case studies to examples of One Health successes (or missed opportunities) to Op Eds and Opinion Pieces.

Opinions expressed here are not necessarily approved by the One Health Commission but are shared ‘because’ this is a safe, no judgement zone and we need to hear from many perspectives on many of today’s challenges. Thoughtful articles written in a professional tone will be considered for posting. Submit suggested items to

See COVID-19 and One Health

See more narratives of One Health in Action on the U.S. CDC One Health in Action webpage.

See digital One Health stories in a Virtual One Health Exhibition shared by researchers from the Center for International Health CIHLMU and the European University Alliance for Global Health.

To see peer reviewed scientific articles visit the Commission's online One Health Library Journal Articles/White Papers Section.


2005   2006   2007   2008   2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015   2016   2017   2018   2019   2020   2021   2022   2023   2024  
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June 2024


April 2024

Apr 26
April 26
Veterinarians Needed More Than Ever Given Pandemic Risk

Authors:  Rohini Roopnarine and Richard

The risk of future pandemics is very real, and this article will argue that, given the nature of the risk, which arises more often than not from animals, the role of veterinarian assistance is more important than ever………….


March 2024

Mar 25
March 25
The Pandemic Agreement Draft: Will It Fully Embrace One Health?

Author: Richard Seifman    In:  IMPAKTER

Animal health, biodiversity, ecological, environmental and plant health are key to addressing existing and future infectious disease risks


Mar 7
March 7
Why ‘One Health’ needs more social sciences: Pandemic prevention depends on behaviour as well as biology

Authors:  Kaylee Byers, Lara Hollmann, Salome A Bucakchi, Sara Robinson,   In:  The CONVERSATION

Discussions and decisions about One Health issues are often dominated by veterinary and human health sciences, sidelining the social sciences despite the crucial role of disciplines like psychology, sociology, and communications in understanding human behaviour. Social science researchers aim to understand people — their perceptions and concerns, their histories, their socio-political, cultural and environmental contexts, and their knowledge — with a view to understanding how structural disparities affect personal and societal behaviour, health and political power.


January 2024

Jan 31
January 31
One health in worldwide educational curricula paradigm shift – all levels.

Kahn LH, Kaplan B, Monath TP, Yuill TM, Chapman HJ, Carter CN, Barrentine B, Seifman R. One health in worldwide educational curricula paradigm shift – all levels. JGPOH 2024, posted: 31-01- 2024. DOI: 10.61034/JGPOH-2024-6

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