Organizational Who's Who
It is exciting to watch the One Health movement spread around the world and it is important to illuminate One Health leadership actions led by many organizations and individuals. To help the world see what is going on, the One Health Commission (OHC) has been working since 2014 to compile a Who's Who in One Health organizations map.
The map on 'this' page is 'all' groups and organizations so far identified that are actively working to further One Health, leading One Health research and outreach activities or leading One Health education programs.The list got 'so' long we have also broken out separate maps this way:
Academic Organizations working for One Health
Government, Intergovernmental and Regional Organizations implementing One Health
(See also Countries that have adopted National One Health Strategic Action Plans)
Non-Profit &/or Coalition Organizations working for One Health
Private, For-Profit, Corporations embracing One Health
Full map of 'all' groups and organizations identified around the world as actively working to further One Health.
View the Full (All Categories) Who's Who in One Health Organizations (updated 11-24-24) in a full screen map
605 Entities mapped 11-24-24
For a list of the Student One Health groups around the world, visit the Who's Who in Students for One Health webpage
Though it is a good start, we know that these maps are incomplete. For example, we look forward to putting a pin in the map for individual groups in a number of 'coalitions' like the newly formed One Health-Latino America Ibero y Caribbean Coalition of Spanish and Portuguese speaking researchers and advocates.
Please help us make this webpage a tool for showing colleagues and policy makers just how much One Health thinking and acting is being implemented around the world. And, because we started this work years ago, some of the informational templates gathered in the past and shared here need to be updated. You can help by doing the following:
- Let us know of other organizations that need to be added here. Connect us with their leaders if you can.
- Review your organization's posting to see if updates are needed. Is there a better webpage to link to?
- Or, if desired, use this suggested template to help viewers 'quickly' see an overview and understand how your organization/group/lab incorporates and implements One Health in your work. Download the template.
- Please share this template with other organizations that are leading One Health activities /work but may not yet be listed here and encourage them to submit it to ohc@onehealthcommission.org.
How to be included on these maps:
1. Demonstrate (on your website and/or in a Who's Who template form) 'how' your organization/group/lab is actively working to implement One Health thinking and acting in your region.
2. Organizations are also included on these maps if they have (since 2014) been financial supporters/sponsors of the One Health Commission because that action also supports work being done to make One Health the default way of doing business at all levels of academia, industry, government, policy and research.
Countries, government agencies, intergovernmental organizations, academic institutions, research labs, that are actively leading One Health activities and research efforts but cannot afford to financially support the One Health Commission are 'welcome' to be included on these maps. This is a way to help us see who is doing what to find our synergies, to join hands and work 'together' to further the One Health paradigm shift.
Of course, none of the One Health Commission's work can get done without financial support of some sort. So, if you like what we have been trying to do for the global One Health movement, contribute financially whenever and whatever you are able.
Quick Links to Category Lists and Maps:
Academic | Government | Non-Profit &/or Coalition | Private, For-Profit
(You can sometimes open links in Chrome for language translations)
Recordings of Other One Health Commission activities
undertaken toward the goal of 'connecting' One Health stakeholders have included hosting: (Click Register to start the recording)
Who's Who in Students for One Health webinars
led by Students and the International Student One Health Alliance (ISOHA, formed in 2017)
with webinar support provided by the One Health Commission.
Additional Resources
Khan, M.S., Rothman-Ostrow, P., Spencer, J., Hasan, N., Sabirovic, M., Rahman-Shepherd, A., Shaikh, N., Heymann, D.L., & Dar, O. (2018). The growth and strategic functioning of One Health networks: a systematic analysis. The Lancet Planetary Health, Volume 2, Issue 6, pp. E264-e273, https://doi.org/10.1016/S2542-5196(18)30084-6
Streichert LC, Sepe Ludovico P, Jokelainen P, Stroud CM, Berezowski J, Del Rio Vilas VJ., Participation in One Health Networks and Involvement in the COVID-19 Pandemic Response: A Global Study, Frontiers in Public Health, Vol. 10, 2022, DOI=10.3389/fpubh.2022.830893
Please help us make this webpage a tool for showing colleagues and policy makers just how much One Health thinking and acting is being implemented around the world. And let us know if / where you see any omissions or mistakes. (ohc@onehealthcommission.org)