Additional Bat Rabies Resources
Additional Bat Rabies Education Resources

Credit: Robert Herriman interviewing Peter Costa, Outbreak News Today (1/17/18)
Coloring Books:
Credit: Dr. Maria Correa, North Carolina State University College of Veterinary Medicine
(English) (Espanol)
Credit: Arizona Department of Health Services
Credit: USDA APHIS (YouTube)
Credit: Global Alliance for Rabies Control
Credit: USDA Wildlife Research Center and OHC Bat Rabies Education Team
Credit: Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, Bat World Sanctuary, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Ravenswood Media
Credit: Nat Geo Live
Power Point Presentations:
Credit: Lexi Peterman for Poe Health Center Camps in North Carolina, USA
Fact Sheets:
Credit: U.S. CDC

Credit: American Veterinary Medical Association
Fliers / Brochures:
Credit: American Veterinary Medical Association
Credit: U.S. CDC
Credit: National Park Service
Credit: EcoHealth Alliance
Publications and Guidance Documents:
CDC Reports Increase in Human Rabies Cases Linked to Bats in the U.S., January 6, 2022
Fenton B, Faure PA, Bat bites and rabies: the Canadian scene, FACETS 5(1):367-380, June, 2020, DOI:10.1139/facets-2019-0066
Firpo S, Piccirilli MG, Urizar R, Vitta N, Hirmas Riade SM, Leguizamón C, Vico ML, Martínez G, Beltrán FJ, Cisterna DM. Human Rabies by Secondary Transmission in Argentina, 2021. Diseases. 2022; 10(1):17.
- Hennenfent, AK, Iyengar, P, Davies-Cole J (2018), Assessing rabies knowledge gaps in human and animal healthcare professionals practicing in Washington, DC- A one health approach. Zoonoses Public Health. 2018 Dec;65(8):947-956. doi: 10.1111/zph.12514. Epub 2018 Aug 11.
- Hsu CH, Brown CM, Murphy JM, Haskell MG, Williams C, Feldman K, Mitchell K, Blanton JD, Petersen BW, Wallace RM, (2016), Perceptions and Practices of Mass Bat Exposure Events in the Setting of Rabies Among U.S. Public Health Agencies. Zoonoses Public Health. doi:10.1111/zph.12289
- Kuzmin IV, Bozick B, Guagliardo SA, Kunkel R, Shak JR, Tong S, Rupprecht CE (2011). Bats, emerging infectious diseases, and the rabies paradigm revisited. Emergency Health Threats Journal 2011, 4: 7159 - DOI: 10.3402/ehtj.v4i0.7159
- Lu H, McComas KA, Buttke DE, Roh S, Wild MA (2016) A One Health Message about Bats Increases Intentions to Follow Public Health Guidance on Bat Rabies. PLoS ONE 11(5): e0156205. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0156205
- Lu H, McComas KA, Buttke DE, Roh S, Wild MA, Decker DJ, (2017) One Health messaging about bats and rabies: how framing of risks, benefits and attributions can support public health and wildlife conservation goals. Wildlife Research. 44(3): 200-206.
- WHO Expert Consultation on Rabies. Second Report. (2013) World Health Organization technical report series; no. 982. 150pp.
Other Helpful Organizations and Websites:

If you or your organization have more Bat Rabies Education materials that would be useful to the public please let BRET know