One Health K-12 Teacher Survey

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The survey takes about 10 minutes and is 100% anonymous. Just select the language you feel most comfortable with to get started. When you are finished, share it with other educators to help raise awareness of the need for students to understand the One Health concept.
This survey is created and led by the One Health Commission's One Health Education - US Team that works collaboratively with the international 'One Health for One Planet Education' (1HOPE) initiative. If you like what you learn and want to be involved, get in touch with your country's One Health Education Initiative through the links at the end of the survey or at the bottom of this page! We are working on developing several ways to bring One Health to students!
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Compartilhe isso com um administrador da escola! Partagez ceci avec un administrateur d'école!
Want to know more about One Health, why K12 students need to understand One Health connections, and how to get involved?
Check out the One Health Education - US Initiative and email us at
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