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We envision a world where people of all ages in civil and governmental organizations apply a One Health and Well-Being (OHWB) approach - recognising and respecting the inter-connections and inter-dependencies among humans, animals, plants and their shared environment – thereby collaboratively addressing the issues that face us all and striving to ensure the sustainability of the planet.
Main Aim:
To build and support global capacity for understanding and valuing the One Health & Well-Being concept and approach as the foundation for achieving the UN-2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
Creation in 2019 of the 1HOPE Initiative was informed by:
A 'Must Read' for all 1HOPE participants
Launch of the Initiative
April 11, 2019 Launch
June 4, 2019 Follow Up
Summary of Online Organizational Meetings (June-August, 2019)
September 13, 2019 Forming Working Groups
November 8, 2019 Forming Working Groups
Read the Call to Action!
1HOPE - P/S, (Primary/Secondary/K-12), Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Oceania
1HOPE - T (Tertiary, College/Universities), Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Oceania
1HOPE - C/CS (Community / Civil Society groups, includes NGOs), Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Oceania
1HOPE-GPA (Governance/Policy/Advocacy, including Inter-Gov Orgs) - Inter-regional
For more information Contact:
Cheryl Stroud cstroud@onehealthcommissionorg, Executive Director, One Health Commission, Co-Founder, 1HOPE
Bruce Kaplan, bruce@kaplandvm.com One Health Initiative pro bono team, Co-Founder
Laura Kahn, lkahn@alumni.princeton.edu One Health Initiative pro bono team, Co-Founder
In 2020 Dr. George Lueddeke created 1 HOPE-TDR (1 HOPE-Transdisciplinary Research). If you would like to get involved with that 'spin-off' initiative you may contact
George Lueddeke glueddeke@aol.com,