Welcome to the One Health Opportunities webpage

This page has been created as a service for the international One Health Network for sharing and promoting One Health opportunities. It is only as complete and helpful as the information that is brought forward. International One Health leaders and stakeholders are encouraged to both submit and review announcements here.
In past years there have been challenges in making the world aware that the Commission is trying to help in this way, receiving announcement requests, and getting them posted on the Opportunities webpage in a timely manner. In 2018 we began this more interactive, honor system-driven, series of online ‘One Health Community Bulletin Boards’ that include links to ongoing One Health educational programs.
Anyone, from anywhere in the world, who has One Health-related employment, funding or educational opportunities to share with the One Health network can submit them directly to the online bulletin board. Required information will include the name and email address of the person submitting the posting, a (brief) description of the Opportunity, an online link if available, and contact information. If the words One Health are not found in the announcement title, a brief statement of how the opportunity relates to One Health is required in the description.
The One Health Commission reserves the right to remove any postings deemed inappropriate and the Commission is not responsible for accuracy. Postings do not reflect approval or promotion by the Commission. This is purely a service being provided for individuals and organizations working in the One Health space.
We hope this webpage will be helpful. If you have an opportunity to share, please submit it to the online bulletin board by clicking the ‘Submit/Post….’ link in the appropriate section and completing the submission form. If you know of Educational Materials, Courses, etc that need to be added to the compilation at the bottom of this webpage, please send them to ohc@onehealthcommission.org.
If you are seeking One Health-related employment, funding or educational opportunities, please click the ‘Review Posted….’ links in the Preferred section.

One Health Education Opportunities Map
This map is prepared in partnership with ISOHA. It is updated periodically ‘from’ communications and from opportunities submitted below. We know it is not complete. Help us share with the world One Health educational opportunities that you are aware of by submitting them to the appropriate Bulletin Board spreadsheet below. Click on ‘Submit/Post’.
Map Note: Where there are multiple opportunities at one location, pins may cover one another. After viewing ‘All’, click only on the type of program you are looking for to assure visualization.
Postdocs, Fellowships

See More Student Opportunities Compiled by the International Student One Health Alliance (ISOHA)
To see Opportunities posted 2014-2017 see the old Opportunities pages.
See also the website 'Opportunities for Youth'
Links to additional Higher Level One Health Educational Resources
AFROHUN (formerly USAID One Health Central and East Africa , OHCEA) One Health Course Modules
CABI One Health Resources
Bats, Ducks, and Pandemics: An Introduction to One Health Policy - (Free) by Laura Kahn. This interdisciplinary course covers diverse subjects such as basic epidemiology, public health, public policy, basic microbiology, food safety, and security, zoonotic diseases, sanitation and hygiene, antimicrobial resistance, environmental and ecosystem health, and the national and international organizations that oversee health, agriculture, and the environment. Disease outbreaks including Influenza, Q fever, and Ebola are discussed. While the course was developed and recorded before the COVID-19 pandemic, the concepts learned very much apply to it. This course emphasizes holistic, not siloed, approaches to health, and disease.
Free Online Training Modules for Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) on Animal Farms A set of learning modules and a customizable template prepared and shared by the University of Washington's Center for One Health Research, Harborview Medical Center, and the Northwest Center for Occupational Health and Safety Continuing Education Program.
One Health: Basics of Multisectoral Collaboration at the Human - Animal - Environment Interface
WHO Health Security Learning Platform - 90 minute learning module
One Health Training Module - Food Systems
Adaptable training resources hosted by The Agriculture, Nutrition and Health (ANH) Academy. Includes four modules with PowerPoint slides, lesson plans and glossaries:
· Module 1: ANH Linkages – an introduction to the linkages between agriculture, nutrition & health
· Module 2: One Health – an introduction to the concept of One Health and how to apply a One Health approach to identifying and tackling food system challenges
· Module 3: Gender, Equity & Empowerment – provides an introduction to the concept of equity, gender and empowerment, and its linkages to agriculture, nutrition and health
· Module 4: Climate Change, Environment & Sustainability –an introduction to climate change and the environment, and linkages to agriculture, nutrition and health
One Health in Emerging Infectious Diseases” (1H-EID) Graduate Program (MSc, PhD, CE), Institut Pasteur, Paris, France
Online game, Plague Inc: The Cure - Experts and gamers join forces to fight COVID-19
By Ndemic Creations in collaboration with infectious disease experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN). The popular simulation transports players into a global public health outbreak similar to the COVID-19 pandemic and provides expert commentary comparing decisions made by gamers to real-life scenarios.

SouthEast Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN) RESPOND One Health Course Modules
SuperCourse: Epidemiology, the Internet and Global Health (free courses for the world, see Aflatoxins: In Search of One Health Solutions)
The Global One Health Environment: A Learning Module edited by 1HOPE-GPA, Southeastern European Journal of Public Health, Special Volume No. 1, 2021
The Task Force for Global Health Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP)
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030 Flash Cards (Gaia Education) and Train the Multipliers Handbook
USAID One Health Resources
USAID’s BioDiversity Links - One Health Searchable Evidence Collection
A curated set of resources that provides information on core topics of One Health including governance, disease, human well-being, and ecosystem health. This collection includes reports and published scientific literature to assist with your One Health decision making and programming. https://tinyurl.com/3kmxcrdm
· One Health Tool Kits
· Global One Health Resources
Adeyemi OA, Agbabiaka TO, Sujon H. Global One Health post-graduate programmes: a review. One Health Outlook. 2024 Apr 10;6(1):7. doi: 10.1186/s42522-024-00097-6. PMID: 38600594; PMCID: PMC11007884.
See a special (2016) overview of One Health Research, Training and Outreach around the world.
See Who's Who in One Health Academic Programs around the world.
One Health Core Competencies: A compilation of publications focused on (academic) Core Competencies needed for implementing a One Health Approach, Updated March 15, 2024. One Health Commission,
Allen-Scott LK, Buntain B, Hatfield JM, Meisser A, Thomas CJ. Academic Institutions and One Health: Building Capacity for Transdisciplinary Research Approaches to Address Complex Health Issues at the Animal-Human-Ecosystem Interface. Acad Med. 2015 Jul;90(7):866-71.
See Primary and Secondary (K-12) One Health Educational Resources freely available to the public.

For more information, questions, or assistance filling out this form please reach out to us!