(Items posted on this page will be constantly changing.)
Frontiers in Public Health, Planetary Health Section - Special Research Topic (Open Access)
One Health Operationalization: Strategies for a More Integrative Approach to Biodiversity & Health
What does One Health entail, or rather, what can it entail? Are there imperatives to a One Health approach that are imposed by the complexity of the challenges? How can we take into account the decolonizing perspectives regarding One Health? What are the key benefits and challenges of creating or strengthening the essential third pillar of One Health (and integrative nature – human health approaches and concepts)? Frontiers’ Research Topics are peer-reviewed article collections around cutting-edge research themes. Defined, managed and led by renowned researchers, they unite the world’s leading experts around the hottest topics, stimulating collaboration and accelerating science. Papers are invited on One Health complexity challenges. July 10, 2021 submission deadline. https://bit.ly/3s8ejUE
Frontiers In – Special Research Topic
One Health, Environmental Health, Global Health, and Inclusive Governance: What can we do?
Frontiers has opened this new Research Topic in response to publication of the One Health for One Planet Education (1HOPE) Initiative Governance/Policy/Advocacy Working Group, The Global One Health Environment: Learning Module on Continuing Environmental Education (CEE), and the corresponding article in the Impakter, One Health for One Planet: How to address 21st century education challenges. Abstracts will be received until 16 July 2021 with full papers due by 30 October 2021.
Frontiers In - Special Research Topic
Concepts and Experiences in Framing, Integration and Evaluation of One Health and EcoHealth, e-book in Frontiers in Veterinary Science and Frontiers in Public Health
Call for manuscripts focused on generating One Health/EcoHealth knowledge and practice and reports of case studies that apply the Network for Evaluation of One Health (NEOH) methodology in order to highlight strengths, weaknesses and added value of One Health based on practical examples in a variety of contexts.
Special Issue in the journal Pathogens
Advances in Biosurveillance for Human, Animal, and Plant Health
Guest Editor Lauren Charles, DVM, PhD, Pathogens is an international, open access journal published monthly online by MDPI. It is covered by PubMed (PMC), Scopus, and SCIE. Biosurveillance is the process of gathering, integrating, analyzing, interpreting, and communicating essential information related to disease activity or other threats (e.g., chemicals) to human, animal, and plant health. It can take many forms, from sample collection and analysis to digital detection and syndromic surveillance to collaboration efforts across governments, stakeholders, and medical professionals. This special issue will focus on more effective early warning, early detection, and overall situational awareness of threats to the health of humans, animals, and/or plants. More information https://tinyurl.com/mt84ysx7