Incorporating One Health into primary/secondary (K12) education prepares our students 1) to be critical thinkers who inherently understand connections of human, animal, and ecosystem health and 2) to be our future leaders and responsible citizens in our diverse, complex, and ever-changing world.
The resources on this page have been compiled to help early education teachers develop and deliver One Health- themed curricula across primary / secondary (K-12) grades. For more ideas and a framework for creating One Health-themed lessons see this suggested Basic Guide to Developing One Health Lessons for K-12 . |
If you know of other primary / secondary (K-12) One Health Educational Resources not yet listed here, please let us know. cstroud@onehealthcommission.org.
Page last updated February 2021
(This webpage Under Continuing Development - Please visit often!)
The One Health Education-US team presented these three teacher workshops at the 7th Annual NSTA STEM Forum & Expo, US National Science Teaching Association in July, 2018
Grades 1-5 The Web of Life: One Health Interconnections of Pets, People, and the Environment (Downloadable files)
Grades 6-8 Solve a One Health Mystery! (Downloadable files)
Grades 9-12 Discover the Interconnectedness of Human Sustainability and Earth’s ecosystems with One Health! (Downloadable files)
Note that some of these materials were developed for very specific purposes and may need to be modified or combined with other materials to construct a One Health lesson. To enhance the One Health messaging, teachers should consider developing questions aimed at meeting the guidelines in the Guide to Developing One Health Lessons for K-12 . Last updated 6-29-20
Bat Rabies Educational materials
From: One Health Commission Bat Rabies Education Team (BRET)
Level: All Ages, Free downloadable posters and infographics for classrooms or public buildings
Bats Rabies Workshop for 12-18 Year Olds
Power Point Teaching Slide-Set Developed by Lexi Peterman, Athens Drive Magnate High School student, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA
Be a Zoonotic Disease Detective
From Georgia 4-H, U.S. CDC and USDA APHIS
Level: Grades 4-12
Bring Home the Blue, Not the Flu!
‘Two” Free Interactive, Online Courses for Youth
From Iowa State U Center for Food Security and Public Health
- one for elementary aged youth (6-12 years)
- one for middle/high school aged youth (13-18 years)
Each self-paced course includes lessons, case studies, and supplemental materials such as guides for hands-on activities and educational workshops. English Spanish
Conservation Medicine / One Health Programs
Hosted by the St. Louis Zoo Institute for Conservation Medicine
e-Bugs: Educating young people about microbes and antimicrobial resistance
Created by Public Health England (PHE), e-Bug aims to reduce antibiotic resistance by helping children and young people understand infections and antibiotic use. Free to the world, available in 22 languages, operating in 26 countries worldwide, this website is rich with resources for teachers and students, including peer to peer student education. Be sure to check out the games. https://e-bug.eu/
e-Bugs COVID-19 Teaching Information
Epidemiologists: Disease Detectives
From Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) Learning Media and WGBH
Level: Grades 9-12
Health for One, One Health for All
From the Michigan State Extension 4-H Animal Science Anywhere Program.
Level: General Elementary
Healthy Pets, Healthy People Program
All ages. Educational fliers created by US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
How to Teach Children about COVID-19 and One Health (and how to teach them online)
From: OneHealthLessons.com
Level: Lessons available for multiple Ages 6 - 18+
Influenza Education Among Youth in Agriculture
All Ages. Educational website created by the US CDC and the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
Kansas State Olathe One Health Educational Resources
- K-12 Classroom Activities
- Classroom Presentations and Handouts
- Educational Videos
Kansas State Online One Health High School Summer Course
MedMyst Magazine: Disease Discovery – One Health Initiative
Created (2010) in partnership: Rice U, U Texas, One Health Initiative team
Level: Grades 4 - 9, Middle School
NOVA Science NOW: 1918 Flu
From NOVA Teachers
Level: Grades 1 - 12
One Health and Infectious Diseases Classroom Activity Created by Martha Nowak, M.Ed., Kansas State University Olathe, Level: Grades 1-12
One Health Kids - Book Series and Online Courses Hosted by One Life Epi Solutions
One Health Lessons Developed by Dr. Deborah Thomson, Lessons for ages 6 through adulthood
One Health and Vector Control
Developed by Dr. Kristen Healy, Assistant Professor, Department of Entomology, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, and Andrew Garcia, IT Manager, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center
MineCraft Education Edition
Lessons for 11-13 yrs, 14-18 yrs, 18+ yrs, on Animals, Climate & Environment, Science
One Health Workshop, 7 - 12 Year Olds
Created by the International Veterinary Student Association (IVSA) Standing Committee on Veterinary Education (SCoVE)
One Health Workshop, 12-18 Year Olds
Created by the International Veterinary Student Association (IVSA) Standing Committee on Veterinary Education (SCoVE)
Outwitting Nature’s Greatest Killer (Mosquitos)
From the Pulitzer Center Lesson Builder
Level: Grades 1 - 8
PEER Primary/Secondary One Health Curriculum at Texas A&M University
Hosted by the Partnership for Environmental Education and Rural Health (PEER) Program at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences (CVM), free to educators to incorporate into their teaching. Within a One Health module students receive instruction on data organization and analysis, identifying trends, and drawing conclusions utilizing real-world information about infectious diseases. See a Preview Video of the PEER One Health Curriculum. Learn to navigate it on the StepStone platform.
Responsible Pet Ownership, 7 -12 Year Olds
Created by the International Veterinary Student Association (IVSA) Standing Committee on Veterinary Education (SCoVE)
Safer Farm Animal Contact Exhibits (Safer FACEs) Training Program
Free, online training program offered by the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). When you complete the program, MDH will provide certification that you/your organization has learned best practices for visitor-animal interactions.
Soil Pollution in China
From the Pulitzer Center Lesson Builder
Level: Grades K-12
Solve the Outbreak
An interactive educational activity from the US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Level: Grades 6-12
The Junior Disease Detectives: Operation Outbreak Graphic Novel
Created by 4-H, NIFA, USDA APHIS, CDC
Level: Grades 6-12
This is How we “Role”
From the Purdue University College of Veterinary Medicine.
Level: K-4
Thorns: When Earth Refugees Are The Aliens
Teaching One Health to Youth through Fiction
Novella by Laura Kahn Level: 10 and up
This One Health and social justice themed hard science fiction novella is two parallel coming of age stories that collide on a distant planet. Siddhartha, known as Siddie, and his parent joined a small group of families leaving Earth. Blue belonged to a species calling themselves kodrya (ko-drya). Unbeknownst to Blue, Earthlings were orbiting her world and preparing to land. One in particular, named Siddie, would change her destiny. This novella would be a useful teaching tool to educate students about One Health, social justice, and the importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
Tick Borne Disease Curriculum
Kansas State University Biosecurity Research Institute
Level: Grades 6 - 12
US CDC Free One Health Graphics
What’s all the Buzz About? Vector-Borne Diseases and Climate Change
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and Environmental Health Perspectives
Level: All Ages
Youth in Agriculture - Influenza and Zoonoses Education
One Health in Action Educational Program created by US Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Level: Grades K – 12
Zika Communication Toolkit for Schools and Campers
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Level: Grades K - 12
4-H Animal Science Anywhere: Health for One, One Health for All
Michigan State University Extension
Level: Grades K-12
4-H One Health Matching Game
Michigan State University Extension
Level: Grades K-12
4-H Community Health Outreach Toolkit: Responding to Mosquito-Borne Illnesses
US Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), USDA NIFA (4-H), US National Health Security.
Level: Grades K - 12
Additional One Health - Related Resources for Primary/Secondary Education Teachers