Book Chapters - One Health Commission

Book Chapters

This compilation is an international One Health community effort. Please help us make this webpage a tool for teaching about One Health and One Health topics and issues.  If you know of additional items / articles that should be included in this Library, please send them to




Blake J, Goodman L, Kiguli-Malwadde E, Stroud C, Thomson D, One Health Education, Training, and Capacity Building, Chapter 13 In: Global One Health and Infectious Diseases: An Interdisciplinary Practitioner's Guide, Editor: WE Sander, Published Jan 2024 by Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, CRC Press




Haider M, Ahmed S, Choudhary A, (2023). One Health: Implementation Challenges and Need. In:  Health and Wellbeing - Annual Volume 2023, July 6, IntechOpen. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.111933




Baitchman E,  Deem SL, Zoos as One Health Education Centers for Students in the Human Health Professions. In: Miller, R.E., P. Calle, and N. Lamberski (eds.), Fowler’s Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Volume 10. Saunders Elsevier, Saint Louis, Missouri. Pp.79-83.

Keune H, Payyappallimana U, Morand S, Rüegg S, (2022). One Health and Biodiversity. In I. Visseren-Hamakers & M. Kok (Eds.), Transforming Biodiversity Governance (Chapter 5, pp. 93-114). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

King L, Smith W, Building the Future One Health Workforce, Chapter 5 In: Systematizing the One Health Approach in Preparedness and Response Efforts for Infectious Disease Outbreaks: Proceedings of a Workshop. Washington (DC): Nicholson A, Minicucci C, Liao J, et al., editors. National Academies Press (US); 2022 Jan 11.; Available from:

Kumar A. (2022). Disaster Response Under “One Health” Approach: Contribution of Veterinary Public Health. In: Verma, S., Prem, H.T. (eds) Management of Animals in Disasters. Springer, Singapore.

Nguta JM, Belaynehe KM, Arruda AG, et al. ‘One Health’ Research Ethics in Emergency, Disaster and Zoonotic Disease Outbreaks: A Case Study from Ethiopia. 2022 Nov 3. In: O'Mathúna D, Iphofen R, editors. Ethics, Integrity and Policymaking: The Value of the Case Study [Internet]. Cham (CH): Springer; 2022. Chapter 12. Available from:



Lindenmayer JM, Kaufman GE, One Health and One Welfare, In: One Welfare in Practice: The Role of the Veterinarian, Stephens T, (Ed.) CRC Press, Oct 2021, ISBN 9780367904067, Book chapter published by CRC Press in One Welfare in Practice: The Role of the Veterinarian on 26 October 2021, available online:

Jevtic M, Bouland C, One Health and Only One Environment, In: One Health.  Monograph: Academy of Medical Sciences Serbian Medical Society. Marija Jevtic, Branislava Belic, Sara Savic (editors).  ISBN 978-86-6061-131-6



Elmore J, Wild D, Nelson H, Katz D, Integrating efforts for clinical care, research, and public health action—one science, one planet, one health, Chapter 30 In:  Jekel's Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Preventive Medicine, and Public Health, 5th Edition - January 15, 2020


Fuentes A, (2020). Ethnoprimatology: Assessing How the Interface Between Humans and Monkeys Influences Infectious Agent Transmission. In: Knauf, S., Jones-Engel, L. (eds) Neglected Diseases in Monkeys. Springer, Cham.

Lueddeke Gr (2020), "Universities in the Early Decades of the Third Millennium: Saving the World from Itself?", In: Sengupta E, Blessinger P, Mahoney C (Ed.), Civil Society and Social Responsibility in Higher Education: International Perspectives on Curriculum and Teaching Development (Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning, Vol. 21), Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 229-266.




Degeling C, Dawson A, Gilbert G, (2019). The ethics of One Health. In Walton M. (Ed.), One Planet, One Health (pp. 65-84). AUSTRALIA: Sydney University Press. doi:10.2307/j.ctvggx2kn.9




Radaelli MC, Verna F, Pautasso A, Bellavia V, Ballardini M, Mignone W, Masoero L, Dondo A, Picco L, Moschi R, Mosca A, Chiavacci L,  Casalone C. Mosquito-Borne Diseases and ‘One Health’: The Northwestern Italian Experience. In Current Topics in Tropical Emerging Diseases and Travel Medicine, InTechOpen Publishing, 2018. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.78985

Woods A., Bresalier M., Cassidy A. et al. (2017). Chapter 6 Humans, Other Animals and ‘One Health’ in the Early Twenty-First Century. Animals and the Shaping of Modern Medicine: One Health and Its Histories. London (UK): Palgrave Macmillan;



Cassidy A. Humans, Other Animals and ‘One Health’ in the Early Twenty-First Century. In: Woods A, Bresalier M, Cassidy A, et al. Animals and the Shaping of Modern Medicine: One Health and Its Histories. London (UK): Palgrave Macmillan; 2017 Dec. Chapter 6. Available from: doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-64337-3_6

Cassidy, Angela (2017). One Medicine? : Advocating (Inter)Disciplinarity at the Interfaces of Animal Health, Human Health, and the Environment. In Scott Frickel, Mathieu Albert & Barbara Prainsack (eds.), Investigating interdisciplinary collaboration: theory and practice across disciplines. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press.

Madhav N, Oppenheim B, Gallivan M, et al. Pandemics: Risks, Impacts, and Mitigation. In: Jamison DT, Gelband H, Horton S, et al., editors. Disease Control Priorities: Improving Health and Reducing Poverty. 3rd edition. Washington (DC): The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank; 2017 Nov 27. Chapter 17. Available from: doi: 10.1596/978-1-4648-0527-1_ch17



Deem, S.L. 2016. Conservation Medicine: A Solution Based Approach for Saving Nonhuman Primates. In: Waller, M. (ed.), Ethnoprimatology: People and Primates. Saunders, Saint Louis, Missouri. Pp. 63-76.

Hall, DC, Anak Agung Gde Putra, Willyanto I, Basuno, E. One Health approaches to rabies control in Bali, Indonesia. pp. 13-25, In One Health Case Studies, Addressing Complex Problems in a Changing World. Cork S, Hall D, Liljebjelke K, Eds. 5M Publishing, Ltd, 2016.

Hall DC, Cork SC. Introduction to One Health concepts. pp 3-10. In One Health Case Studies, Addressing Complex Problems in a Changing World. Cork S, Hall D, Liljebjelke K, Eds. 5M Publishing, Ltd, 2016.

Hall DC, Fenwick SG. Development of One Health training programmes. pp. 337-345. In One Health Case Studies, Addressing Complex Problems in a Changing World. Cork S, Hall D, Liljebjelke K, Eds. 5M Publishing, Ltd, 2016.

Mikota, SK, Kaufman GE, Subedi N, Dhakal IP. Mycobacterium tuberculosis in elephants in Asia: taking a One Health approach. In One Health Case Studies, Addressing Complex Problems in a Changing World. Cork S, Hall D, Liljebjelke K, Eds. 5M Publishing, Ltd, 2016.

Montesanti S, Thurston WE. Engagement of indigenous peoples in One Health education and research. pp 346-355. In One Health Case Studies, Addressing Complex Problems in a Changing World. Cork S, Hall D, Liljebjelke K, Eds. 5M Publishing, Ltd, 2016.

Stephen C, Using One Health to benefit animals: the case of declining sockeye salmon. pp160-175, In One Health Case Studies, Addressing Complex Problems in a Changing World. Cork S, Hall D, Liljebjelke K, Eds. 5M Publishing, Ltd, 2016.

Thapa NK, Tenzin T, Wangdi K, Dorji T, Dorjee J, Gurung RB, Dukpa K, Cork SC. A One Health Approach to disease investigation, prevention and control in Bhutan: anthrax  case study. pp 327-336.  In One Health Case Studies, Addressing Complex Problems in a Changing World. Cork S, Hall D, Liljebjelke K, Eds. 5M Publishing, Ltd, 2016.

Toews L, Buntain B, North M. Searching for One Health information: guidance for students. pp 356-367. In One Health Case Studies, Addressing Complex Problems in a Changing World. Cork S, Hall D, Liljebjelke K, Eds. 5M Publishing, Ltd, 2016.

van der Meer F, Hatfield J, Orsel K. Human and animal health in a cultural context: Tanzania One Health field school. pp. 317-326. In One Health Case Studies, Addressing Complex Problems in a Changing World. Cork S, Hall D, Liljebjelke K, Eds. 5M Publishing, Ltd, 2016.

Woodford J, McKenzie J, Jolly P, Jackson R. One Health and community-based human and animal healthcare: a case study from Afghanistan. pp 294-305. In One Health Case Studies, Addressing Complex Problems in a Changing World. Cork S, Hall D, Liljebjelke K, Eds. 5M Publishing, Ltd, 2016.



Buntain B, Allen-Scott L, North M, Rock M, Hatfield J. Enabling Academic One Health Environments. In: Zinsstag J, Schelling E, Waltner-Toews D, Whittaker M, Tanner M, ed. One Health: The Theory And Practice Of Integrated Health Approaches. 1st ed. CABI; 2015.

Deem, S.L. 2015.  Conservation Medicine to One Health: The Role of Zoologic Veterinarians.  In: Miller, R.E. and M.E. Fowler (eds.), Fowler’s Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine: Volume 8. Saunders Elsevier, Saint Louis, Missouri.  Pp. 698-703.

 "The value of intersectoral working - One Health", Chapter 2 of the WHO report of the fourth international meeting held at WHO headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland 19-20 November 2014, urging action on Neglected Zoonotic Diseases.



Barrett M, Bouley T. Need for Enhanced Environmental Representation in the Implementation of One Health. EcoHealth. 2014;12(2):212-219. doi:10.1007/s10393-014-0964-5.

Rubin C, Dunham B,  Sleeman J, Making One Health a Reality—Crossing Bureaucratic Boundaries, p 269-283. In Atlas RM, Maloy S (ed), One Health. doi:10.1128/microbiolspec.OH-0016-2012

Wielinga P.R., Schlundt J. (2014) One Health and Food Safety. In: Yamada A., Kahn L., Kaplan B., Monath T., Woodall J., Conti L. (eds) Confronting Emerging Zoonoses. Springer, Tokyo.



Barrett M, Osofsky S. One Health: Interdependence of People, Other Species, and the Planet.



Aguirre, A., Tabor, G., & Ostfeld, R. (2012). Conservation Medicine: Ontogeny of an Emerging Discipline. In A. Aguirre, R. Ostfeld & P. Daszak, New Directions in Conservation Medicine: Applied Cases of Ecological Health (1st ed.). Oxford University Press.

Goldberg, T., Paige, S., and Chapman C. (2012). The Kibale EcoHealth Project: Exploring Connections Among Human Health, Animal Health, and Landscape Dynamics in Western Uganda. In A. Aguirre, R. Ostfeld & P. Daszak, New Directions in Conservation Medicine: Applied Cases of Ecological Health (1st ed.). Oxford University Press.

Kahn L., Monath, T., Bokma, E., Gibbs, P. & Aguirre, A. One Health, One Medicine. In A. Aguirre, R. Ostfeld & P. Daszak, New Directions in Conservation Medicine: Applied Cases of Ecological Health (1st ed.). Oxford University Press.

King LJ, One Health and Food Safety. In: Institute of Medicine (US). Improving Food Safety Through a One Health Approach: Workshop Summary. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 2012. A8. Available from:

Pesek, T., Cal V., Knight K., and Amason J. (2012). Linking Conservation of Biodiversity and Culture with Sustainable Health and Wellness: The Itzamma Model and Global Implications for Healing Across Cultures. In A. Aguirre, R. Ostfeld & P. Daszak, New Directions in Conservation Medicine: Applied Cases of Ecological Health (1st ed.). Oxford University Press.

Plowright, R., Cross, P., Tabor, G., ALmberg, E. Bienen L., and Hudson P. Climate Change and Infectious Disease Dynamics In A. Aguirre, R. Ostfeld & P. Daszak, New Directions in Conservation Medicine: Applied Cases of Ecological Health (1st ed.). Oxford University Press.

Ross H. (2012) One Health from a Social–Ecological Systems Perspective: Enriching Social and Cultural Dimensions. In: Mackenzie J, Jeggo M, Daszak P, Richt J (eds) One Health: The Human-Animal-Environment Interfaces in Emerging Infectious Diseases. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, vol 366. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Sims L.D., Peiris M. (2012) One Health: The Hong Kong Experience with Avian Influenza. In: Mackenzie J., Jeggo M., Daszak P., Richt J. (eds) One Health: The Human-Animal-Environment Interfaces in Emerging Infectious Diseases. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, vol 365. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

Wilcox, B., Aguirre, A., Horwitz, P. (2012). Ecohealth: Connecting Ecology, Health, and Sustainability. In A. Aguirre, R. Ostfeld & P. Daszak, New Directions in Conservation Medicine: Applied Cases of Ecological Health (1st ed.). Oxford University Press.



Barrett M, Osofsky S. One Health: Interdependence of People, Other Species, and the Planet. In World Bank: People, pathogens and our planet: towards a One Health approach for controlling zoonotic diseases, vol 1, Washington, DC, 2010. 



Kahn LH, Kaplan B, Monath T. “Why this Manual?  The Convergence of Human and Animal Medicine. Chapter 1 in Human-Animal Medicine: Clinical Approaches to Zoonoses and Other Shared Health Risks.  Edited by Peter Rabinowitz MD, MPH and Lisa Conti DVM, DACVPM, CEHP. To be published by Elsevier in December 2009.


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