Brochures and Infographics
APHA Infographic: How Climate Change Affects Your Health. Accessed February 22, 2017.
Bat Rabies Poster for Children - Free Download English Spanish Portuguese
Bat Rabies Poster for Adults - Free Download English Spanish Portuguese
Cartel: Los Murcielagos Pueden Pueden Tener Rabia - Descargar Libre en Español
CDC Infographic: Impact of Climate Change on Human Health. Accessed February 22, 2017.
CDC One Health Graphics
Domestic Animals, Wildlife, and Humans Face Similar Health Threats - Published by OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health)
FAO. 2011. One Health: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Strategic Action Plan, [Brochure]. Rome
National Park Service One Health Initiative
Poster: Morcegos Podem Ter Raiva - Download gratuito em Português
San Francisco Zoo One World One Health Poster
Veterinarians Care for Animals and People: "How to Use Antibiotics Responsibly"
World Small Animal Veterinary Association Resources / Clinician Briefs
Outbreak READY!!
A digital simulation strengthening the readiness of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to respond to large-scale infectious disease outbreaks in humanitarian contexts. Through a unique, digital interpretation of an outbreak simulation, READY brings the complex nature of a humanitarian outbreak response to life utilizing a computer-based serious game that allows participants to test and refine their readiness skills and knowledge. The Johns Hopkins Center for Humanitarian Health led the development of Outbreak READY!, alongside Save the Children, UK-Med, the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, and other partners in the READY consortium. Website provided by USAID.

Plague Inc: The Cure Experts and gamers join forces to fight COVID-19
By Ndemic Creations in collaboration with infectious disease experts from the World Health Organization (WHO), Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN). Leading disease outbreak experts have come together to show gamers everywhere how to spot and stop a pandemic. The popular simulation transports players into a global public health outbreak similar to the COVID-19 pandemic and provides expert commentary comparing decisions made by gamers to real-life scenarios.
Educational Materials
See also expanded compilation of One Health Education Resources
AfriVIP - Veterinary Open Education and Resources - Uniquely African Context
Biological Security Education Handbook: The Power of Team-Based Learning Bradford Disarmament Research Centre, University of Bradford
Man-imal Master's One Health Degree - Albertine Lucas, France (website) Click Here for Student Brochure
North Carolina One Health Collaborative Inter-institutional Spring Course -- One Health: From Philosophy to Practical Integration; Download course information
One Health 2014 Summer Session - University of Copenhagen and Technical University of Denmark
One Health Issue of ‘MedMyst Magazine’ – Mission 6: One Health-Disease Discovery
One Health Lessons
One Health Systems Mapping and Analysis Resource Toolkit (OH-SMART) (website) - University of Minnesota Global Health Initiative, Watch a 5 minute video about OH-SMART
Practicing “One Health” for the Human Health Clinician, One Health Initiative, April, 2012
When Cows Go Crazy: The Inextricable Link Between Human and Animal Health - Laura Kahn, Princeton University
Veterinary Immunology and Principles of Vaccination Online through Institute for International Cooperation in Animal Biologic’s Veterinary Biologics Training Program in Ames, IA,
Veterinary Biologics Training Program: Procedures for Ensuring Vaccine Safety and Efficacy Online through Institute for International Cooperation in Animal Biologic’s Veterinary Biologics Training Program in Ames, IA The Vicious Worm | a cysticercosis advocacy information tool. 2014. Available at: Introductory video to the computer based educational tool.