Slide Presentations - One Health Commission

Slide Presentations


What is One Health and why is it important? Presentation by Theo Knight-Jones at the Africa Biennial Biosciences Communication (ABBC 2023) Symposium, Nairobi, Kenya, 23 August 2023. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI.



Operationalizing One Health: What’s it all about? Why is it so urgent?, February 1, 2022 presentation for Delaware Valley One Health webinar series by Cheryl Stroud, Executive Directory, One Health Commission, one of over 120 presentations she has given over the past 8 years.

One Health for Human Health Clinicians: In light of COVID-19, are we approaching a tipping point?, January 13, 2022 presentation for Webber Training, free open access teleclass education



Brief introduction to the One Health concept, and beyond. December 16, 2021 presentation prepared by Alexandre Caron, Hélène de Nys, Alexandre Hobeika, and Vladimir Grosbois. Given at the Capacitating One Health in Eastern and Southern Africa (COHESA) partner orientation workshop in Paris, France.

The One Health Workforce: Reconciling Competencies with Opportunities - Systematizing the One Health Approach,  February 25, 2021 presentation by Dr. Lonni King for the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine Forumon Microbial Threats



Leveraging One Health Collaborations to Enhance Investigation Capacity, December 12, 2019 NACCHO webinar presentation by Heather Venkat and Matt Maurer about Arizona Department of Health One Health Collaborations.

One Health, MIT Open Courseware, by Helen Amaguni, EC.715 / 11.474 D-Lab: Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene, Fall 2019



What's New (in One Health) to Provide Information on Antibiotic Use and Resistance?, November 15, 2018 presentation by Cheryl Stroud at the National Institute of Animal Agriculture (NIAA) 8th Annual Antibiotics Symposium: New Science & Technology Tools for Antibiotic Stewardship, Overland Park, Kansas, USA

Connecting Wildspaces So People & Nature Can Thrive, March 20, 2018, Dr. Gary Tabor, renowned conservation biologist, wildlife Veterinarian and world leading expert on connectivity conservation, speaks about the urgent need to ‘connect’ wildlife habitats to sustain animal populations and why that is important for human and planet health.

Understanding the 'One Health' Concept:  The Value of Storytelling, September, 2018, presentation by Helena Chapman, MD, PhS, at the NASA Health and Air Quality Team Meeting. Shares a One Health toolkit.


World Banking on One Health, October 11, 2017  presentation by Dr. Tim Bouley at the Uppsala Health Conference, Uppsala, Sweden.

Meat, Monkeys, and Mosquitoes: A One Health Perspective on Emerging Diseases, February 2017 lecture by Dr. Laura Kahn at Princeton University’s Science on Saturdays series.



Advancing the One Health Concept through Collaborations that Connect, Create, and Educate, 2016 COCA Call presentation by Dr. Cheryl Stroud

North American Bird Conservation Initiative. 2016. The State of North America's Birds 2016. Environmental and Climate Change Canada: Ottawa, Ontario.

PREDICT Consortium. One Health in Action. EcoHealth Alliance. October 2016

THE FUTURE OF ONE HEALTH: (And our Planet!) What we MUST be doing today! Cheryl Stroud, DVM, PhD, Executive Director, One Health Commission, presented at First Inter-Regional European One Health Conference, hosted by One Health Romanian, Bucharest, Romania



Association of Public Health Laboratories. The Global Health Security Agenda.; 2015. Available at: Accessed December 17, 2015.

Fighting Ebola in Freetown and Monrovia: Past-as-Prologue. Daniel Lucey, MD, MPH, Georgetown University Medical Center.

Vroegindewey G. Future Directions For One Health And Disaster Management/Disaster Risk Reduction. 2015.

Gray G. Modern Livestock Production and Novel Influenza Virus Generation: Are the Benefits Worth the Risk?. 2015.

Moving a One Health Way of Thinking into the Future with Real Action and Meaning. Deeanna Burleson, RN, MSN. USDA / ARS 3rd International Biosafety & Biocontainment Symposium: Biorisk Management in a One Health World. February 2 – 5, 2015. Baltimore, MD. Sponsored and organized by the American Biological Safety Association along with USDA (United States Department of Agriculture).

One Health and the Core Competencies. Stan Fenwick October 5th, 2015.

One Health- Food Security, Public Health, and Other Consequences of Animal-Borne Illnesses.  Sharon Jackson, DVM.  November 30, 2015.

Opening the One Health Workforce Pipeline: Education and Research Define an Unprecedented One Health Undergraduate Degree Program. David Bruce Conn, M.S., Ph.D. Presentation at 3rd GRF One Health Summit, 2015.

Physicians for Social Responsibility. Climate Health Summit: Creating Health Leaders. Washington, D.C. - various presentations. September 20-21, 2015.



One Health Activities at the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Carol Rubin, DVM, MPH, Associate Director for One Health, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA, November 10, 2014 in the First International Who's Who in One Health Webinar.

Dr. Lonnie King - Keynote - One Health Approach to Antimicrobial Resistance and Use. Published November 3, 2012. 

Giezendanner E. Budd B. Aflatoxin: A One Health Issue. 2012.

Infectious Disease Research and One Health Education Programs. Beth A. Montelone, Ph.D. Kansas State Sustainability Conference, 2010. 

“One Medicine/One Health One Medicine/One Health”: Personal Reflections of a True Believer. Thomas P Monath MD. 

Improving Global Health in the 21st Century: Veterinary Medicine Stepping Up to the Plate to Protect Human Health and Well-being. Marguerite Pappaioanou, DVM, MPVM, PhD. Robert Dyar Labrador Memorial Lectureship in Epidemiology

One Health Core Competencies; Hueston, Kunkel, Olson, and Nutter

Monath T. "One Medicine/One Health":Personal Reflections of a True Believer. 2008.


One Health Leadership Experience, Dr. Mark Raizenne, Centre for Food-Borne, Environmental and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, Public Health Agency of Canada


Economic Benefits/Drivers of a “One Health” Approach: Why should anyone invest?; 2012. Rushton, Jonathan. Available at: Accessed June 1, 2016. Download Slides.


One World One Health: Brazil 2009. (Links to contact information)

One World One Health: Healthy Ecosystems, Livestock and Human Livelihoods. Brazil 2007.  (Links to slide and video presentations)

One World One Health: Influenza at the Interface Between Humans and Animals. Bruxelles 2009.



Viral Hemorrhagic Fever, Jamie Snow, DVM, PhD, Center for Food Security and Public Health, Iowa State University. 2004.

One World One Health: Building Interdisciplinary Bridges to Health in a Globalized World. 2004. (Links to slide and video presentations)

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