Social Media Links to One Health Conversations - One Health Commission

Social Media Links to One Health Conversations



Know of One Health related Social Media Links that we do not yet have posted here?

Please send information about them to us at




African Institute of One Health Research and Diagnostics

AFROHUN Ethiopia

APHA One Health   @APHA.OneHealth

Balkan One Health Network (BOHN)

Berry College One Health Center

BioNexus KC (Formerly Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute)

Caribbean One Health Alliance

Knight's Landing One Health Center

Helsinki One Health

International Student One Health Alliance

International Veterinary Students' Association (IVSA)

International Veterinary Students Association Standing Committee on One Health (IVSA SCOH)

ITrap One Health (The Integrated Training Program in Infectious Diseases, Food Safety, and Public Policy)

Jimma University One Health Student Club

Louisiana One Health in Action

Malaysia One Health University Network

NCSU CVM Student for One Health

Next Generation One Health Philippines

One Health Academy, Washington, DC

One Health Alliance Jordan

One Health Approaches

One Health Bangladesh

One Health - Bhutan

One Health Brazil  - Latin America

One Health Central and East Africa (OHCEA, transforming to AFROHUN)

One Health Civil Society Community  @onehealthcivilsociety

One Health Club, U Nairobi

One Health Colombia - Latin America

One Health Commission

One Health Day

One Health at Delaware Valley University

One Health and Development Initiative (Nigeria)

One Health Kids

One Health in Action Initiative

One Health Initiative - Nepal

One Health Latinoamerica + Ibero y El Caribe (OHLAIC)

One Health Lessons

One Health Maroc  @onehealthmaroc

One Health Media

One Health Nepal

One Health Newsletter

One Health One Caribbean One Love

One Health One Future

One Health One Medicine

One Health Platform Ivory Coast (Plateforme Une Seule Santé Côte d'Ivoire)

One Health Research Group, AUSTRALIA, College of Public Health, Medical and Veterinary Sciences, James Cook University

One Health Research Foundation

One Health Serbia

One Health Student Club Salle

One Health Students Community - Chile

One Health Trust

One Health Workforce

One Health Young Voice, Bangladesh

Pak One Health Alliance

People & Pets Project (One Health Clinics)

Philippine One Health University Network

SouthEast Asia One Health University Network

The Appian Project - The One Health Practitioner podcast

Unilorin Students' One Health Initiative

University of Georgia (UGA) One Health Club

Vietnam One Health University Network

World One Health Congress

World Small Animal Association One Health Committee



International Student One Health Alliance (ISOHA)

International Veterinary Students Association Standing Committee on One Health (IVSA SCOH)

One Health Day

One Health Alliance Jordan

One Health and Development Initiative

One Health Lessons

One Health Partners  @onehealthpartners

One Health Partners Therapy Dogs  @ohptherapydogs

One Health Student Club Salle

One Health Trust

One Sustainable Health for All Forum, @onesustainablehealth

The Appian Project - The One Health Practitioner Podcast

The One Health Podcast

The One Health Guide



African Institute of One Health Research and Diagnostics

AFROHUN Ethiopia

APHA - One Health (1HLTH) Special Interest Group

@Cracking One Health

BioNexus KC (formerly Kansas City Area Life Sciences Institute)

Columbia University One Health Initiative

EcoHealth Alliance

Future Leaders in One Health

Netherlands Center for One Health (NCOH)

One Europe for Global Health (and One Health)

One Health Academy, Washington, DC

One Health Alliance Jordan

One Health Collaborating Center (Indonesia)

One Health Commission

One Health and Development Initiative

One Health EJP

One Health in Action Initiative

One Health Initiative

One Health initiative Liberia (OHNIL)

One Health Institute, UC Davis

One Health Lessons

One Health Partners  @onehealthpartners

One Health Romania

One Health Social Sciences - Food Safety / Food Security Work Group

One Life Epi Solutions LLC

One Sustainable Health for All Forum

One Health Trust

The One Health Guide

Pak One Health Alliance

WHO One Health Initiative

Women for One Health

Zoonotics on the Web


'X'   (FormerlyTwitter)

Afrohun Ethiopia  @AfrohunE

APHA One Health  @APHA_OneHealth

BioNexus KC  @BioNexus KC

Caribbean One Health Alliance  @CaribbeanOneHA

Emory ESOH   @emory_esoh

Environmental Change and Security Program at Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars @NewSecurityBeat

GSUOneHealth @OneGsu

Helsinki One Health @HelsinkiOne

Katalina Cruz DDS, MSc, One Health @kathacruz

International Student One Health Alliance      @ISOHA_OHC 

(Formerly Twitter)

Microbiomes in One Health @microh_dtu

Network for EcoHealth and One Health (NEOH)  @NEOH_ORG


One Health  #OneHealth

One Health Academy, Washington, DC  @OneHealth_DC

One Health Accelerator, Dorset, England @Accelerator_One

One Health Alliance Jordan  @onehealthajo

One Health Australia @OneHealthAu

One Health for BioDefense @OneHealthBioD

One Health Center in Africa   @ohreca_ilri

One Health Club Moi  @Ohc_Moi

One Health Commission @OneHealthCom

One Health and Development Initiative @onehealthdev

One Health Englewood   @EnglewoodOneH

One Health European Joint Programme @OneHealthEJP

One Health Hackathon  @OneHealthHack

One Health and Implementation Research @OAE_ohir

One Health in Action Initiative @OHinAction

One Health, India @One_Health_In

One Health Initiative  @OneHealthNews

One Health Institute Colorado State U  @onehealth_csu

One Health Institute UC Davis @OneHealthUCD

One Health Kids  @OneHealthKids

One Health Media  @OneHealthMedia

One Health, Mental Health  @OneHealthMH

One Health MSc Programme at The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh @MScOneHealth

One Health PACT  @OneHealthPact

One Health Partners @ohptweets

One Health Podcast  @VetOneHealth

One Health Regional Network for the Horn of Africa, HORN, @OneHealthHORN

One Health Research, @OneHealthRes

One Health Platform @OneHealth PF

One Health Poultry Hub  @PoultryHub

One Health Society  @OneHealth_

One Health Student Club Salle @OneHealthSalle

One Health Student Conference-Liverpool    @OneHealthLPL   (Twitter account active in 2018 only)

One Health Trust   @OneHealthTrust

One Health UPCH  @OneHealthUPCH

One Health University of Guelph  @OneHealthUofG

One Health at US CDC, National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, @CDC_NCEZID   

One Health Workforce @OneHealthW

One Life Epi Solutions @onelifeepi

One Sustainable Health for All Forum, @FondationUSDT

The AppianProject   @AppianProject

The One Health Guide @onehealthguide

University of Guelph One Health Institute  @OneHealthUofG

University of Guelph Student One Health Committee @UofG_OHStudents

Unseen Enemy #UnseenEnemy


YouTube Channels

Food Safety and Security - OHSS One Health Social Sciences

IVSA SCOH  International Veterinary Student Association Standing Committee on One Health

One Health Alliance Jordan

One Health One Planet - Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA

The Appian Project - The One Health Practitioner Podcast

To see 'many' One Health videos, go to and search the words One Health or One Health Concept 'in' YouTube. 


Happy learning. 

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