Presentation by Dr. Cheryl Stroud, Executive Director of the One Health Commission, to the Canada Global 1 Health Network about how the OHC was formed and some of its activities. A PDF of the slides shared in this video is available to access interactive links for more information on the topics discussed.
A film created by Bolton N, Fuchs N, O'Malley S, Stevens J, and Waskow L. for their Duke University Fall 2023 course, Narrating Nature - ENVIRON 315.
Video by One Health Norway at U Oslo
"Nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come" Victor Hugo
In a world transformed by COVID-19, we've awoken to the need to do things differently.
Created by the International Livestock Research Institute.
November 3, 2021, One Health Day
Video hosted by the World Organization for Animal Health (Founded as OIE)

Video Series created by the International Livestock Research Institute and CGIAR (formerly the Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research)
March 31, 2021
Hosted by CGIAR
Documentary Created by Terra Mater Factual Studio
Watch for an airing of the documentary in your region.
May 21, 2020, created by the Wildlife Center of Virginia
October 22, 2020, Sharon Deem, TEDX, St Louis, We are in a global crisis.
Created by the Center for One Health Research, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
One Health, One Future, Beautiful Video about One Health - wonderful for the world - created by U Alaska, Fairbanks Center for One Health Research

One Health: concepts and application Youtube video. Hung Nguyen, International Livestock Research Institute's (ILRI) regional representative for East and Southeast Asia, explains the concept of One Health and its application in tackling zoonotic diseases, antibiotic resistance, and food safety. See a whole series of videos released by ILRI in celebration of One Health Day 2019.
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) educational video (English version) Youtube video released by the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and the University of Liverpool's Institute of Infection and Global Health.
How can One Health be Applied to Current Medical School Curriculum and Practice? Youtube video of a forum at Albert Einstein College of Medicine.
The (funding) Chickens have come home to roost Tracey McNamara keynote presentation at the Wellcome Trust’s Second Call to Action on Antimicrobial Resistance in Accra, Ghana in which she lays out the funding disparities that prevent us from real time detection and response to zoonotic threats or response to AMR. She raises the question: With no veterinary/animal surveillance in place, how can we begin to fight AMR?
Ebola: what went wrong and where do we go now? Presentation by Dr. Simon Mardel, Consultant in Emergency Medicine at University Hospital South Manchester NHS Foundation Trust, UK, at the 5th International One Health Congress in Saskatoon, Canada
One Health Call to Action in the US - Canaries in the coal mine TEDx UCLA presentation by Tracey McNamara, DVM, June 21, 2018. Using humans as sentinels of zoonotic diseases.
One Health for a Challenged World, Keynote presentation by Peter Doherty, BVSc, PhD at the 5th International One Health Congress, Saskatoon, Canada
One Health One Planet: Beginnings Environmental thought leaders discuss the motivations, concepts and environmental issues that laid the groundwork for the One Health One Planet movement. March 12, 2018
One Health One Planet: Looking Ahead Environmental thought leaders discuss the immediate actions necessary to secure a sustainable future. March 12, 2018
One Health One Planet: Systems Thinking Environmental thought leaders discuss systems thinking, an approach to design, planning and operations which is inspired by natural systems and recognizes the interconnections between people and the natural world. March 12, 2018
Preventing the Next Pandemic, UC Davis, USAID PREDICT Project
Stan Fenwick on One Health, Jan 2016 presentation for the One Health Central and East Africa (OHCEA) Network
Student Video Competition Winners - Makerere University Student One Health Team - Hosted by ISOHA

The Story of One Health One Planet – Video Series Environmental thought leaders discuss the motivations, concepts and environmental issues that define the One Health One Planet movement.
The Ties that Bind: One Health TEDxGatewayArchSalon by Sharon Deem, DVM, PhD
The One Health Solution to Less Effective Antibiotics, January 25, Chatham House, The Royal Institute of International Affairs
Tripartite Guidance: Taking One Health Approaches to Address Zoonotic Diseases in Countries: A “Glimmer of Hope” Presentation by Dr. Liz Mumford, One Health Country Operations Team, Department of Country Health Emergency Preparedness and IHR, World Health Organization, at the 5th International One Health Congress in Saskatoon, Canada
TWiV at Outbreak: Epidemics in a Connected World | Smithsonian Institution, ThisWeekinVirology (TWiV) videos are hosted by the American Society for Microbiology. Vincent Racaniello visits the OUTBREAK Exhibit and speaks with Sabrina Sholts, Jon Epstein, and Ed Niles.
Water Energy Nexus Ravenswood Media, Published May18, 2018
Wild Diagnosis: Human Health and the Animal Kingdom - Comparative Medicine - Presentation by Barbara Natterson-Horowitz at Harvard Museum of Natural History, March 5, 2018
Heather Fowler, VMD, PhD, Academic Excellence Award One Health graduation speech, June 12, University of Washington, See transcript (link to pdf posted)
Open Science Can Save The Planet. April 19, 2016. Open Science. Kamila Markram.
One Health Caribbean. ONE HEALTH Listenmi News - Bay-C. 2017. Web. 22 Jan. 2017.
Food Protection and Defense Institute - University of Minnesota and Department of Homeland Security. One Health Systems Mapping and Analysis Resource Toolkit (OH-SMART).
One Health in the OIE: Interview with Dr. Matthew Stone, Deputy Director General, May 23, 3017
Bartonella; A One Health Problem. July 14, 2016. Galaxy Diagnostics: Dr. Betsy Sigmon.
DGHI-Led Research Team Brings Life-Saving Rapid Flu Diagnostics to Mongolia. 2016. Dr. Greg Gray.
Families and their pets share the risk of vector-borne disease. July 14, 2016. Galaxy Diagnostics: Dr. Jennifer McQuinston.
From Aedes to Zika: what we know and what we don’t. 2016. Vimeo: Jason Rasgon.
Growing Risks of Tick and Flea Exposure. July 14, 2016. Galaxy Diagnostics: Dr. Tom Mather and Dr. Ed Breitschwerdt.
Jason's One Health Story - Bartonella. July 14, 2016. Galaxy Diagnostics.
Laura's Bartonella Experience. July 14, 2016. Galaxy Diagnostics; Healthy Body, Healthy Minds.
Mutual Rescue: Eric & Peety - Short Film. February 14, 2016. Mutual Rescue.
One Health and Food Safety. February 11, 2016. EcoHealth Alliance: Dr. William Karesh
One Health and the Politics of Antimicrobial Resistance and other public health, planetary health issues. 2016. Laura Kahn, MD, backstory with Joan Goldstein.
One Zoo, One Health: Thrive 2016. March 8, 2016. Woodland Park Zoo.
Pale Blue Dot - What we really are. 2016. Carl Sagan.
PBS Documentary - "SPILLOVER- ZIKA, EBOLA & BEYOND" Aired August 3, 2016
The One Health Movement; Animals, Environment, And Us.; 2016. TedxICC Talk by Dr. Ralph Richardson.
Sonic Sea. 2016. Natural Resources Defense Council.
University of Georgia One Health
What is Bartonella? July 14, 2016. Galaxy Diagnostics: Dr. Chris Woods (MD).
What is Bartonella? July 14, 2016. Galaxy Diagnostics: Dr. Ed Breitschwerdt (DVM).
What's Next? The Future of Public Health. 2016. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Bangkok Post. Participatory One Health Disease Detection App For Farmers In Thailand. 2015.
Bill Gates. TED Talk: The next outbreak? We’re not ready. April 3, 2015.
Center for Environmental Health, Series of 6 webinars on What’s Energy Development Doing To Our Reproductive Health? April 6 - May 11, 2015.
Countless Creatures. One Health – Five Fascinating Facts About Your Bond With Nature.; 2015.
Data And Innovation At The Climate-Health Nexus. 2015.
Drivers for Emerging Issues in Animal and Plant Health. December 1, 2015. Dr. William Karesh
Evolving One Health Frameworks and Future Global Veterinary Opportunities - Dr. Gary Vroegindew
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN). Animal Health Clubs In Sierra Leone. 2015.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations (UN). Our Livestock Are Our Mother -- Doing Community One Health In Kaabong, Uganda. 2015.
Global Climate and Health Alliance. Communicating Climate Change Through Health: A Perspective From The UN Climate Negotiations. 2015. Webinar Summary Notes.
NIHOD. Keynote Presentation “One Health” Challenges For The 21St Century.; 2015.
Ocean Mysteries- The Dolphins of Indian River Lagoon. Georgia Aquarium’s TV show on dolphin research that revolves around the concept of oceans and human health.
One Health Human-Animal Bond in Action -Should Homeless People Own Pets?. February 18, 2015.
One Health for Man Animal and Nature. COHEART. April 7, 2015.
One Health Movie, International One Health Congress (IOHC). March 2015.
'One Health' Perspectives from BioPharma. June 22, 2015. Carol Robertson-Phough, Lily Human Health.
One Health Portrait Michelle Lem- Community Veterinary Outreach, Toronto, Canada. August 8, 2015. ey. 2015.
One World, One Health. 2015. Health for Animals.
Participatory One Health Initiative in Thailand. December 17, 2015.
The Philippines Rabies vaccination campaign: a One Health success story. December 8, 2015.
Physicians for Social Responsibility. Climate Health Summit: Creating Health Leaders. Washington, D.C. - various presentations. September 20-21, 2015.
Prod K. Portrait Michelle LEM - MMH Program. 2015.
Rabies: The Philippines responds. December 8, 2015.
Sustainable Oceans. The 2015 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting. September 28, 2015.
University of Georgia One Health Seminar. Data Challenges For The 21St Century Health Researcher. 2015.
University of Washington. One Health: Animals, Humans And The Environment, Part I. 2015.
University of Washington. One Health: Animals, Humans And The Environment, Part II. 2015.
Updates on the One “Health” Landscape Across U.S. Federal Agencies, presentation at a Workshop titled One Health: Integrating the Veterinarian Scientist into the Biomedical Research Enterprise, April 7-8, 2015 on the U.S. NIH campus
The Voices of Climate 25 . The Weather Channel.
Why Animal Health Matters . Dr. Laura H. Kahn discusses the concept of one health. September 15, 2015.
World Health Organization African Region. Climate Change And Its Potential Effects In Africa. 2015.
ADVANZ. The Vicious Worm. 2014.
Bartonellosis: A One Health Approach to An Emerging Infectious Disease, 2014
Bartonellosis: One Health perspectives on an emerging infectious disease, Sept 10, 2014
Comparative Oncology, Khana. Published January 12, 2014.
Dr. Barbara Natterson-Horowitz. TED Talk: What veterinarians know that physicians don't. September 2014.
No Bees, No Food, John Miller, TEDxUNC. March 20, 2014.
One Health: From Concept to Action, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; 2014
Pennsylvania State Frontiers of Science. "Strategies For Survival On Planet Earth".; 2014.
Texas A&M University: One Health Student Association: KAGSTV April 24, 2014.
University of San Francisco. Zoonoses From Exotic Pets -- Lily Jones, DO. 2014.
What Veterinarians Know that Physicians don't, Barbara Natterson-Horowitz, 2014. What do you call a veterinarian who can only take care of one species? A physician.
What did I do on my summer vacation: Experience with Ebola in West Africa, 12 Aug - 25 Sep, Dr. Tom Ksiazek, DVM, PhD/ Department of Pathology/GNL, UTMB, October 2014.
One Health: An Introduction by Professor Dirk Pfeiffer, October 3, 2013
One Health Approach: Risk Management for Neurocysticercosis workshop. Collection of 4 video presentations. Published November 27, 2013.
One Health @ UGA. Map Apps And Historical Epidemics: The Great Smallpox Outbreak Of The American Revolution. 2016.
Our Livestock Are Out Mother--Doing Community One Health in Kaabong, Uganda. November 13, 2013. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
ONE HEALTH — Uniting Human, Animal and Environmental Health at Texas A&M University August 13, 2013.
Prince Mahidol Award Conference 2013, A World United Against Infectious Diseases: Cross-Sectoral Solutions
University of Georgia One Health Symposium. Ecology Of Poverty And Disease.;2013.
University of Georgia One Health Symposium. Emerging Viruses: From Influenza To Bas-Congo Virus. 2013.
University of Georgia One Health Symposium. Global Health Through A Multidisciplinary Lens. 2013.
Dependence - University College Dublin. November 29, 2012.
Dr. Barbara Natterson-Horowitz. TedX Talk: Not Uniquely Human. December 13, 2012.
Dr. Lonnie King - Keynote - One Health Approach to Antimicrobial Resistance and Use. Published Nov 26, 2012.
Dr. Ron DeHaven - Antimicrobial Use in Veterinary Medicine Today and Tomorrow. Published November 27, 2012.
Harmonization for Health in Africa. Introduction On The "One Health Tool".; 2016.
[Integrating] Primary Care and Public Health. 2012 They weren't calling it One Health yet, but that's what this video, produced by the U.S. Institute of Medicine (now called the National Academy of Medicine), was calling for. The integration of primary care and public health can enhance the capacity of both sectors to carry out their respective missions and link with other stakeholders to catalyze a collaborative, inter-sectoral movement toward improved population health.
Leishmaniasis Found in U.S. Horse for the First Time. November 15, 2012.
Microbe World. One Health: Humans, Animals and the Environment. 2012.
TheMizzouTube. Mizzou Advantage: One Health, One Medicine. May 2, 2012.
Beauty and the Beef: Achieving Compatibility Between Wildlife Conservation and Livestock Production. December 7, 2011.
Influenza Matrix & One Health Vision. April 8, 2011. Illyria Capua.
Frontiers in One Health - Understanding the Ecology of Emerging Diseases in Wildlife and People. June 20, 2011.
Jeffery Sachs on Rio+20 Climate Change Presentation at the UN 2011 (Bio for Jeffrey Sachs)
One Health and the Lessons Learned from the 1999 West Nile Virus Outbreak (MWV46). March 22, 2011.
University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine. Frontiers In One Health and EcoHealth Alliance - Understanding The Ecology Of Emerging Diseases In Wildlife And People. 2011.
University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine. Frontiers In One Health -- Disease Resurgence From Climactic And Ecological Change. 2011.
University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine. Frontiers In One Health -- From Some Health To One Health -- An MD Perspective. 2011.
University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine. Frontiers In One Health -- Management Challenges Of A Rainforest Exhibit. 2011.
University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine. Frontiers in One Health - Understanding the Ecology of Emerging Diseases in Wildlife and People. June 20, 2011.
University of California TV. One Health: Water Animals Food And Society. 2011.
AfriVIP Information Portal Videos
CDC and Medscape Post Valuable One Health Videos
Congressional Staff Briefing: Beyond Fences with Dr. Steve Osofsky, YouTube, January 7, 2010.
European Commission Young Vets Meeting. December 2010.
One Health from Idea to Action: You Tube Video
Peter Daszak at TEDMED 2010: Local Conservation, Global Health
Directorate General for Health & Consumers of the European Commission. Young Vets Meeting- "One Health" Initiative And The Role Of "Vets In Your Daily Life".; 2010.
Arnott S. Sleeping Ruff. Vimeo. 2009. Benefits of the Human / Animal Bond
Envriovet. Envirovet: Vision For Tomorrow.; 2009. Ravenswood Media production.
Lonnie King: One Health. Published Aug 17, 2009.
One World One Health: Building Interdisciplinary Bridges to Health in a Globalized World. 2004. (Links to slide and video presentations)