Many national and subnational governments, government agencies, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and intergovernmental organizations have recognized the need for a One Health approach. To clarify this evolving policy landscape, the One Health Commission has begun compiling these One Health Strategic Action Plans.
This compilation is a global One Health community effort. Please help us make this webpage a tool for showing colleagues and policymakers how much One Health thinking is being implemented globally. Please contact us with any suggestions for additions or modifications at ohc@onehealthcommission.org.
Quadripartite One Health Joint Plan of Action

The One Health Quadripartite** is a collaborative framework of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH*), and World Health Organization (WHO) to coordinate their respective efforts using a One Health approach, and support their respective members in also doing so. A feature of their work has been the creation of a One Health Joint Plan of Action (OH JPA) in coordination with the One Health High-Level Expert Panel (OHHLEP). The OH JPA seeks to outline the continued integration of the Quadriparite's collective One Health efforts. A draft for comments was released in March 2022. A final version was released in October 2022. More details on the development process can be found here.
View the One Health Joint Plan of Action (2022-2026) here
*Prior to 28 May 2022, WOAH used its founding initials (derived from the founding name Office International des Épizooties; "OIE"). WOAH materials listed here predate that rebranding.
**Some documents listed below precede the addition of the UNEP to the Quadripartite framework on 17 March 2022, previously termed the "Tripartite" or "Tripartite Plus."
National One Health Strategic Action Plans (By Country)
This publication may be useful for countries / entities planning to develop a One Health Strategic Plan
Ghai, R.R., Wallace, R.M., Kile, J.C. et al. A generalizable one health framework for the control of zoonotic diseases. Sci Rep 12, 8588 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-12619-1
Images link to the most recent plans we are aware of. Older plans and supplemental materials are included below the images.
Global Organizations' One Health Framework Documents
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
FAO-UNEP-WOAH*-WHO Quadripartite**
As stated above in the 'Joint Plan of Action' section, the "Qaudripartte"** is a collaborative framework between the FAO, WOAH*, WHO & UNEP to coordinate their efforts using a One Health approach.
Also, see the following 2008 document:
*Prior to 28 May 2022, WOAH used its founding initials (derived from the founding name Office International des Épizooties; "OIE"). WOAH materials listed here predate that rebranding.
**Documents listed in the 'Global Organizations' section precede the addition of the UNEP to the Quadripartite framework on March 17, 2022, before termed the "Tripartite."
UNEP: Preventing the Next Pandemic: Zoonotic diseases and how to break the chain of transmission
World Bank: World Bank Operational framework for strengthening human, animal and environmental public health systems at their interface
WHO: Ending the neglect to attain the Sustainable Development Goals One Health: Approach for action against neglected tropical diseases 2021–2030
Contributing to One World, One Health: A Strategic Framework for Reducing Risks of Infectious Diseases at the Animal–Human–Ecosystems Interface
Regional One Health Frameworks
African Union: Africa CDC One Health Framework for One Health Practice in National Public Health Institutes
Eastern Mediterranean Region of WHO: One Health operational framework for action for the Eastern Mediterranean Region, focusing on zoonotic diseases
Economic Community of West Africa States (ECOWAS): Also see below, "US CDC Facilitated One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization Workshops".
- Operationalizing the ECOWAS regional one health coordination mechanism (2016–2019): Scoping review on progress, challenges and way forward
- Prioritizing zoonotic diseases using a multisectoral, One Health approach for The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
- Report on One Health Technical and Ministerial Meeting to Address Zoonotic Diseases and Related Public Health Threats
- Communiqué: One Health Ministerial Meeting To Address Zoonotic Diseases and Other Related Public Health Threats - Dakar, Senegal, 11 November 2016
Horn of Africa: One Health Policy Context of Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya
Countries identified as having One Health Antimicrobial Resistance Action Plans
Click here to view Intergovernmental and Select National One Health AMR Plans on a separate page.

Countries/regions that have completed CDC One Health Zoonotic Disease Prioritization (OHZDP) workshops
Learn more on the CDC One Health website. Workshops have been held in these countries & regions
Abbas S, Shorten T, Rushton J, (2021). Meanings and mechanisms of One Health partnerships: insights from a critical review of literature on cross-government collaborations. Health Policy and Planning
Errecaborde KM, Macy KW, Pekol A, et al. (2019). Factors that enable effective One Health collaborations - A scoping review of the literature. PLoS ONE 14(12): e0224660.
Bhatia R (2019). Implementation framework for One Health approach. Indian J Med Res. 49(3):329-331.
Barton Behravesh C, Sinclair J, (2019). Successes and remaining challenges within the One Health approach. Scientific and Technical Review, Vol. 38(1).
Johnson I, (2016). The challenges of implementing an integrated One Health surveillance system in Australia: A qualitative study, University of Adelaide.
Rist C, Arriola C, Rubin C, (2014) Prioritizing Zoonoses: A Proposed One Health Tool for Collaborative Decision-Making. PLoS ONE. 2014;9(10):e109986. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0109986.
Alders R, Deen J, Elkins D, et al. (2011). A "One Health" Strategy for Building Capacities to Prevent and Respond to Disease Outbreaks. EcoHealth 7: 136.
One Health: The Human-Animal-Environment Interfaces in Emerging Infectious Diseases
Food Safety and Security, and International and National Plans for Implementation of One Health Activities
United States Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service American Rescue Plan (ARP) Surveillance Program: Strategic Framework
The United Kingdom Human Animal Infections and Risk Surveillance (HAIRS) Group 2017 report
Page last updated 9-8-22
This information compiled by Dr. Neil Vezeau and the One Health Commission. The materials presented on this webpage do not imply any opinions of the One Health Commission concerning the legal status of any country, territory, or area, or of its governing authority(s), or its geographic boundaries.
The One Health Commission and any other creator(s) of this webpage claim no ownership of works cited, hyperlinked, or otherwise included herewithin. Copyrights of such works belong to their respective owners. The inclusion of such works on this webpage is covered by fair use doctrine under United States Federal law.