Launched June 2022
Many governmental and non-governmental organizations, academics, and other individuals have created a diverse array of tools to assist One Health practitioners and lifelong learners. These documents aid in health systems management, disease surveillance, research, learning, and much more. To help streamline awareness of and access to them, the One Health Commission has gathered tools and toolkits from across the web and presented them below.
This compilation is a global One Health community effort. Please help us make this webpage a complete and useful space to showcase resources for implementing a One Health approach. Feel free to contact us with any suggestions for additions or modifications at ohc@onehealthcommission.org.
Page Contents - One Health Tools & Toolkit Topics:
One Health Tools & Toolkits for Zoonotic Disease Control:
In alphabetical order by organization
The resources in this section focus on priority pathogens other than SARS-CoV-2
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) - World Health Organization (WHO) - World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH*) Tripartite**:
The Tripartite** coordination framework of the FAO, WHO, and WOAH* lead to the development of the Tripartite Zoonoses Guide to help countries address zoonoses
*Prior to 28 May 2022, WOAH used its founding initials (derived from the founding name Office International des Épizooties; "OIE"). WOAH materials listed here predate that rebranding.
**Documents listed here precede the addition of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to the Tripartite framework on 17 March 2022, now termed the "Quadripartite."
One-Health European Joint Program (OHEJP): Many EJP projects may be described as "tools". All can be found here.
Additionally, the OHEJP knowledge management platforms mostly pertain to zoonoses. They can also be found below in the 'Organizational Management' section.
- OHEJP Glossary - word reference guide to improve communication between OH sectors. More information here
- ORION Knowledge Hub - Builds upon the OHEJP Glossary by comparing uses of terms across different OHEJP projects
State of Arizona:
University of Minnesota:
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Strategies to Prevent (STOP) Spillover Project:

United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC):
One Health Tools & Toolkits for COVID-19 & Other Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID):
In alphabetical order by organization
One Health Tools for Geospatial Analysis:
In alphabetical order by organization

SMART Partnership:
United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA):
One Health Tools & Toolkits for Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR):
In alphabetical order by category
Intergovernmental organizations:
Academic resources:
NGO & Other resources:
One Health Tools & Toolkits for Advocacy, Policy, & Governance:
In alphabetical order by resource title

Tools & Toolkits for One Health Education:

One Health Workforce Academies:
Tools & Toolkits for One Health Organizational Management:
In alphabetical order by organization
OHEJP: These knowledge management systems mostly pertain to zoonoses and can be found in the 'Zoonotic Disease Control' section above.
- OHEJP Glossary - word reference guide to improve communication between OH sectors. More information here
- ORION Knowledge Hub - builds upon the OHELP glossary by comparing uses of terms across different OEJP projects
Tools & Toolkits for One Health Event-Planning:
Other resources:
Additional Resources Relevant to One Health Tools & Toolkits:
In reverse chronological order by publication date

Global One Health Index:
Pelican K, Salyer S, Barton Behravesh C, et al. Synergising tools for capacity assessment and One Health operationalisation. Rev Sci Tech Off Int. Epiz. 2019;38(1):71–89.
Understanding the 'One Health' Concept: The Value of Storytelling, September 2018, presentation by Helena Chapman, MD, PhD, at the NASA Health and Air Quality Team Meeting. Shares a toolkit to: Observe, Analyze, & Communicate
Davis M, Rankin S, Schurer J, et al. Checklist for One Health Epidemiological Reporting of Evidence (COHERE). One Health. 2017;4:12-21. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.onehlt.2017.07.001
Rist C, Arriola C, Rubin C, (2014) Prioritizing Zoonoses: A Proposed One Health Tool for Collaborative Decision-Making. PLoS ONE. 2014;9(10):e109986. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0109986.
Zinsstag J, Schelling E. Bonfoh B, et al. Towards a 'One Health' research and application tool box. Vet Ital. 2009;45(1):121-33.
Oxfam: Building Trust in Diverse Teams: The Toolkit for Emergency Response (2007).
Webpage last updated 9-14-22
This information was compiled by Dr. Neil Vezeau and the One Health Commission. The One Health Commission and any other creator(s) of this webpage claim no ownership of works cited, hyperlinked, or otherwise included herein. Copyrights of such works belong to their respective owners. The inclusion of such works on this webpage is covered by fair use doctrine under United States Federal law.