Academic Organizations
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Map of Academic Institutions, Organizations, Groups, Labs identified around the world as actively working to further One Health.
View Who's Who in One Health 10-24-24 Academic Map in a full screen map
216 Academic Entities mapped 10-24-24
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Listing of depicted Academic Organizations working for One Health
- Aberystwyth University
- Africa One Health University Network (AFROHUN, formerly OHCEA)
- Appalachian State University
- Auburn University One Health
- Berry College Center for One Health
- Biology Integration Institute Regional OneHealth Aerobiome Discovery Network
- Cambridge University One Health Society (CUOHS)
- Canada's Global One Health Network (Global1HN)
- Center for Animal and Human Health in Appalachia (CAHA), Lincoln Memorial University
- Center for Applied One Health Research and Policy (OHRP), Hong Kong
- Center for Emerging Infectious Diseases, U Iowa
- Center for Emerging, Zoonotic and Arthropod-borne Pathogens (CEZAP), Virginia Tech U
- Center for International Health, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (CIH-LMU) One Health-TARGET Project
- Centre for One Health Education, Advocacy, Research and Training (COHEART)
- Center for One Health Education, Research and Development (COHERD), Indian Institute of Public Health
- Center for One Health Illinois, U Illinois, Urbana
- Center for One Health, Fontbonne U
- Center for One Health Research (COHR-Alaska), University of Alaska, Fairbanks
- Center for One Health Research (COHR-Viginia Tech U)
- Center for One Health Research (COHR-Washington), University of Washington
- Center for One Health Research, Virginia-Maryland CVM and the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine
- Chinese Consortium for One Health (CCOH)
- Chinese One Health Center for Tropical Disease Research
- City University Hong Kong Center for Applied One Health Research and Policy Advice
- Colorado State University One Health Institute
- Colorado State University School of Public Health
- Cornell K. Lisa Yang Center for Wildlife Health
- Delaware Valley University One Health Working Group (See also )
- Duke Comparative Oncology Group
- Duke Kunshan University-China (DKU)
- Duke University Nicholas School of the Environment
- Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine (VCOM) with the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine
- Ferrum College One Health Undergraduate Minor
- Fontbonne University One Health BSc
- Forschungskolleg 'One Health and Urban Transformation', U Bonn, Germany
- Georgetown University Medical Center and MSc in Global Infectious Diseases
- Georgia Southern University Institute for Health Logistics and Analytics
- Global Health Institute, U Wisconsin-Madison
- Global One Health Initiative, U Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine
- Global One Health Initiative, Ohio State University
- Hainan Medical University One Health Bulletin
- Hannover Medical School Infectious Diseases and One Health Program in partnership with the Université de Tours and Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
- Health and Livelihoods Group (HEAL)
- Helsinki One Health (HOH), University of Helsinki, Finland
- Helmholtz Institute for One Health (HIOH)
- Hokkaido University One Health Frontier Graduate School of Excellent and One Health Research Center
- Hong Kong Metropolitan University Li Ka Shing School of Professional and Continuing Education (HKMU LiPACE)
- Horizon Solutions, Yale University
- Infectious Diseases and One Health Consortium (IDOH)
- Initiative for One Health and the Environment, University of Maine
- Institut Agronomique et Veterinair Hassan II MSc One Health
- Institute for Global Health, Michigan State U
- Institute for Health Logistics & Analytics, Georgia Southern University
- Institute for Infectious Animal Diseases, Texas A&M University
- Instituto de Medicina Tropical Alexander von Humboldt (IMTAvH)
- Institut Pasteur
- Institute of Tropical Medicine of Antwerp - Belgium
- Iowa State University College of Veterinary Medicine (ISU-CVM)
- Johns Hopkins U One Health Laboratory
- Kaduna State University Center for Biosecurity, Biosafety, Infectious Diseases and One Health (CEBBIDOH)
- KU Leuven One Health Institute - Belgium
- Lancet One Health Commission, Northern Secretariat, U Oslo, Norway
- Lancet One Health Commission, Southern Secretariat, Kumasi, Ghana
- Louisiana State University One Health
- Ludwig Maximilian University Munich Center for International Health
- Makerere University Infectious Diseases Institute
- Malawi University
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
- Massey University One Health Program
- McMaster University
- Medical Virology Tygerberg
- Michigan State University Canadian Studies Center One Health Initiative (CSC OHI)
- Midwestern University One Health Center
- Murdoch University One Health Education, Research, Outreach
- National University of Singapore One Health Research Network
- Nebraska One Health and One Health Lab Group, University of Nebraska, Lincoln
- Nepal One Health, U Michigan
- Netherlands Center for One Health Research
- Next Generation One Health Philippines (NGOHP) (Fellowship Program)
- North Carolina State University Global One Health Academy
- NOVA University de Lisbon Antonio Xavier Institute of Chemical and Biological Technology, One World One Health
- NOVA University de Lisbon Medical School
- Oklahoma State University One Health Innovation Lab
- Oklahoma State University One Health Research and Symposia
- Olea-Popelka One Health Research Group, Western University Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry, Canada
- One Health Against Pathogens (OHAP) Academic Coalition (McGill U, U Montreal, U Guelph, U Saskatchawan)
- One Health Azerbaijan, Khazar University
- One Health Brasil
- One Health Center of Excellence, University of Florida
- One Health Central and East Africa (OHCEA) - Now AFROHUN
- One Health Club of Cholistan U, Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Pakistan
- One Health Colombia
- One Health Cymru, Wales, UK
- One Health at Dundalk Institute of Technology
- One Health Institute of Africa, U Kinshasa
- One Health Institute, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University
- One Health Institute Colorado State University
- One Health Institute, University of California, Davis, USA
- One Health Institute - University of Guelph
- One Health at Cornell University, New York, USA
- One Health at Kansas State University
- One Health at Massey University, New Zealand
- One Health at University of Minnesota, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
- One Health Microbiome Center (OHMC), Huck Institute, Pennsylvania State University
- One Health Modelling Network for Emerging Infections (OMNI - RÉUNIS)
- One Health, One Caribbean, One Love Project, U West Indies (Now Sunsetted)
- One Health at Purdue CVM
- One Health Regional Network for the Horn of Africa (HORN)
- One Health Research Group, James Cook University, Australia
- One Health Sweden
- One Health at the University of Calgary, Canada
- One Health at the U Edinburgh Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- One Health at The University of Georgia
- One Health University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
- "One Health" at the University of Veterinary and Animal Science (UVAS)
- One Health Water, University of Brighton
- One Health Workforce Academies (OHWA)
- One Health Workforce, Next Generation, U Minnesota / USAID
- Oniris, Universities of Nantes and Angers, ESA, Man-Imal MSc in One Health
- Pennsylvania State University Undergraduate One Health Minor
- Peruvian University Cayetano Heredia
- Queen's University
- Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine
- Rural Federal University of Pernambuco (UFRPE), Brasil
- Sapienza Universita di Roma
- Somali One Health Center, Abrar University
- South Africa Center for Infectious Disease Surveillance (SACIDS), Foundation for One Health, One Africa
- South Dakota One Health, U South Dakota School of Medicine
- South East Asia One Health University Network (SEAOHUN)
- Stanford University Comparative Research
- St. George's University
- Stellenbosch University - National Health Lab
- Sun Yat-sen University (SYSU) School of Public Health One Health Research Center of Excellence for Research and Training
- Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
- Texas A&M University Global One Health
- Texas A&M University Institute for Infectious Animal Diseases (IIAD)
- Texas Tech University Institute for One Health Innovation
- The Leendertz Lab, U Greifswald (Part of Robert Koch Institute)
- Todos Santos Center, Colorado State U
- Tufts University Clinical and Translational Science One Health Program
- Tufts University Museums in One Health
- Udayana University One Health Collaborating Center
- Una Europa One Health
- Universidad La Salle
- Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona - UAB Barcelona, MSc in Zoonoses and One Health
- Université Paris Cité One Health-Emerging Infectious Diseases Graduate School
- University of Arizona One Health Research Initiative, Mel & Enid Zuckerman School of Public Health
- University of Basel Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute Online Course
- University of Bologna - One Health International Study Center
- University of Bonn OH and Urban Transformation Graduate School
- University of Chile, Una Salud Chile
- University College Dublin
- University of Copenhagen
- University of Geneva
- University of Georgia
- University of Glasgow One Health
- University of Greifswald Helmholtz Institute for One Health (HIOH)
- University of Hawaii One Health Interdisciplinary Certificate Program
- University of Idaho Institute for Interdisciplinary Data Sciences and Computational One Health
- University of Leige One Health Initiatives
- University of Lisbon Faculty of Medicine and Institute of Environmental Health
- University of London Royal Veterinary College and London School of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene
- University of Maine, Initiative for One Health and the Environment
- University of Maryland, U.S.-Middle East One Health Network
- University of Melbourne, One Health PhD Program
- University of Missouri School of Medicine One Health Biorepository
- University of Missouri, Zalk Veterinary Medical Library
- University of Montreal One Health Initiative
- University of Niccolò Cusano
- University of North Carolina Gillings School of Public Health
- University of Oslo Center for Pandemics and One Health Research
- University of Pennsylvania Environmental Innovations Initiative, One Health@Penn
- University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine and School of Medicine, One Health @ Penn Vet
- University of Pretoria Centre for Viral Zoonoses (UP CVZ)
- University of Pretoria One Health Network
- University of Pretoria One Health Platform
- University of Sarajevo One Health MSc Program
- University of Saskatchewan
- University of Saskatchewan - Office of One Health and Wellness PAWSitive Connections Lab (Dr. Colleen Dell)
- University of Surrey, One Health, One Medicine
- University of Sydney Infectious Diseases Institute - One Health
- University of Tennessee One Health Initiative
- University of Texas Medical Branch - Galvaston One Health (UTMB One Health)
- University of Thessaly, Department of Public Health and One Health
- University des Tours, France (with Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and Hannover Medical School)
- University of Utrecht - One Health
- University of the West Indies
- University of Western Ontario Schulich School of Medicine and Dentistry (MSc and PhD in One Health)
- University of Zurich One Health Institute
- U.S. Smithsonian Museum of Natural History
- Unity Environmental University
- Utah State University One Health
- Virginia Tech University One Health / Public Health Program, Center for One Health and CZAP
- Wageningen University and Research
- Washington State University Paul G. Allen School of Global Health
- Washington University St. Louis
- Wayne State College, Nebraska, One Health Studies Major-Undergraduate
- Western University of Health Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine
- Western (University) One Health Network (WOHN)
- Westminster College Undergraduate One Health Major
- West Virginia University - One Health West Virginia Project
- Yale University One Health Research Faculty
- Zoo New England One Health Program
- Zoobiquity Research Initiative, UCLA and Harvard U
- Zoonoses and Emerging Livestock Systems (ZELS)
(Scroll down to find downloadable template to submit)
Additional Resources
Allen-Scott LK, Buntain B, Hatfield JM, Meisser A, Thomas CJ. Academic Institutions and One Health: Building Capacity for Transdisciplinary Research Approaches to Address Complex Health Issues at the Animal-Human-Ecosystem Interface. Acad Med. 2015 Jul;90(7):866-71. doi: 10.1097/ACM.0000000000000639
One Health Opportunities Online Bulletin Boards and Higher Level One Health Education Resources
One Health Training, Research and Outreach Series of Articles - 2016
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See Also: