Current Actions of the One Health Commission

Connecting Global One Health Networks
Leading One Health Actions
Educating about the importance of One Health
Mentoring and Training the Next Generation of One Health Professionals
Connecting Global One Health Networks
Leading One Health Actions 
- Provides a ‘safe, no judgement, zone’ for trans-professional conversations, projects and actions addressing the world’s most challenging problems from Antimicrobial Resistance to Health impacts of Climate Change, Emerging Pathogens and other One Health topics.
- Informs government officials, policy makers and ultimately the public about the One Health approach through collaborative efforts.
- Creates and Leads volunteer One Health Action Teams
Educating about the Importance of One Health
- Raises awareness about the economic, public health and global security benefits of a One Health approach:
- Leads webinars about One Health and on One Health topics
- Provides webinar platform for One Health Academy, Washington, D.C.
- Provides webinar plaftform for International Student One Health Alliance
- Spearheaded stakeholder partnerships to create and lead global One Health Day, November 3, 2016 inaugural event.
- Spearheaded with partners creation of international 1HOPE initiative
- Communicates credible, science-based information on One Health issues to the public through various communication venues such as the bi-lingual ‘What is One Health?’ public service radio announcement distributed to 1000 radio stations across the U.S. and through webinars such as Understanding Bartonella: A One Health Perspective.
- Provides on its website consolidated overviews of One Health events, scientific publications, relevant popular media news items, One Health related training, employment and funding opportunities. Distributes a monthly One Health Happenings Newsletter.
- Actively develops a curricula for One Health education, K-12 and beyond, which will be available internationally.
- Provides global outreach and representation of One Health at major International conferences.
Mentoring and Training the Next Generation of One Health Professionals
- Internationally connects, and supports Students for One Health (SOH) groups by providing dedicated SOH website space, a SOH listserv, online SOH meetings (1) (2) , and a platform of support for SOH projects across the globe.
- Facilitatated creation of International Student One Health Alliance
- Is your ‘connection’ to the next generation of One Health professionals. Tap into the Students for One Health network to recruit graduate students, employees, collaborators from other disciplines, visiting scholars, guest speakers and more.