Institutional Membership - Academic, Non-Profit, Governmental / Intergovernmental Organizations
See an overview of the One Health Commission's work.
Your membership as an Academic, Non-Profit, Governmental / Intergovernmental Organization helps us deliver:
It also helps us lead (since 2016) global One Health Day.
And that is just skimming the surface of our work.
Membership at any level, donations of 'any' size are welcome. At any level you can submit key leaders to provide valuable expertise through working groups and other volunteer activities. Here are several 'suggested' levels of Institutional Membership.
Vanguard Level - Annual Contribution - $10,000 Plus
- Logo placement on One Health Commission website and in every newsletter
- Additional benefits as listed in Leader, Promoter and Supporter Sponsorship levels
Leader Level - Annual Contribution - $5,000
- Opportunity to nominate someone from your Institution to serve on the Advisory Council (subject to Board approval)
All Sponsors - Vanguard ($10,000 Plus), Leader ($5,000), Promoter ($2,500), Supporter ($1,000), Other
- Opportunity to support and contribute to One Health Commission Working Group efforts
- Access to One Health Commission online One Health Library

- Option to receive free, monthly One Health Happenings Newsletter
- Acknowledgement / recognition on the One Health Commission website sponsors page and in the Annual Report
- Posting your organizational logo on a program webpage of your choice,
- Interdisciplinary networking / problem solving
- Tax deductible cash or 'in-kind' sponsorship
Remit via check and Snail Mail: (Preferred so 'every penny' comes to the One Health Commission. PayPal and credit cards take their cut.)
- Download and complete the Institutional Registration form
- Have your accounting department mail your check to:
One Health Commission
P.O. Box 972
Apex, North Carolina 27502
3. Mail the Institutional Registration form to the address above or email it to
If you prefer to do a Direct Deposit or need a Purchase Order or Invoice Number please contact
Remit online with credit card via PayPal: (Of course acceptable if you need to go this route. Academic Institutions, please use this Donate button if you wish to pay membership dues via credit card)
- Download and complete Institutional Registration form
- Return Institutional Registration form via email to
- Please click the donate button below to donate online with a credit card via PayPal
The One Health Commission is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in Washington DC and operating from North Carolina, USA, Tax ID #27-0799294. Flexible Membership donations are tax deductible.
Questions? Call 984-500-8093 or email