Mission, Vision, Goals, Outcomes

To educate and create networks to improve health and well-being outcomes of humans, animals and plants and to promote environmental resilience through a collaborative, global to local One Health approach.
We envision
A world in which the interconnectedness of animals, environment, plants and people is deeply, and systemically recognized, valued and acted upon in all decision making for the health and well-being of the planet and all life.
Goals / Aims
The Commission will achieve its mission by:
Connecting One Health Stakeholders
Creating Strategic Networks / Partnerships / Teams that work toward
Educating about One Health and One Health issues to support a paradigm shift in collaborations, information sharing and active health interventions.
The Outcomes of these endeavors will be improved:
Information Sharing / Networking
Interdisciplinary Programs / Teams
Disease Prevention / Interventions
Approaches to Therapy
Public Health
Environmental, Plant and Planetary Health