In Memoriam: James Harlan Steele (1913–2013)

In Memoriam: James Harlan Steele (1913–2013)


James Steele, DVM, MPH, passed away on November 10, 2013, in Houston; he was 100 years old. Jim Steele was an extraordinary man. All of the dimensions of his life were on a grand scale. He was larger than life in so many ways; his vision, his leadership, his accomplishments in public health, his worldwide friendships, his mentorship of scores of young acolytes who came within his orbit, his extraordinary memory, his bear hugs, and his longevity were all manifestations of his boundless enthusiasm for life.

The full article can be found here:

Schultz, Myron G. "In Memoriam: James Harlan Steele (1913–2013)". Emerg. Infect. Dis.20.3 (2014): n. pag. Web. 14 Aug. 2016.

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