G20 Summit: Make One Health a Reality
Authors: George Luedekke, Rohini Roopnarine, Richard Seifman In: IMPAKTER
“This is the summer of Italy on the World Stage–And recognition of One Health as a global concern: What happens in the Fall when the G20 meets? Will the G20 follow up on the recognition given to One Health by the G7, turning it into a world priority and adopting an actionable plan?..... “People, Planet, and Prosperity” is the very comprehensive agenda of the G20 that will include the results of the late July [2021]meetings on climate change and energy to be held in Naples, and those of a separate Health Ministerial meeting (September 5-6) to be held on Rome. ……………. A second concern is in the way the G20 Finance Minister’s report is written. It anchors One Health in the World Health Organization (WHO) and that at its core means “human health”. While mention is made of the OIE, FAO, UNEP, and others, it is WHO which is given the lead role and its brand seen everywhere….. The concern here is that WHO would hold human health – now getting the lion’s share of international, national, and non-profit funding, almost in the trillions – the principal focus, with animal and environmental aspects getting much less money and attention……… One Health provides a framework and way to consider the impact of socio-behavioral and cultural factors on public health."